The Refuge

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I stand in the middle of it.

Gazing around, I take it all in.

There's so many peope. The blue screens are now being used for gaming and tracking new break-outs, there is black spray paint on the wall that says "The Refuge", people scattered around laughing and talking. It's good for them, getting to know one another.

In some ways I miss the Bunker though.

Not that it hasn't changed much. We are still going to use the Bunker as a simualtion facility for training. Just in case, you know? And we moved TIM out of there and onto the ceiling here.

Not that it makes a difference... I still have so many memories here, so many bad ones, good ones too, but mainly bad.

I blink. I refuse to look back. Everything is perfect now. Nothing has gone wrong.

Still, looking around at the old ULTRA building does bring up memories.

"Hey, Lyric. Can you please tell Steven that this was an insane idea?" Cara asks, walking up to me with Steven. "It was." I nod, agreeing. "It's temporary." He laughs. "I know... until we find a new lair." I say. He nods. "But I think it's perfect. The place that once hunted them is now a haven." he says. "What about the people who used to work here?" Cara asks. "Founder's gone, that blonde chick-" I start. "Natalie." Steven inputs. "Right... Natalie has gone Awal, and our future is only as big as our imaginations." I state. Steven nods. "I have a pretty big imagination!" Russell yells from a couch near us.

I'm pretty sure he's drunk.

"What about Jedekiah?" Cara asks. "Stop worrying." I roll my eyes. "Have you heard from him though?" She asks. "Nope." I say. "But I could if I think real hard." I say. "Please don't... I don't want you lingering in my uncle's head... he's done some pretty scary stuff." Steven says. "True enough." I say.

We reach the office and I realise that we've been walking. "Go on. One of you try the chair." Cara says. "Ladies first." Steven says. I look at the chair that used to seat the Founder. I take a step toward it, than another.

Finally, I've reached it. I sit down carefully.

Feels... powerful.

I likeyyyyy.

"How is it?" Steven asks. "Powerful. I like it." I say. "Okay. Get up. My turn." He says. "No... I like it too much." I protest.

I am not getting up.

"Okay. Get up." He says. He grabs my hands and pulls me up. But as he sits down, he wraps a hand around my waist and pulls me back onto him.

I laugh. "Let me go, dork." I say. "No... I likeit too much." He says, mimicking my words, and even my accent. "Oh shut up." I say.

Suddenly I feel it... a nagging feeling. Odd.

John? It's definitely John. What? He doesn't have powers anymore. I look at Cara. She looks as confused as I feel. "You feel that, right?" I ask. She nods. "What? What is it?" Steven asks.

An image of John flashes through my head. John. Attached to a chair with wires and tubes connected to it. He's yelling our names. He looks like he's dying.

Steven looks between us. "What's wrong?"He asks concerned. "I felt John..." I say. "Me too..." she says. "It... felt like he was breaking out." She says. I just nod.

"That's impossible." Steven says. I look up at him, confused.

What the heck?



The door opens, a man walking in. Jedekiah swivels in the chair behind the desk, placing the book down.

"Doctor Price." The man says, sighing. "How did you get in here?" He asks. Jedekiah opens his mouth slowly, calculating what he's going to say. "I teleported." He says, simply.

Not believing him, the man lets out an amused breath. "I'm calling security." he says. "Woah. No." Jedekiah says, taking something out of his coat and placing it on the desk.

A gun.

"Uh... don't do that." he says. The man seems slightly more worried now. "Please sit, senator." Jedekiah gestures to the chairs in front of the desk. Keeping his eyes on him, the senator slowly walks toward the chairs but does not sit.

"If this is about ULTRA..." Jedekiah cuts him off saying, "Oh, no. I'm not here rattling the can for grant money. No... I want to start a new organisation. A partnership." The senator glances at the gun on the desk. "With whom?" the senator asks. "What branch of defense or intelligence wouldn't want a paranormal super soldier?" Jedekiah proposes. The man gives him an odd look. "Oh that's right... last time we talked about this you had me thrown in a rubber room. Which is why I've brought one with me." Jedekiah says.

As if on que, a paranormal teleports in.

The paranormal is standing beside the senator holding a gun to his head. The paranormal has blond hair gelled back professionally, and is wearing a suit. He has hard features and a sort of mischievious smile behind the straight face.

"Senator Kelsey meet John Young. My first prototype." Jedekiah says. "Nice to meet you senator." John says, simply.

"So lets get down to business, shall we? Who are your contacts with the Pentagon?" Jedekiah asks, placing a candy in his mouth. The senator turns his head to look at John. John smiles a bit and cocks his head.


The elevator dings. John and Jedekiah exit. "Well that went well." Jedekiah remarks. John smiles and they begin walking toward the exit of the building.

Jedekiah hands him a folder. "What's this?" he asks, taking it. He circles around to face Jedekiah, looking down at the folder. "Our next mission." Jedekiah says.

John opens the folder, flipping through the pages. He passes a page with an asian teen wearing a colourful jacket. The top left hand corner says 'Russell Kwon' in bold letters. He flips the page. A girl with brown hair and pretty features appears. The top corner says 'Cara Coburn' this time. He flips the page. This time it is another girl with bright blue eyes, and white blonde hair. The corner now says 'Lyric Young'.

He stops there for a second, taking it in. "Do you recognise her?" Jedekiah asks. John shrugs. "Am I supposed to?" he asks. Jedekiah just smiles. "What do you want with her?" John asks, examining the page. "Well if this little endeavor of ours is supposed to work, we, uh, we need recruits with your skill set." Jedekiah says. John nods. "She's our first recruit." Jedekiah finishes. John closes the folder.

"The first of many." Jedekiah says, patting John's shoulder and repeating himself. "The first of many."

Together, they walk out of the building.

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