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Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow.

Okay. No, they aren't torturing me, well in a way they are, or he is. Does it matter?

Jedekiah is dragging me down a hallway by my forearm and let me tell you, his grip is so painful.

I swear if he presses any harder, it'll break a bone.

We pass Steven in the hall and Jedekiah grabs him too on the way by. "Ow." Steven complains. I roll my eyes.


What? Just because it hurts doesn't mean I'm a baby. Comes his reply.

Doesn't mean you have to whine about it like a 5 year old. I haven't complained once and I've been like this for 5 minutes.

Any idea where we're going?


What happened in there?


It can't be nothing.

Well... I might've teleported out of my suppression cuffs.

Well that's something.

Oh shut up. He told me to.

I can tell he's about to make some snarky remark in my head when we come to a sudden stop in front of 2 glass doors. He swipes his card to open the doors and pulls us inside.

"You could have been less mean about it. Ow." Steven complains, once again, rubbing his arm. "Baby." I remark. "Am not! I'm aloud to complain about stuff! Free country!" he exclaims. "You've forgotten that I'm not from this country. And you can't just whine like a 5 year old." He just rolls his eyes.

You've won. For now.

"Children!" Jedekiah snaps us out of our fight. "Stop fighting. I didn't bring you 2 here for this." he continues. "Then what did you bring us here for?" Steven asks. "I want to test something. I want to see what she can do." he explains, pointing to me.

"I can't... It's not like I'm any different than him." I argue, pointing to Steven. He shakes his head. "You can get out of suppression cuffs. I want to know why." he states. I'm about to argue again when he starts talking. "Okay. Without touching it, teleport that weight across the room." he orders, pointing to the weight in the corner. "Um... that's not possible." Steven states. "Just watch." Jed says, ignoring him.

I turn to the weight and hold out my hand, not sure how to do this. I close my eyes and focus on the weight. 30 seconds go by and nothing happens.

I turn. "I can't do it." I sigh, bring my hand through my hair. "Try again." he says. I sigh.

I turn back to the weight and focus on it again. This time, I focus on the weight while thinking on the other side of the room.

And then it happens.

I open my eyes, about to give up, when I feel a tug as though the weight is a magnet and I'm the metal that sticks to it. That goes on for about a second, until I watch the weight disappear before my eyes and then the tugging feeling is gone.

I turn around to find the weight behind me.... Steven barely stopping it from landing on his head. "You really don't like me, do you?" he smirks. "You're the reason I'm here." I state, keeping up the act that I don't want to be here.

"You'll find that it's actually pretty nice here." he states. I grunt and he slowly puts the weight down with telekinesis.

"He's right, you know." Jed states, back to being business-like. I really hate him. Does he have no feelings?

No he doesn't. Steven's voice says in my mind.

You heard that?


I roll my eyes. "I never wanted any of this." I say. "Well, neither did I, but you learn to deal with it." Steven tries to comfort me. I re-roll my eyes.

"So... how did she do that?" Steven asks. "I didn't even know that was possible." Jedekiah glances at both of us and a few minutes of stone-cold silence goes by and the anticipation is killing me as Jedekiah thinks.

Finally he says "She's a Synergist."

He looks at both of us to take in our expressions until finally I say "What the heck is a Synergist?" He glances at me and says "Synergists are homosuperiors that are born of 2 homosuperiors meaning both of your biological parents are homosuperiors. The guess is that they are more powerful than normal homosuperiors. Some, even, have many other powers such as controlling water, fire et cetera." he explains. "But the fact that you're John's sister makes me wonder..." he goes on. I go back into my act. "John?" I ask, confused. "The guy we were looking for at the bank." he says dismissively. "He isn't a Synergist. The odds of only one child being a Synergist... they're really low. And you seem to be very powerful. I've seen a few Synergists... but I've never seen one that's able to ignore the suppression cuff." he glances at my right wrist where the bracelet is still there.

"That reminds me... do you want that off? It's really not doing anything." he asks. I look at the bracelet. "No. I think it's cool. Makes me... different." I say. He nods. "Come. We'll get you set to begin your training." he says."Training. No... no. I don't want to-" he cuts me off. "It's not about what you want. You're here, so you're an agent now. No quitting." he says.

Inside, I jump for joy. I'm in! But outside, I cross my arms and reluctantly follow Steven and him back down the hallway.

This is going to be fun.

It's like a spy movie.

I always wanted to be in a spy movie situation.

Jed to the side >>>>>

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