One Problem

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Before the reach me, I take my phone out of my pocket, clicking the emergency button, catching the ULTRA bracelet as it falls off my wrist, tucking it in my back pocket along with my ULTRA badge. The button sends a notification to Cara and them, warning them that I'm in trouble.

They finally reach me, putting me in cuffs. They obviously called for backup because a black van pulls up. They shove me in, sitting me down.

I thought it was enough there, to bring me in like that, but apparently not, because they took out a silver case, opening it and pulling out a needle.

On high alert now, I struggle against it. I could easily just teleport away, but that would give my identity away. I'll have to wait.

They hold me still. "This won't hurt much. Just relax." the smirk-guy says gently. With that, he injects me with the shiny, silver liquid in the needle.

For a few seconds, I feel nothing, and my mind starts to go crazy wondering what they did, and wondering if they made me change back to my normal self, or if they were putting me to sleep and that I'd automatically change back once I was asleep or if they took away my powers...! No... it wasnt that last one... the take-away-stuff makes you have this seizure-type thing and its an orange liquid, not silver.

Then, just as quick as I finished my inner-conversation, I was out like a light. No warning. Just suddenly black.

Do you know how crappy it feels when that happens?

Yea. It sucks.


I wake up in a chair, pulled up against a table, handcuffed to the table.

I roll my eyes, examining my hands. No nail polish? Slightly different skin tone? Yea. I'm still shape shifted. Cool.

A few seconds go by, and I realise that the table is slightly reflective and I stare at my reflection. I look so... rebellious... even more than before. Blonde hair, black underneath, black eyes, no freckles, sharp features but overall, still really pretty.

I hear voices outside, approaching. I recognise them immediately. Jed and The Founder.

Why is The Founder here?

They walk in, still conversing about random stuff.

When they realise where they were, and that I'm awake, big, welcoming smiles brighten their faces.

"Good morning. Sorry about that whole kidnapping thing, but we had to at least get one of you here..." I'd heard Jeds speech before, so many times I have it practically memorised.

I let him go on until I get way too bored and I sigh, saying "Can we hurry this up?" Playing up the whole 'rebel-chic' deal.

"Ooh... snappy. British too." The Founder remarks. I just roll my eyes.

"Ok. Look. We're ULTRA, a government program to help your kind and-" I cut Jed off, continuing for him. "And protecting humanity and teaching us how to control our powers. Blah blah blah. I know all this. So where do I come in?" I snap. The Founder smirks, and I read his mind.

Look... we are in a war here...

I cut him off. So? First off, I knew that, and secondly... why would I care?

We need all the help we can get.

I sigh, finally figuring a way out of this.

Yes. I'll do it.

A smile lights up his face, meanwhile, Jed looks lost. "What just...? Ok. We need to stop having mind conversations." he sighs.

I smirk. "Your friend just convinced me. So... if you want to keep that deal, can you let me out?"

They did as I asked, quickly but cautiously letting me out.

And so, I worked the rest of the day. No one knew who I was. This was fun.

But fun only lasts so long, because as soon as I got home, I changed back to my natural self, promising never to be that girl again.

But now there's just 1 problem... how am I supposed to get John out? Stupid problems.

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