I Love You

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Steven stands, and rage is flooding through him. For a moment I'm afraid he'll do something he'll regret, but I read his mind.

Then, he teleports.

Jedekiah stoops to mourn his brother, but I look at the Founder. It's a look that I know just made him churn inside. "Lyric, I-" He starts, but I follow Steven.

I land in the Bunker, a step behind Steven. Astrid stands. "Steven." she says. Since when is she down here? Cara must've teleported her. Cara and John also stand as we approach. "Hey what happened?" Cara asks. John looks at me, giving me a look that says 'You should've stayed here.' but I ignore it.

Steven seems out of it, drifting right past them. "You okay?" Cara asks, softly trying to grab his shoulder but he brushes her off and continues walking. We all follow. "Where's Jedekiah?" They look at me but I shake my head and look at the ground, not willing to be the one to answer questions.

"My father's dead, Jedekiah killed him." Steven says, continuing walking, but they all stop. I follow Steven. Cara soon catches up and matches my pace behind him.

We make it to the offices. Steven wipes the blood off his hands, a pained expression on his face, while I just sit on the couch, staring blankly at the floor. Cara comes in.

"Steven... I'm so sorry." She says. "I couldn't save him." Steven cries. "I can stop time but I couldn't save him. I was too late. Jed thought maybe if he was shot that it would stop the machine. He was too late too." He turns. Then he reches under the deskand pulls out a metal box. He opens it and pulls out a gun.

Fear washes over Caras face as he exits the room. Her fear knocks me out of my stupor and we both launch into a walk behind him. "What are you doing? You know paranormals can't kill." Cara says. "He can." Steven points at John. "What? No! My brother is not being pulled into this!" I cry. "I'm not even one of you anymore." John says. "You were Annex, John. Why can't I be?" He must be going crazy. Annex almost killed John and killed countless other paranormals in order to make John be able to kill.

John looks at him, sizing him up. "A killer? You think... you think that's what your dad would've wanted?" His eyes squint. "None of this is what he wanted." Steven says angrily. He shakes his head, calming a little. "John... Where's the facility? Where were you weaponized?" Steven asks. "You can't seriously be thinking of doing this!" I yell. "I have to!" He shouts.

John shakes his head, looking down. "We're not letting you do this." John says. But I can see it. Steven's reading his mind.


"You already did." He says, and walks off. "Hey..." Astrid says. He turns. "I'm sorry, Astrid." He says. He looks at all of us individually and then continues off. I follow telepathically, watching where he goes. "Steven." Cara tries catching up with him. Steven stops and faces her. "Killing the Founder won't stop the machine. It won't save them." She says. "I know." He says, stone cold eyes. "Then why are you doing this?" she asks. "Revenge." he says.

I stay with him in his mind the whole way through.

He teleports.

Cara turns to me. "You followed?" she asks. I nod. "Go." she says. I turn to John. "I love you." I say. "Don't say that like you're saying goodbye." he says. "I might just be." I reply.

With that, I follow Steven.


He picks up a bottle. All I can do is watch. "Please." I whisper. "I have to." He says. The scientist nods. "This was manufactured this month." Steven says reading the bottle. "Why?" He turns to the scientist. "The Annex program was shut down years ago." he continues. "I just make the stuff, I don't know why he needed it." The scientist replies, fear written all over his face. "Who?" Steven asks, deadly cold. "I don't know his real name." The scientist replies. Steven gives him a death stare. The scientist complies to what he wants. "He called himself... The Founder..." The scientist says.

"Please Steven. Don't." I beg. He ignores me.


Lyric! Help! There's a paranormal kill squad at the Bunker! Russell shouts in my mind. I look at Steven. I need help, stat.Russell says.

What the heck am I supposed to do now?

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