Awww He's Blushing!!!!!

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Days go by.

I refuse to get up, so Steven tells them I'm sick. So far, they believe it but I don't know how much longer I can stay without them suspecting stuff.

I stare at the floor, the comfort of the blanket I've wrapped myself in is glorious.

The door opens slightly and then closes and I don't look up as whoever it is approaches.

I finally look up as he hands me a glass of water. "Thanks Russell." I give him a weak smile. "You're welcome." he responds, the concern in his voice is slightly overwhelming.

I expect him to leave, but he sticks around, awkwardly shifting between feet. "What do you want?" It comes out sharper than I intend. He winces. "Sorry." I whisper. He smiles at me reassuringly. "I wanted to ask if you... if you wanted to play some piano?" he asks.

I haven't played in forever. Wow.

I weigh my options and then get up, keeping the blanket wrapped around me. We make our way over to the piano, everyone staring as we do.

Finally we make it. The trip between the 2 rooms seemed agonizingly long.

I run my hands along the keys, sitting down and he leans against the piano.

I start to play, the mixed emotions of the song hitting me almost immediately and I smirk a bit.

When I finish, I realise that I've drawn a crowd.

Its quiet for a few seconds until 1 voice pipes up saying "I knew you were good, but not that good."

I could recognize that voice anywhere.

I snap to attention right away and stare in the direction that the voice had come from, most probably a look of pure awe on my face.

The crowd parts as though we were in a movie or a dream, and I have the feeling that I am in a dream. How... what... when...

I stare at him, still debating whether this is a dream or not. I finally decide that yes, it probably is. One way to find out.

I launch myself at him, running straight into his arms. He hugs me back and I smell the sweet, familiar smell of him. "You're back." I sigh, smiling into his shirt. "I'm back." John responds.


About an hour later, we're sitting in a Chinese restaurant talking, joking and overall just having fun. By we, I mean Steven, John, Russell, Cara and I.

"I still don't get how you got out." I say, taking another sip of my iced tea. "Yea. Let's have a story time!" Russell exclaims beside me. John and Steven look at each other and Steven nods.

"Well... The Founder was harassing me as expected, and I was just waiting for them to get it over with already. Of course, they wanted information but, I mean, like I was gonna give you guys up. He tried to get into my head a few times, but luckily I was able to block him." he starts. "Get on with it." I complain. "I wanna hear the epic escape part." He sighs. "I was getting there." I just roll my eyes.

"Anyway, as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted." he glares at me. I smirk. "A few hours before they were gonna kill me, Jedekiah comes in, saying his awful lies about how he loves me like a son and stuff... and when he leaned down to hug goodbye, he slipped me a knife, whispering in my ear telling me to wait for Steven." he continues. "I had no idea of this plan." Steven finally pipes up. "So when I went in to figure out a plan with him/ 'say goodbye'.... he attacked me."

I laugh, and after, I'm kind of sorry I did, 'cause Steven is trying to hide his embarrassment by glaring at me.

Awwww he's blushingggg....


"So yes, I attacked him. But to make it look realistic, he had to be in the dark. So I took out the guard, stealing his gun and saying sorry to Steven quickly. Then, I filled him in on my plan, and we got started. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him down the hall, pressing the gun to his head and threatening guards. So yea... that's it." he finishes.

Cue awkward silence.

"So...." I'm the 1st one to say. "So Lyric... you ready to go back to ULTRA?" Steven questions. "I don't know... I mean, they tried to kill my brother..." I say. "Oh come on... we need you." Steven says.

I give it a few minutes of silence... not because I needed to think of an answer, but because I wanted them to wait for my answer in complete anticipation.

"Lyric?" Cara states, waiting for the answer.

"Um...." I wanted to drag on the anticipation, so I said that word and....

I teleported away.

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