We Can Stop It

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So quick authors note:

I am determined to finish this book right now so I will be updating non-stop for the next few days.



I feel a presence over me, watching. It's the most annoying thing in the universe. Can't whoever it is just go away? I just want to stay sleeping, to be snuggled here forever. It's so comfy.

... wait a minute... when did I fall asleep? And where? This doesn't feel like my bed...

Suddenly I hear footsteps as someone enters the room, and I can feel the lingering gaze of whoever was sitting over me is gone for a few seconds as they must've turned to see who it was. But then it's back.

I really don't like that feeling of someone watching you while you sleep.

"She's still asleep?" The voice asks. It's a familiar voice. Soft. But it doesn't sound like he expected me to be awake. Who is that? "She's stirring a bit." Another person says, this time the voice is closer. I can tell that it's from the person sitting over me.

Suddenly a mechanical voice says "Her blood pressure and heart rate have picked up. In my experience, this means that she is, indeed, waking up."

Okay... I can't mistake that one as anyone else. That was definitely TIM. But why...?

Suddenly it all rushes back to me. Everything that happened before I fainted. Oh my gosh! How long have I been asleep?

As if on que, the voice across the room, who I now recognise as John, says "She's been asleep for a week. It's about time. Anyway... we need to fill her in on everything that has happened..." I hear him sigh. The voice over top of me, who I'm almost 100% sure is Roger, says "She may not take it well. How are you going to break it to her?" I can hear John sigh again.

I try to open my eyes, but it feels like they're glued shut with cement. Finally, I manage to open them, but I immediately squint. It's never been very bright, as we're underground, but when you've been sleeping for a week, it seems pretty natural that I find it at least semi-bright in here.

John looks up from the ground at me. "Lyric!" He cries, racing over to me."You're awake!" I slowly open my eyes wider. He hugs me, and Roger looks on with a smile.

"So... what won't I take well?" My voice sounds weak, kind of raspy. You know you've been asleep for a week when...

They both look at each other. Roger nods.

"Well..." John runs a hand through his hair.

I then realise how quiet it is. It's never quiet in the Bunker. Ever. "John... where is everyone?" I ask. He hesitates.

Then he sighs. "I guess you should know..."


John then goes on to explain that most of them went to ULTRA after ULTRA declared it safe to do so. They injected something into they're necks and it was supposedly a tracking device in case of emergency, and it was, but it was also a bomb.

They had bombs in they're bodies, and the Founder could set them off whenever he wished.

Then he told me that Jedekiah went rogue.

He went further to explain how Steven was going to do it.

"Wait... what? He's going to hook himself up to the machine?! That's crazy!" I exclaim. John nods. "I tried to tell him... but he fell apart once you... I still can't believe that I was right and telepathic spasms can happen." Roger says. "When?" I ask. "Tonight." John sighs.

"I have to save him!" I try sitting up, but a wave of dizziness comes over me and I'm forced to lay back down. "I still don't understand... what does the machine do?" I ask. "It's supposed to make a promise land for the Homosuperiors, but in reality, all it does is freeze time for every human, but not us, and they'd be stuck like that forever. Unless of course, we kill them while they're frozen." Roger exclaims. I nod. "Then why don't we do something. We're all Tomorrow People. We can stop it." I say, determined.

"The others are already working on that. Roger stayed back as he thought it would be safer for him to stay away from the machine, and I agreed." John explains. "Then why aren't you with them?" I ask slowly. He smiles a tight smile, the kind of sad smile that never means good things. "I came to see you." I can tell he's lying.

"John." I say, eyeing him. He sighs, brushing a bit of hair from my face and then says the words that I never in a million years thought that I would hear.

"Because they took my powers."

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