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I look between both of them, not sure if he was joking or not.

Realising they weren't was the hardest part. A tear slips out, then another, and another. "Oh John." I say, sitting up and hugging him. This time, I don't feel dizzy. "It'll be all right." He pulls back, looking into my eyes. "Now I need to go see someone. But I promise... I will see you again." He says, standing. He reaches the door, but stops, turning. "I love you, Lyric." And with that he leaves.

I sit back, taking in the moment.

"You want to fight, don't you?" Roger asks. I nod, not looking up. "Go." he says. I look up now. "What?" I ask. "Go. You should fight." he says. "What are you going to do?" I ask. He smiles. "I'll think of something." He says.

I smile back. "Thank you." I say. "Oh... before you go... this is for you." He hands me a green bottle. "What is it?" I ask. "It's a formula for your spasms. In a way, they're like vitamins. They'll enhance your telepathy, and your other powers to, so you can reach your full potential without causing spasms. If you ever need more, the label says the name as though it were a prescription, and the staff at any store or doctors office have the medication in stock and can replenish your supply. Just take 1 a day. That bottle will last you a year." He directs me.

I open the bottle, revealing lots of little pills. They're blue with a white dot in the center. "Thanks." I smile. "Good luck." he says. I nod, and with that, I teleport out.


I have got to admit, teleporting was not my best idea.

I land hard and almost immediately fall over from the dizziness. A headache quickly grows too. I'm still holding the bottle. Maybe it'll help.

I reopen the bottle, looking at the blue and white pills. I trust him.

I quickly take one out and place it in my mouth. It doesn't taste like anything. I simply swallow it.

About 3 seconds later I can feel it working. My headache is going away, dizziness is steadying and I can already feel stronger.

Cara. Where are you? I ask, trying my luck with telepathy. Her reply comes quickly. You're awake! Oh my goodness! There's only a few of us left! We're in your music room. Meeting. Come quick.

We decided that my music room was one of the safest places to be in a time of war. It's sound proof, and as I live with an extremely rich family, it's highly protected.

I teleport there, and I look around to see Cara, Russell, and a few others that I never really got to know.

Russell hugs me. "I thought you were a gonner." He says. I pull back, smirking. "Nice to know you had faith in me." I slip the bottle into one of my bags that i left on the floor.

"What's up?" I ask. "Well, we don't actually know. John lost his powers, and Steven-" she's cut off by someone else teleporting into the room. "Is right here." He says. He looks flushed, and he's breathless as though he's been running.

"Steven!" I hug him. "My gosh. I thought you were going to..." I trail off. "John what's wrong?" I ask. "ULTRA has my father." he says. "What?! I just saw him!" I exclaim. "They caught him and brought him in." He says. Cara stands. "One more thing..." We all turn to her. "Jedekiah has powers." She says. "Wait... what?" I ask. "I just felt it... It felt like he was breaking out... but not for real... as though... oh gosh. He took a dose of something... it'll give him powers, but not for long." She explains, using telepathy. "Long enough he'll do something crazy." Russell says.

We have to do something.


We teleport in, only Steven and I. The others went back to find John and Astrid to keep them safe and come up with their own plan of action.

We find ourselves in a hallway, guards on the ground. Already I can tell all of them are injured or worse.


Oh crap.

We look at each other.

We race down the hallway, each step taking us closer to the machine that is most probably holding Roger captive.

We make it through the doorway just in time to see Roger in the machine. His face is bloody and beat up. But that's all dry blood. There is new blood drizzling down his chest from a new bullet wound and the machine is shutting down. I look around the room.


He's standing far enough away from the machine that it won't hurt him. But I can see the tears starting in his eyes, feel the pain radiating off him. He's holding the gun. The gun that shot Roger in the chest to stop the machine.

Steven rushes to his dad. "Dad... "he says. "It's ok." Roger says. "Dad." Steven is now hurrying, as fast as he can he is trying to untie the restraints that are keeping his dad in the machine. "It's ok." Steven says, undoing the last restraint and carrying his dad off the machine.

It's no use, he is going to die.

"Dad." Steven breathes. "It's okay. Everything is going to be okay." Roger is struggling to get each word out. Tears begin to spill out of Stevens eyes.

I hear a sound from the machine and look up. The lights pulse. "The machine..." I say. "Why is it still charging?" Anger fills Rogers face.

A voice from the other end of the room says "It already has what it needs from you, Roger." I could recognise that voice anywhere...mostly because he's a fellow brit.

The Founder.

He walks in, a few agents following close behind.

"Your powers." He says. He gestures to the machine. "This will be your legacy Roger, long after you're gone, your powers will live on, growing, expanding, transforming the planet. And there's nothing you can do to stop it Steven. Same goes to you Lyric." He says, eyes locking with mine.

"Don't listen to him. It's over for me, but you 2 can do this." Roger tells Steven. Steven looks devoid of all hope. "You can save them, you can save human kind." Steven is struggling to remain from bawling right now. "No, I'm not strong enough. I'm not leaving you." he protests. "Look at me. I can see the strength in you, son. Strength he can't imagine. Lyric and you will be unstoppable. I know it. Son, I believe in you. You have to go." Roger says.

With that his head rolls back and he lets out the rest of his air, dying. I barely got the time to know him, yet he did so much for me. I find myself crying.

The anger and hate at the Founder grow. How dare he!

I see anger building up in Steven too.

Oh The Founder should not have done that.

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