Typical Guy

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In the centre of the room, is a machine.... and honestly... that's what Steven even says. He literally says "The machine." all taken-aback-like.

"I'm sorry... but... what is it?" I ask. "I'm glad you asked, my dear. This," The Founder gestures to the machine. "This is an amplifier. It will amplify the powers of the user to do the will of the user. But there's just one problem..." he glances at Steven. "It's synchronised to your fathers powers." He watches as Steven walks around the perimeter of the machine.

"But... it was destroyed..." He says, still kind of lost. "Yes. It was. But all this time that Jedekiah has spent ruining ULTRA, has actually been spent by me, remaking it." he says. "Steven." I warn. He gives me a look that says "Be quiet!" I roll my eyes. "You can do this, Steven. You can change our fate. You can lead all of us to the promise land! Think about it!" The Founder pushes. "Steven... you can't actually be thinking about doing this!" I cry, trying to get his attention.

I may still be mad at him, oh so mad, but that doesn't mean that I can't stop him from making a huge mistake.

He ignores me.

Of course.

Typical guy.

I know that The Founder is lying... I can feel it. But how do I prove it?

I push into his brain, his memories.

Woah... so many images... The Founder was a misfit.... he was bullied. Wow. I keep going. The destruction of it. I can feel every single emotion he has ever felt.

And for some reason, he hasn't noticed me in his memories yet. How odd.

I push forward. Every memory. Every thought. I gasp, hitting the spot. He's lying. Huge lie. He wants... no... he can't....

I gasp, coming out of his brain.

"Are you alright, Lyric?" The Founder pauses his persuasion speech, turning toward me. I grab my head, dizzy. I've never done that before. Whoa. That was... ok... never ever doing that again. "Lyric!" Steven is at my side in a heart beat. "Are you okay?!" He cries. But I know what he's actually asking. Are you having a telepathic spasm.

Honestly... I'm not sure... if I am... then I controlled it this time.


"I- yes. I think i am." I say, pulling out of his grip, angry at his stupidness. In this moment, I'm so full of rage, I hate him.





I look at him, anger clouding my thoughts. "Have fun, cheater." As I teleport away, I hear him yelling my name.

I land in the office of The Bunker, and hit the floor bawling, head in hands. "Lyric!" I hear John and Cara shout, and soon, I'm engulfed in arms. They pick me up, bringing me over to the couch, sit me down.

Tear streaked face, I explain everything.


John paces.

"A new machine?! I knew there was something else! There had to be! Ugh! I'm so stupid! How could I have not-" he's cut off by someone teleporting in. "Lyric!" Steven says running over to me. He hugs me. "What happened?!" he cries. I teleport out of his arms and across the room. "I did it... i tested that machine thing." he says.

He looks around the room. "What did I do?" he asks slowly, his eyes land on me. I glare, finally coming up with words.

"Steven... why couldn't you just think for once, instead of flying off the handle!? I hope you're happy. I hope you're happy now. I hope you're happy how you hurt our cause forever. I hope you think you're clever. I hope you're proud how you would grovel in submission, to feed your own ambition! So though I can't imagine how I hope you're happy. Right. Now." I say, tears starting back down my face. I calm down a little, and say lightly "Steven... listen.. you can still revive your father. What you've worked, and waited for... you can have all you've ever wanted... but you can't have me. No... You can't have me anymore. Something has changed within you... and I don't like it." i say. He looks at me, hurt, confused, and lost. "What....?" he asks. "I saw you. I saw you cheating. You had sex with Hilary, that girl from ULTRA? yea. Remember that? I saw that! Thanks... for nothing." I say, teleporting away.


An hour later, he finds me.

"Hey." I say, staring at the sun sinking into the horizon over the water. He sits down next to me. "Hey." he responds. I laugh a little. "This is how we met... remember?" I look over at Dan. "I didn't realize you were staying in America." I say. he smirks. "I can't leave a fellow brit in the hands of all these Americans." he says. I laugh. "No... I still have The Founder." I say."yea, well he's just as bad. He's evil." he rolls his eyes. I push him. "Says the psychopathical psychopath who kidnapped me... twice, I may add... or once... but you tried twice..." I say. "Psychpathical psychopath?" he asks, smirking. "that's one of the ways I referred to you in my mind while kidnapped." I shrug.

Then I sigh, Laying my head on his shoulder, looking out into the sunset. "You wanna talk about it?" he asks. I close my eyes, letting no more tears slip through. I've cried too much already. "What am I going to do?" I say, sitting up.

I look at him. He looks back. I'm not sure what to say.

Then it happens.

He leans in, kissing me, on the lips. At first, I'm so shocked, I don't know what to do. Then I relax, kissing him back.

I think... I'll be fine just like this. Here. Forever.


So just saying, that wasn't planned... I just kind of... spur of the moment I guess. It surprised me too. I realized what I was typing and was like... whoa....

Seriously guys, you love my writing, and I love writing, I try not to make mistakes, but i mean it happens sometimes, i'mnot perfect. but at least I'm not like other... terrible spelling people... okay... that was terrible grammar...

And honestly, The Wanderer is just as good as this one. I promise. Read it.

Gosh... now I'm begging? What have I become?!

The Machine to the side >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (it has steven in it but oh well)

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