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I stand in the line, just wanting this next bit of time to be over fast. First of all, I'm still a little tired and dizzy from that last spasm, and secondly, I'm back at ULTRA.

I lean over and whisper in Stevens ear, "So you came back?" He looks at me and says "It's kinda impossible for me to leave you here on your own." he says. I roll my eyes. "Annnddd Cara convinced me after the whole founders-daughter incident." he says.

Finally, the Founder walks into the board (more like 'bored') room where we have all congregated and smiles. "Alright everyone. Listen up. The ULTRA I founded was based on a vision. A world where the paranormal would live not as a mutation, a freak of nature, but as a blessed being." He says, starting to walk around the space we procided him with to talk. "Graced with astonishing gifts. But as I became consumed by the advancement of our kind, Dr. Jedekiah Price turned this place of science into a fortress of brutality. A death-factory. To my own ruin... and my daughter's." As he says that last sentence, he rips the gun out of a mans hands violently. I've gotta say... I'm a little scared now...

I feel Steven tense beside me, straightening up, and I watch as he keeps his eyes firmly on the gun.

But unlike what we thought, the Founder rips it apart. Or that's how I'm describing it really...

One by one, he lets each and every bullet slide to the floor. "The ULTRA that you have come to know is no more! The hunting of our own kind," he shoves the gun back into the mans arms. ", is over. The imprisonment, the killing, through. From now on, all paranormals will live in peace. Break-outs will still be monitered. And those misusing their powers will be detained and instructed in the need of discretion. And then, released. Any questions?" Theres a pause. "Good." He starts to walk away, towards his office. "Back to work." He calls behind him.

I turn to Steven, sighing out a breath that I hadn't realised I had been holding.

"You okay?" he asks. I gulp, nodding.


"I know it's hard to believe but maybe he's being honest. Maybe ULTRA is changing." Steven is saying to Cara and John as I saunter up. "Woah there... you actually believed him?!" I exclaim. "Yea. Didn't you?" he asks. "No! He's lying Steven. Face it. When has he never not lied to you?" I say. "I'm with Lyric on this." Cara says. "Same..." Russell says.

"Look. Think about it. The Founder is a paranormal. He's one of us." Steven says. "That's too simple though. He's just getting us to lower our defenses, raise the white flag. I'm sorry Steven. He's lying." Cara says, walking away.

I roll my eyes, following her.


I sit with Cara and John on the roof of a building. "You sure you're okay?" I ask my brother. He nods. "I just... I saw him, Lyric. I saw Rogers body. With Stevens help we can bring him back." he says.

So... new thing I found out today, which I still don't understand why this is new to me... Stevens father, Roger, is 'the saviour' of our kind, but then, at a young age, John killed him. But he's apparently not fully dead, apparently, according to Steven, he's in Limbo...this weird not-dead-but-still-not-alive place.

Why didn't I know about this?

"Let's split up and find Steven then." Cara says. She grabs my hand and we teleport to....

Stevens house.

"Steven are you here?" Cara calls. We need to talk. You're uncle... he claimed to John that...it cuts out after that. I see people, two of them, a girl, and Steven. Upstairs on his bed.



Didn't want to see that...

But... I thought... we had a... thing...

She looks back at me. I nod, and we teleport. We walk into the bunker's office, where John is standing looking at the screen. "I checked the school and ULTRA... he's not there." John says. "We found him." Cara says. He turns back to look at us. "Is he okay?" he asks.

We both stay silent... looking for the right words...

"Cara what's going on?" he demands. She looks down, not answering. His gaze shifts to me. "Lyric?" He asks worried. I look for words... then... I say. "I think we may be losing him."


That night, I unwillingly go to ULTRA with Steven. We walk into the board room, pausing by the door. The Founder is looking up at a moniter on the wall.

"You wanted to see me?" Steven asks. I hang back, technically, the Founder never said for me to come. "Um... where is everyone?" he asks, walking awkwardly into the room. "They got the night off. I wanted to talk to you in private." he says, then glances at me. "I can.." he cuts me off. "No stay. You should be here for this too, I guess." I nod, walking up beside Steven.

"Can I trust you two with a secret?" he asks. "Ok." We both nod. "While Dr. Jedekiah was working on stripping paranormals of their powers, I was working on my own pet project." he says. "What is all this?" I ask, looking at the screen. "Each dot represents a paranormal, tagged, and released over the years. Many by ULTRA before Jedekiahs paranoia set in. There is over 200 in the city alone." he explains. "What are you planning on doing with all of them?" Steven asks, carefully.

"Well it's not what I plan on doing.... it's what you, Steven, are going to do." Steven looks at him. "You, Steven, will lead them all into a place known as The Refuge." he says. "What's that?" I ask. "A safe place for paranormals..." Steven mutters. " It's a myth. A legend."


The Founder leads us to a room, saying "You must wonder how I lost sight of the horrors happening under my own nose. Even commiting some of them against my own blood." He opens the door. "The answer, is this." he says, leading us into a room.

Oh no... this can't be good....

Okay so I know it's been forrreeevvvveerrrr... dont kill me please.

I've just been so busy with the end-of-school-year stuff...

okay thats a lie

What actually happened was that a little while back, i read my story, this one, through and through, and saw all the mistakes, and totally freaked at myself. I wasn't sure whether to delete it or keep going. Because honestly, i didnt want to keep going.

So you guys are lucky that I kept with it.

LOVE YOU ALL!!!!!!!!! 20K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

Ok... be cool... be cool...

vote comment and follow if you have ideas....

and read The Wanderer guyz... its a Doctor Who-Sherlock mash-up.

Til next time! Bai!

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