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Before I begin this book I'm so sorry to all my readers that I left hanging. I've made my book again and better this time so I hope you all enjoy it.

(Y/N)~ Your name
(N/N)~ Nick name
(M/N)~ Mothers name
(F/N)~ Friends name

(Y/N)'s P.O.V


That was the day... The day I lost everything.. My sister.. My mom.. My dignity...

~ Flashback (11 years old) ~
"Tag! You're it (N/N)!" Debbie, my 6 year old sister yells, lightly pressing her finger on my arm. I turn around and give her a playful grin.

"Rarr! I'm gonna get you Deb!" I say. She shrieks and starts running around, while I chase her.

It was just an ordinary day.. This was the day everything fucked up.. And fucked up BAD..

"*Pant, pant* Alright little monster, I'm gonna go get mommy okay?" I say, panting lightly.

"Okay! Be quick!" She replies.

"Stay right here okay?" I tell her, to which she nods.

Worst mistake leaving her out there alone..

I smile at her and run inside to go get mom. I open the sliding door to walk inside the house, forgetting to close it behind me. I run into the living to see mom looking at the television in horror.

I look at her strangely and look at the television to see the news on and cutting out.

"This is a warning to the people of New York, transmitted by the request of the New York Police Department. There has been an unidentified illness outbreak, causing the dead to come back to life. We suggest all members of the public to stay indoors at all costs with enough food and water to survive for weeks at a time. Whether they were your friend or your family, they are beyond our help and are not human. They don't think and have no memory of you. If approached by one, immediately terminate by removing the head or destroying the brain. This has been a message for all members of the public, transmitted by the request of the New York Police Department." As he finishes, the television cuts out.

I look at mom with wide eyes and a dropped jaw. She looks at me and sighs. She kneels down and puts her hands on my shoulders.

"(Y/N), go get Debbie. We are leaving." She says. My vision starts to blur with tears and she wipes them away with her thumb.

"What about daddy? He hasn't come home yet." I ask. She sighs and looks down.

"There is nothing we can do honey. We need to get out of the city. Now." She says.

"But we need to w-" I get cut off by a loud blood curdling scream coming from the backyard... Debbie! I sprint to the kitchen and search the draws.

I look on the counter and see a really big kitchen knife. I hate knives. I grab it and run outside, to see the worst.. Debbie being bit on the neck. I scream in anger and frustration, making the.. thing look at me. It drops Debbie and starts running for me. I growl and run straight for it. I position the blade in a stabbing stance, jump and stab the thing in between the eyes, causing a crap ton of blood to spatter on my face.

I wipe the blood and tears off of my face. I run to Debbie, drop the knife and look down at her frail, dying body. I cradle her in my arms and begin to cry.

"Debbie! I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left you out here alone. You probably hate me right now." I shut my eyes tightly and choke on my tears.

She shakily raises her arm and puts her blood-soaked hand on my cheek.

"(Y/N).. I'm scared." She says while choking on her own blood. I sniffle, grab the blade that is covered with the things blood and raise the blade to Debbie's forehead.

"I'm so sorry." I whimper and raise the blade.

"I love you..". I then plunge the blade into her skull. She closes her eyes as I remove the blade. My vision blurs and I feel sick.

I just killed someone..
I just killed my sister..
What the hell is going on..

I stand up and just as I get up, mom comes outside, only to see two dead bodies and a frightened and confused young girl. Her eyes brim with tears and I run to her and engulf her in a hug.

She latches onto me and begins to cry softly. I whimper and look up at her.

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have left her outside." I sob out. She strokes my hair and lets go of me.

"We need to get out of the city. It's too dangerous here." She says. I wipe my face, making the blood smear on my face. I nod, she grabs my free hand and we head inside. She lets go and grabs a bag.

I lean on the kitchen counter and fiddle with the knife I just murdered my poor innocent 6 year old sister with. It has blood stains from the previous thing I killed. I'll call them walkers.. It has a nice ring to it.. And it sounds a little less terrifying than a zombie..

Mom then comes out with a bag full of food, water, medication and spare clothes. She grabs her car keys from the coffee table and turns her head to look at me. I look up at her for a moment than look back down and continue to fondle with the blood-stained knife. I hear a sigh and she walks up to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder making me look at her once again.

"Go to the car, I'll be there in a minute." I nod, grab the bag and swing it over my shoulder and head to the front door.

I slowly open the door and look around cautiously. No signs of walkers.. I quickly but hastily run to the car, open the door, hop inside and close the door softly. A few minutes later, mom comes out with some books and a knife in her hand. She smiles to which I return the gesture. Then everything goes downhill.. AGAIN.

A walker that was on the floor supposedly dead grips her ankle, making her fall forward. She yelps and I try to scream, when she puts a finger to her mouth. I nod and she mouths 'hide' to me and I duck down as soon as I see the walker bite her leg. I cover my ears with my hands and rock back and forth, whilst tears drip down my once blossoming face.

After what seemed to be hours, I slowly lift my head to see that the walker that bit mom had a knife in its head, but mom... was gone. I open the door and run outside to see the books mom left and part of a.. leg!? I pick up the books to find out that they are photo albums of our family. I smile and shove them into my bag. I look at the severed leg to see an anklet on it. I untie it and notice it says '(M/N)'. This is moms!!! She might still be alive! I put moms anklet into my pocket and head back to the car.

I go into the back seat and lift it up, to reveal weapons that daddy hid just in case of an emergency like this. I grab a gun holster, a gun, a knuckle buster, a combat knife and about 100 rounds of bullets. I need to find more bullets. This will only be for an emergency or when there are too many walkers to fight... I shove them into my bag and look around for walkers. No sign of any of those bastards.

I run out of the car and don't stop, while tears run down my face, thinking about my poor sister, my dad and my mom. This is the day.. The day of war, the 29th of September.. Is Z-Day.. The day of insanity.. And the day my sister was born..

~Flashback End~

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