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Carl's P.O.V

"Dad, I'm tired." I whine to attempt to piss him off. He looks back and smiles, to which I raise a brow. I silently stare at him for a while when someone picks me up and puts me on their shoulders, and I squeal. I look down to see that Abraham picked me up, and everyone laughs.

"Need a lift?" Abraham asks me. That was the worst pun, I had ever heard in all of my frickin 16 years of life, and I have heard some shit puns.

"Oh ha ha." I laugh sarcastically.

"What type of scream was that?" Dad asks me. My face goes red and everyone laughs again.

"Shut up! I didn't mean to! He surprised me!" I growl.

"Sure you did." Rosita says, to which I groan, scrunch my face up and cross my arms over my chest, making everyone laugh again. We continue to walk, well, they continue to walk, since I get to sit on Abraham's broad, sweaty shoulders. We suddenly stop and I snap out of my daydream and look around.

I get put down by Abraham and I walk to the front to see a small cabin. I smile as Tyreese comes out with Judith. Dad almost falls to his knees but keeps his balance and begins to run, so does Sasha and me. Dad takes Judith out of Tyreese's hands and we hug her as Sasha hugs Tyreese. The rest of the group comes over and someone pops into my head. I let go and look around.

"Where's (Y/N)?" We look around and then hear a high pitch scream coming from the back of the cabin, followed by gunshots, making us all gasp.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Shit! There are so many of them for a disabled girl can fight. I scream to see if Tyreese hears me, but nothing, so I begin to shoot. Shit.. I forgot to reload before I came out. One, two, three, four bullets are fired, then followed by clicking noises.

"Shit." I put my gun back in its holster and swerve around them, even if it hurts my leg like fuck. I begin to limp and run at the same time around the house to see everyone. My eyes grow wide and I limp over but trip over a root. The walkers gain up on me and they fall on me, putting pressure onto my leg, making me scream out in pain. I grab their necks and try to pull them off of me.

"(Y/N)!" I hear Dad yell.

"I need a little help here!" I yell. Just as my arms are about to give up, two gunshots go off, and the bullets land in both of the walkers skull. I release my tight grip on both of the walkers necks as Dad and Rick pull them off of me.

A man with orange hair and beard literally sweeps me off my feet and holds me in a bridle style.I become a little lightheaded and and blink a few times to regain my full consciousness. I look up at the man holding me and he smiles.

"You okay love?" He asks me, to which I nod my head slowly. He gently puts me down and Carl runs up to me and engulfs me in a tight hug.

"Thank god you're okay." He says as I feel tears land on my shoulder.

"Yeah. I'm glad you're okay too." I reply. We pull out of the hug and I look over to dad and he smiles. I walk over to him and hug him tightly and he hugs me back just as tight, but not tight enough to hurt my stitched up leg.

"You scared the crap out of me." He says in the crook of my neck. I pull away from the hug and nod. I look behind me and see five new faces. One is the man that helped me up. He has orange hair and an orange beard and is very muscular. He kinda looks like a bouncer.. Anyways. Another guy who has kinda slick back hair and.. well.. a little chubby.

A woman with pigtails and a cap. She kinda looks Mexican or something. There is a woman with just a badly done up ponytail and a little chubby, not as chubby as the dude, but chubby as in enough for a double chin chubby. The last woman carries a katana on her back. I walk over to them and look at them weirdly. I turn around to look at Rick and point back to them with my thumb.

"Who are the newbies?" I ask.

"They are our new recruits. Eugene, Abraham, Tara and Rosita. Michonne has been here for a while. She saved you, Glenn and Maggie when you were passed out at Woodbury." Rick introduces, as he points to them by their names individually. I hum and turn back around to them.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N)." I say as sweet as I possibly can, even though it makes me want to puke being that sweet. They smile and I fist bump with Abraham.

"Nice to meet you." He says.

"Welcome to the group." I say, to which they all smile. I walk over and stand next to Carl and notice a few people are missing.

"Where's Beth?" I ask, a little worried. Rick looks at dad sympathetically and walks over to me.

"About that." Rick replies. "Beth has been kidnapped."

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now