Thirty Five

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I peek my head up to look down at the street and watch in horror as they destroyed every living thing they see. I look back at the group as a tear rolls down my cheek.

"We're all gonna die."

2 hours ago - (Y/N)'s P.O.V

Sunlight floods my eyes as I awaken at the sound of almost silent snoring coming from next to me. I turn to notice Carl's peaceful sleeping body. How can someone look so peaceful while sleeping? Like nothing outside is bothering him.

I lift myself up and feel a throbbing pain in my head, so I place my hand on my head. Shit I don't even remember going to sleep last night what the hell happened. I throw a shirt on and head downstairs only to notice that mom and dad are nowhere to be found.

Where could they be they're usually up by now. I walk outside and I walk to the gate, where Maggie and Eugene are doing gate duty. I smile brightly at Maggie to which she smiles brightly back.

"Morning sunshine." She says smiling.

"Mornin' Maggie. You know where my parents are?" I ask her.

"Daryl's gone out to handle something and your mother is with Carol baking again." She replies. I look at her in a concerning way to her response about dad. Daryl's gone out to handle something.

"What do you mean he's gone out to handle something?" I ask worriedly. Her face drops to a low frown but quickly smiles again hoping I didn't notice it.

"No need to worry little lady, he'll be back in a jiffy." She replies

"That doesn't answer my question, Maggie." I say, beginning to become agitated. Just as she is about to respond, I hear Rick from behind me.

"Don't worry (Y/N), he's just on patrol for a truck. He'll be back soon. Promise." He says calmly. Damn, Rick always sounds so convincing. Maybe because of how much he's changed over time. I haven't known him for long, but for the time I have known him, and the things I've been told by Carl, Lori and everyone else, he's changed. A lot.

You look into his eyes and wonder what secrets are hidden behind those beautiful deep blue eyes and killer smile. You wonder what he's been through, what he's seen, what he's done, and how he manages to hide it so well. How does he manage to lead us all without making it look like a struggle?

These reasons and so much more make me see the strong man standing before me the most important, the most strongest person in the apocalypse. But also the most dangerous. The people who have the least to lose are the ones with the most power.

I see that Rick notices me frowning. I smile at Rick and nod my head. Before he could say anything I brush past him, with all these questions flowing through my head but I push them aside as I spot Carl in front of me.

"Morning beautiful." He smiles. I kiss him on the forehead and take the hat off his head and put it on mine. He smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

"I'm gonna go find Glenn, you wanna come?" He asks.

"I'm gonna go for a walk. I need to clear my head." I reply. He places his hand on my cheek. I think he might have noticed that I'm not feeling as happy today. Well, I was this morning.

"Need company?" He asks concerned.

"I think I'll be okay." I reply. I peck him on the lips.

"I'll be back." I smile. He nods, turns and walks away. I sigh, turn around and begin to walk away. But shortly after I take my first step, I hear a loud crash, followed by the horn sounding. I gasp and turn around to notice that something has crashed into the wall. My stomach drops and notice everyone around me runs towards the almost collapsed wall. I run towards the gate and to Rick and Dad who has returned.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now