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A few hours later - (Y/N)'s P.O.V 

I awake in my sleeping bag, with a sharp pain hitting the side of my head, making me whimper in sheer agony. I groan and rub the wound gently, making out a bump on the side. Great, another battle scar..

I try to move when I hear a soft voice in my ear, attempting to soothe me, and me being me, I instantly know who that voice belongs to Carl Grimes! I smile and roll to the side, facing him and look up to see that he is sitting next to me, attempting to plait my hair. I shake my head in amusement and lift myself up as gently as possible.. but with the help of my dear beloved stupid badass boyfriend Carl. I scoff playfully as I touch the failed attempt of a plait.

"You call this a plait?" I ask him, to which he pouts.

"Hey! That was my first time doing it so don't judge!" He says back. I laugh as I look at the badly done plait.

"Is it a plait or a birds nest Carl?" I joke around. He scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest.

"I hate you." He says. I laugh, get up and kiss the top of his head.

"That's why you love me." I reply, to which he shrugs.

"Eh, sad but true." He replies cockily. I roll my eyes playfully and look around the church, to see no sign of most of the group. Weird, they must be out on a run or something.. I then head over to Tyresse, who looks a little.. How you say; 'Down in the dumps' or whatever the hell it is.

I walk over to him, and obviously noticing my heavy ass footsteps, he lifts his head slightly. I give him a toothy grin and all he answers with is a nod, to which my smile drops into a frown, clearly noticing that something is wrong.
I kneel down in front of him and I attempt to make eye contact with him.

"Hey Ty, what's got you down?" I ask. He lifts his head up and drops it once again.

"You don't know, do you?" He asks, confusing me even more.

"What do you mean? I kinda knocked myself out if you remember that." I say, earning a small but faint chuckle out of the man.

"Yeah true, it's just-" He trails off, going into a daydream.

"Just what?" I say, awakening him back into reality.

"Bob." Is all he replies.My eyes widen and I stand up.

"Bob? What's wrong with Bob?" I ask. Silence. Not a word is said after I ask what happened to Bob. I get suspicious and walk away and over to Mom, who is having a conversation on god knows what with Maggie. The pair both notice my presence walking towards them and they both give me a big smile, to which I smile back. I sit down in from of them and give them an emotionless look, giving them a hint that something is DEFINITELY wrong.

"You okay?" Maggie asks in her oh-so country accent.

"Bob. What is wrong with Bob?" I ask firmly.

"Sweetie-" Mom begins, but I cut her off.

"Is Bob dead?" I ask.

"No he isn't. He's gravely ill though. I'd say he's only got about half an hour left at the most before we have to dispose of him so he doesn't reanimate." Maggie says. I sigh and drop my head into my hands. I sniffle a little and close my eyes shut.

"Where is he now?" I ask.

"In Gabriel's office." Mom replies. I stand up and walk over to Gabriel's office and stand in front of the door. I take a deep breath and walk inside. Inside, I see a sick and frail man, lying on a bench, near death. I walk up to him, resisting myself to burst into tears, when he turns his head in my direction and. He smiles..

I have never seen someone so happy about this. How on earth is he still smiling through this. At this point, it would be impossible for me to resist crying so I let the tears roll down my cheeks as I kneel down to look at Bob. I rest my head on the edge of the table and I silently cry.

"I can't believe you're smiling." I laugh in astonishment through my tears, to which he laughs softly.

"Just trying to enjoy my last moments." He replies. I drop onto my knees and let my head fall into my hands.

"I'm so sorry." I repeat to him. I then feel a hand touch my back and I look up, to see him giving me a sympathetic look. He grabs one of my hands and sighs.

"Don't blame yourself for the mistakes I have decided to inflict on myself at least I know I'll be somewhere that I belong." He croaks out, making me cry even more. He wipes the tears off of my face and smiles.

"Tell the group that I am sorry, tell Sasha I love her and that I'll be looking down at her from above. And (Y/N)-" He says, to which I look at him.

His other hand lifts up and he places a bracelet in my hand with little writing saying 'stay strong'.

"-Beat this world. You are stronger in heart and soul than anyone here. Have courage and you'll accomplish what you thought was impossible." And with those last words, his grip on my hand loosens and his hand drops. I gasp and look at him to see his eyes closing.

"No, no, no, no! Not yet Bob! Not yet!!" I cry out. I then hear footsteps running in my direction, to find out that it is Maggie, Mom, Tyreese and Sasha. Sasha gasps and walks out, holding her hands up to her face as she cries as I sit in front of Bob's lifeless body, holding the bracelet he gave to me and crying with no emotion spread across my face. My mind then begins to wander, with thoughts rushing through me like a river. I block out everything from reality and think about what Bob said to me.

"Beat this world. You are stronger in heart and soul than anyone here. Have courage and you'll accomplish what you thought was impossible..."

Accomplish.. Accomplish what? Everything is impossible nowadays.. We live in a world where the violence and blood will never end, until your own life does.. How the hell is anything supposed to be possible. You drink, and you risk your life. You eat, and you risk your life. Even when you breathe, you risk your life. The accomplishment that I thought was impossible was that I get Debbie back. That'll never happen. Never..

All of a sudden I snap back into reality, and Carl then runs up to me and begins to comfort me by lifting me up off the ground and taking me out of the room, whilst pushing past the rest of the group that arrived back.. God knows how long ago though. Carl sits me down on the sleeping bag and I look down at the bracelet, not even taking me eyes off of the beautiful golden bracelet my former friend gave to me under his dying breath.

I sigh and put it on my wrist, with the feeling of Carl intensely staring in my direction. Once I put on the bracelet, I look at Carl and place my head on his chest, to which he reacts by grabbing me and hugging me for dear life, but not right enough that it'll break bones or block of my air supply.

I melt into the bear hug and let all of my worries drift off in my mind, because the only time I can really relax, is in his arms. Honestly, I-I don't even know where I would be now if I had never met this group, or fell in love with this boy.. I still might be the cold hearted killer I was a while ago. I might not even be alive if it hadn't been for Rick and Glenn.

I would've been walker food, and they, they saved me. They saved me, fed me, gave me shelter, loved me, made me one of them, and most importantly, they brought back the most important people that meant the world to me. My parents. They found my happiness again.

This is why I pledge my loyalty and soul to this group. They are all my family now, and I swear to god if anyone, ANYONE comes between me and my family, they're gonna get a hell of a lot of bullets fired at them, not just by me, but by my group, my parents, my boyfriend. and most importantly..

..My family..

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now