Special Sneak Peek!!

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Hey y'all! Before I start this chapter I just want to thank all of you for getting this book to 10,000+ reads! It doesn't seem like much because of the other stories on Wattpad but it's a lot of reads to me! I honestly couldn't have done any of this without the support from you guys it means so much to me! Anyways enough of that. Enjoy this sneak peek into the first chapter in the second book!

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Fear. That's the key to survival. Without fear, we become powerless. The key to being powerful is to have that fear, but not to show it. Show them that you're not afraid. No mercy, no second thoughts. Nothing. One wrong move and you become bait for the dead, or entertainment for the living. You can either use fear against the enemies, or succumb to your own.

Our group feeds off their own fear, and turns it into anger. And violence. Not really the way they should be doing it but it keeps them alive. And me? It's a little bit of everything in a way. After Negan's death and the upcoming war between us and an unknown group, it's become anger, bloodlust and sanity that is keeping me alive. The feeling and realisation of being alive for so long gives me some hope of a better future.

Maybe we can stop this plague. Maybe we can't. We need to find the origin of this plague. And if there's a cure, we can spread it over the world. And start fresh. Surviving for this long in a dog eat dog world makes me believe that anything is possible. If this shit happened there must be a way to reverse it.

It's been over a year and a bit since the wedding and the escape of the thousands of walkers trapped in the quarry and we still aren't close to figuring out who these people are. And more importantly, what they want. This group is sly and very good at covering up their tracks. On the other hand, we have expanded Alexandria.

More houses, better fortified and protected walls, a library and even a lab! It took time and effort but we managed to get equipment and useful information from different CDC's and WHO research facilities. Just to see if there was any clues or anything to help us find a cure for this disease. But that's not the point.

The main priority is the rival group. Who they are, what they're capable of and how to take them down. I begin to fiddle with the gold band that hugs my ring finger. I am so lost in thought that I didn't notice that Shiva slipped into the lab. She nudges my leg and I instantly snap out of my day dream. I look down at her as she sits, so I caress her head.

"Hey girl, how'd you get in here?" I ask her as I continue to fiddle with the ring and look back at the files on the table.

"Because I let her in." A familiar voice replies back.

A smile appears on my face and butterflies awaken in my stomach as I turn around to face my husband. He has his hat off and held out in front of him, as his beautiful signature smile appears on his face.

"I'm in the middle of working. Can I help you?" I smile.

"Oh what so I can't come see my beautiful wife working?" He replies as he walks closer to me.

I smile and take the hat from his hand and place it in my head. He smiles, grasps my hand and spins me around and places his hand on my waist.

"Smooth." I smile.

He leans forward and pecks my lips. I spin out of his grip and look back down to the piles of folders that I still haven't organised.

"You're always in here babe, come out for a little while. Maybe for a walk or a raid or something?" He asks.

"I want to but I want to figure out what this is. And how to stop it. I'm sick of these fucking zombies." I reply rubbing my temples.

Carl walks up to me and hugs me from behind, and places his head on my shoulder.

"Please?" He asks as he hugs me tighter.

I laugh and turn around and grab his face.

"Alright alright I'll come out for a bit." I reply.

"YES!" He yells as he jumps in the air. He grabs my hand and pulls me out the door. I shake my head. He hasn't changed a bit. The sunlight floods my eyes heavily and I squint.

It feels like I haven't been outside in ages..

"Babe, how long have I been in there for?" I ask.

"Like 6 days." He replies as he swings our hands.

Huh what do you know.. I haven't been outside..

I sigh as we walk around Alexandria. Houses are being built and crops are being planted. This place is a lot more prettier than I realised. As I am lost in thought once again I hear my name being called out from the distance.

I snap back into reality and notice Beth and Maggie were the ones calling my name. I smile as I watch them walk over to where me and Carl were standing. I let go of Carl's hand, walk over to them and hug both Beth and Maggie.

"You haven't been out of your cave in so long what's going on?" Maggie smiles sadly.

I shrug in response.

"Just working." I reply

"No one works six days straight (Y/N)." Beth states.

"I'm sorry. I just want all this to end." I reply.

"Well we all do. But you need to stop pushing yourself so much. You're gonna break yourself." Maggie says.

I sigh and turn my back to them to walk back to Carl.

"You can't break what's already broken."

I walk back to Carl and he holds his hand out for me, so I take his hand in response. We continue to walk around Alexandria in silence until Carl speaks up.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

I grip his hand tighter, not saying a word in response....

Hey my lovelies! Well, there you go! Wow this one got me all emotional! But I just want to say thank you again for supporting me through all this I love you all and I'll see you in the next book!

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now