Thirty Eight

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Fear consumes me as Negan begins to open the closet door when I hear (B/F/N) barge into the room. He slams the closet door.

"(B/F/N)! What did I tell you about coming into daddy's private room!?" He yells.

"Dwight wants you on the ASAP." She replies. Negan sighs and walks out of the room. A few seconds later, (B/F/N) walks back into the room and opens the closet to see me crouched down into a little ball. She doesn't look impressed. She holds her hand out for me to grab it and she lifts me up and we go into her room.

"That should keep him occupied for a bit." She says.

"How did you-" I begin to talk but she cuts me off.

"You really have to be careful next time you go snooping through my dads shit. Especially when it's that room he is always in that room and if he isn't in the room it's always locked. He must have left it open by mistake. He tends to do that sometimes." She explains. I slowly back away from her. She gives me a weird look.

"What? You think I'm like my dad and his loony followers?" She asks me.

"I don't know. But you need to tell me what the fucks going on and why your dad is trying to kill my group. You should know my mom and dad are in that group too." I explain to her.

"Im sorry, I really am. If I could change his mind I would but things aren't the same anymore. Dad has changed. He has no sanity left." She says on the verge of tears.

"Then why are you still here? Why do you listen to what he says if you know he's gone cray cray?" I ask her.

"I'm kinda low on options (Y/N). What other choices do I have?" She asks me.

"Maybe for starters you should stop acting like the emotionless robot you've been portraying for most of the time that I've been around you and tell me what in the living fuck is going on." I growl at her.

"Dad wants me to kill you (Y/N) alright! He wants me to teach your group a lesson by killing off the most important person in their group." She says as she shakes and tears flow down her face.

"Me?" I ask completely baffled, to which she nods.

"And you're gonna do it?" I ask her.

"What are you crazy? Of course not!" She replies.

"Then we need to make a plan of action. As much as it kills me to say this and for you to hear this, but we need to take out Negan." I whisper. (B/F/N) sniffles and nods her head in agreement.

"I think you're right. But how-" (B/F/N) is cut off when Negan barges into the room. He looks at me and smiles criminally. His smile was insanely large, almost stretching from one ear to the other. (B/F/N) and I look at each other and then look back at him. Then, two men come from behind Negan and grab onto me.

"Dad!" (B/F/N) yells.

"Stay out of it (B/F/N)." He growls. I struggle to escape the grip of the unidentifiable fella who has a hold of me.

"Let go of me! What the fuck Negan!" I yell. I'm gagged with a white cloth and my hands get tied together. The bloke pushed me towards (B/F/N).

"Take her to the others." Negan commands. (B/F/N) bows her head and takes me outside. Negan and his group follows close behind. As we are walking she puts something in my back pocket.

"I'm risking my neck for you. You better have a plan by the time you get out of there." She whispers.

"Meet me outside of Hilltop after dark. I need a bow and arrows." I whisper back.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now