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3rd P.O.V

Darkness.. That was all (Y/N) can remember.. Its dark.. And she is cold.. The pure, crisp air blows over (Y/N)'s unconscious body.. Such a peaceful, yet beautiful body lay strapped to a chair.. She is just flawless.. Never has her kidnappers seen anyone so peaceful and beautiful in a very.. VERY long time.. It goes to show that even the most gorgeous of gems has the heart of a lion, and the soul of a survivor.. She is the saviour..

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I groan and slowly open my eyes, which instantly get flooded with light. I squint and see a familiar man with brown hair.The Governor.. I look to my side to see Maggie and Glenn on the floor tied down, with gags in their mouths.

"Its you." I growl.

"Welcome back my dear, I haven't seen you in a while. How old are you now sweet cheeks?" He asks me.

"None of your business. Just let my friends go." I say, to which he laughs.

"Oh sweetheart, I can't do that." He answers.

"And whys that?" I ask.

"Because I haven't had my fun with them yet." He replies, grinning evilly.

"You leave my friends alone you piece of shit." I growl. He chuckles lowly and slaps me across the face hard. Maggie whimpers and I hiss in pain. That's gonna leave a mark.. The governor laughs demonically as he continues to punch me in multiple places.

I growl and look up at him, as I show the blood from my nose and lips filling the inside of my mouth. He laughs as he sees that I haven't shed a tear.. Not one.

"Wow, what a tough girl." He says, as he stokes my face. I growl and bit his hand so hard, it draws blood. He yelps in pain and flinches back.

"Fine, you want to be a bitch huh? Take her to the chair." He instructs, to which the men do exactly as he says.

"Take the Chinese man to the next room. I'm gonna have a chat to the fine woman here." He says, looking at Maggie. They take me out of the chair and I start thrashing around.

"I swear to god if you hurt Maggie I will fucking end you!" I scream. The men hold a towel to my face, drugging me. Oh shit. Chloroform. Great.

"Dont.. Fall.. Asleep.." My eyes begin to droop. I fall back into the men's arms and pass out.. I awake... once again as the Governor removes the blindfold from my blood-stained face. Great, again I am strapped to a freaking chair, with my legs shackled together and with a gag in my mouth.

I blink a few times to get the blurry figures looking normal again, to see the Governor standing in front of me, wielding a scalpel in his left hand and the blindfold in his right, giving me the scariest evil smirk I've ever seen. He walks closer to me and puts a hand on my face and strokes it. He leans in and I head butt him in the jaw, drawing blood. He spits out blood and a tooth my hard head knocked out of his shitty mouth and looks at me scarily. 

He chuckles lowly and puts the scalpel down, and starts beating me horrifically. All I can do it take the intense pain of each forceful hit. He stops punching after about 5 or 6 good swings to my face. He wipes my blood off of his fists with the blindfold and walks out, leaving me with another black eye, a broken nose, a busted lip and I think he might have fractured my jaw.

I try spit out more and more blood and I drop my head, letting my hair fall in front of me, as i bite down on the gag, as the pain is intense. The blood from my mouth just falls out and down onto my legs as it hurts to spit. A few moments later, he walks back in with Glenn and Maggie. I look up to see that Glenn has a big black eye and Maggie has no bra or shirt on. I hear gasps come from Glenn and whimpers come from Maggie.

"(Y/N)." Maggie whimpers, as tears flow down her face. I groan and try to pry myself out of the hand shackles.

"What did you do to her?" Glenn asks, infuriated as he clenches his jaw.

"Oh nothing. I just taught her a lesson." The Governor answers.

"By breaking my nose and fracturing my jaw?" I ask as I try to speak, panting heavily and groaning every time I spoke.

All he does is laugh. He laughs like a mad man. Like he doesn't care about no one no more. I can see it in his eyes. He is angry. He is nuts. He is the one who will try to end us all. But I know that's not gonna happen. Because my group.. My family are stronger than that. We don't care if we're blood related or not. We're still family. And we will protect each other. I look into the Governor's eyes and see nothing. 

No sign of remorse or hope. No spark in his heart. No glimpse of humanity. And no sign of sanity in his mind. No, the useless waste of a human standing before me is not the man he used to be. Just like everyone else. He is insane. He has lost his sanity because of the mess of a world we live in as we speak. He looks at me and smiles, to which I spit blood and saliva in his face. His face cringes and he wipes the disgusting mix of residue off of his face and growls at me.

He picks up the scalpel and plunges it into my right thigh, making my head shoot up and I yell in pain. Maggie screams and starts to cry even more, while Glenn is being held back by two bulky men. All I can do is look at them with my fucked up face and give them the face that says 'I will be fine.' Obviously they know I'm not fine. I'm not fine at all. I just got a scalpel plunged halfway into my thigh, how can I be just 'okay'? I pant heavily and slowly look up at the Governor, to see that no tear has been shed down my face.

"Wow, what a tough little girl." He says, as he removes the scalpel painfully slow. When it is fully removed, he runs the blade down my face, slicing my left cheek open. He laughs and I growl at him. I notice that I start losing consciousness because of all the blood I have lost, so I look up at him.

"I'm not a fucking little girl." I manage to say, before I lose consciousness and faint. Ouch. Well that fucking hurt..

Maggie's P.O.V

As (Y/N)'s head droops down, I whimper even more. Glenn gives me his shirt to wear. He looks at the Governor.

"Let her go! She's bleeding out!" He yells. The Governor rolls his eyes and walks out, and we run over to her. He grabs some bandages and he starts wrapping the bandage around her leg. I take the gag out of her mouth and wipe the cut on her cheek and look at her sleeping face.. Well.. Fainted face. She looks so peaceful, like an explosion wouldn't wake her up from her slumber.

"(Y/N). You're gonna make it. Just hold on."

As soon as I say that, we hear gunshots be fired. Glenn and I look at the door and it slowly opens. There appears an African-American woman, as she wields a katana as a weapon. She sneaks in and puts a finger to her mouth.

"I'm getting you out of here. Follow me. And bring the girl. We need to get her to someone before she bleeds out." She says. We nod and Glenn picks up the frail little (Y/N) and we head out. We sneak past a few guards and walkers to a vehicle that she probably stole.

I get in and Glenn gently places her in the back with me, laying her head on my lap. Glenn gets in the passengers seat and the woman gets into the drivers seat and we go. I put a big bandaid over the giant cut on her face and move the strands of hair away from her face. She really is a gem. A jewel. She's one of a kind. And one of a kind she'll always be.

"So what's your name anyway?" Glenn asks.

"Michonne. Is she okay?" She asks. I look down at her to see her chest rising up and down unbearably slow.

"Barely. We need to get her home. Well, prison. My father studies medicine, he can help her." I reply. She nods and we continue to head home, as I look out of the window and watch the walkers attempting to chase the vehicle.

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