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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"C'mon, rise and shine fishbone. Get up!" Carol chimes as she grasps my upper arm and shakes me. I groan and open an eye.

"Mmm, I don't wanna get up." I whine. She stops shaking me and sighs.

"Well, who's gonna eat the pancakes I made?" My eyes shoot open and I get out of bed.

"Pancakes!?" I look over to her and she laughs.

"Yes, pancakes. I just finished them and I'm about to head out to find the group." She says, as I get off the bed and fix myself up. I strap my belt around my waist and secure my knife and gun there. I look at Carol sympathetically and she smiles.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"I'm worried about Carl." I reply, to which she smirks evilly. I flinch back a bit because it was just.. Weird.

"Well, I'm gonna go downstairs to eat my pancakes. You can stay here and be weird." I say as I slowly back out of the room. I hit the side of the door and I realise that the door is closed. I am such an idiot.. As I keep my eyes on Carol, I search for the doorknob. I open the door and begin to head down the stairs.

I then realise that my leg isn't hurting as bad as it was a few days ago.. Sweet! I walk over to the dining table to see Tyreese and Judith there. Judith is currently sitting on Tyreese's lap while being fed. Cute. He looks at me and smiles, to which I just give him a friendly wave. I sit at the table and stare at the delicious golden stack of pancakes. My eyes sparkle and just as I am about to grab some, Carol comes downstairs.

"How did you find the shit to make pancakes?" I ask astonished.

"My little secret. I'll be back guys." She says, to which we both nod. She heads out of the front door and I draw my attention back to the pancakes.

"Pancakes." I say as my mouth waters a little. Tyreese laughs and he nods, to which I grab like 5 pancakes and begin to eat them. Every bite I take made my mouth water even more. I haven't had pancakes in years.. What do you expect? I finish them in 5 minutes and Tyreese looks at me like he's about to shit himself.

"How did you-?" He asks.

"I have a big stomach. Its easy for me to eat things like that. The real question is how did Carol make them?" I say, to which he shrugs.

"I only woke up about 10 minutes ago, which was about the time they were cooked. She is a great cook." He says.

"No kidding." I reply. I get up, walk over to the sink and put my dishes away. I look at Tyreese and Judith, to see her smiling.

"Did you want me to take her?" I ask, to which he nods.

"If you don't mind. I've already changed her diaper so she doesn't have any bombs in there." He says. I nod, walk over to the couch and sit down. I look at my blood-soaked bandage and I call out for Tyreese.

"Yo Ty." I call.

"Yeah?" He answers.

"Could you help me replace my bandage?" I ask.

"Of course. Give me a second." He replies. I hear cupboard doors opening and closing, which raises my curiosity. About a minute later, he comes around the corner holding a.. First aid box?

"Holy shit. Where on earth did you find that?!" I ask, obviously very freaking surprised.

"It was in one of the cupboards in the kitchen." He replies.

"Smart." Is all I say as he gently unwraps my blood-soaked bandage. He peels it off and I whimper, as the cool breeze blows onto the exposed wound. He rips part of his shirt off and goes into the kitchen. He comes back with a wet cloth and looks at me.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now