Thirty Six

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Carls P.O.V

Everyone was silent. No one dared to say a word to one another for a long time. Not only did we just watch an entire family go down, and an entire civilisation, but the person that saved all of our asses is sitting on a roof waiting for death. We only just got you back from saving our lives and now you've gone and risked your life AGAIN to save everyone else's. You're one of a kind (Y/N), honest to God. I hope you're doing alright. Please make it back safe.

I stare emotionless out the window thinking about where she is and if she is safe, I overhear Dad and Daryl talking in the front of the RV, where Dad is driving. I stand up and walk closer to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"They have to be from the quarry. Where else would hundreds of walkers come from out of nowhere?" Dad says arguing with Daryl.

"Well maybe if we just left them alone maybe they wouldn't have broken out of the quarry!" Daryl argues back.

"We had no other choice it was too close to Alexandria! We had to attempt to lure them away!" Dad yells.

"Then how the hell did they get to Alexandria when we lured them away?!" Daryl asks smashing his hand on the dashboard.

"I don't know okay?! Someone else must have lured them to us. Maybe if Deanna were still alive we could ask her if she's had any trouble with any rival groups." Dad replies trying to stay as calm as possible.

"Well maybe if you did your role as leader and did it right we wouldn't be in a god damn RV and my baby girl would be with us!" He yells. Dad stomps on the break and we all flinch forward. He gets out of the drivers seat and stands inches in front of Daryl.

"If you think you're so good why don't you be the leader then?" Dad yells.

"I think I'd do better than you buddy." Daryl growls back. Then, Michonne and (M/N) intervenes and pulls them away from each other.

"That's enough you two!" Michonne yells.

"Fighting ain't gonna bring back Alexandria or (Y/N)! We need to work together as a group to fix everything." Maggie adds. Before anyone else could respond, we hear moans and groans coming from behind the RV. A lot of moans and groans. Carol peeks through the curtains at the back of the RV to spot the hoard of zombies in the distance coming in our direction.

"Get down!" Carol whisper-yells as she signals us all to duck down. Dad turns off the RV, Carol closes every curtain and we all duck in cover to hide ourselves from the walker hoard. Sweat runs down the side of my head as the moans get louder and louder. Soon we can feel the RV move as the walkers bump into the side of the vehicle.

"Where did they come from?" I whisper to dad in fear. He puts a finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet, to which I oblige, as I really don't feel like being walker food today. After what felt like hours of cowering down, the moans soon then faded into the distance with only a few strays wandering around like lost puppies.

Some of us slowly stand up and sighs of relief are heard throughout the RV. I look over to Dad and he stands up and looks in front of the RV to see hundreds of walkers wandering in the opposite direction of Alexandria.

"Are they from Alexandria?" Glenn asks. Everyone looks at the fading hoard in the distance and Dad sighs.

"I sure hope so." Dad replies.

"It's only been a few hours how did they catch up to us so fast?" Maggie asks.

"The more important question is, who or what drove them out of Alexandria?" Abraham adds. No one speaks for a few seconds until Morgan speaks up.

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