Thirty Four

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I awake to the sunlight pouring into my room. I open my eyes and I stretch in my bed. I slowly sit up and look around. Holy shit that was the best sleep I have gotten in god knows how long! I smile, kick the sheets off and walk over to the mirror, to notice my face. I touch my face lightly and notice my horrid complexion.

"God damn I look like a fucking walker myself!" I say laughing. I grab some clothes and run down the hallway until I hear mom call my name.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing?" She calls from downstairs.

"Morning mom ! I'm going for a shower!" I reply. I rush into the bathroom and throw my clothes on the counter. I turn the water on and cool water rushes out of the shower head and hits my dirty arm. Holy fuck it feels amazing!!

I smile and turn the hot water on, making it warm and boy does it feel fucking great! I strip off my dirty clothes, chuck them in the basket and hop into the shower. Warm water flows down my dirt stained skin as I grab soap and begin to cleanse myself. As I am cleaning myself, I look down to see how murky the water has become because of how much dirt and blood was on my body.

I smile brightly and brush my teeth. I have teeth like my mother. They're always so white and we have no idea why. Must be a genetic thing. After cleaning my hair, and shaving, I emerge from the shower and sigh in relief. I walk over to the mirror, dry myself off, put my clothes on and look back into the mirror. 

After I cleaned my face in the shower, I can see what my face actually looks like after so long. I again touch my face and look at my left cheek. I notice the long vertical scar down the left side of my face, where the Govenor slit it. I then look at my right thigh and notice the stab wound from the scalpel, bringing back memories.


"Let her go she's bleeding out!"

"Wow. What a tough little girl."

I gasp and snap back into reality. I look into the mirror and notice the tears that had escaped my eyes. I take a deep breath in and wipe the tears off my face. I walk out of the bathroom and walk back into my room to notice Carl sitting on the edge of my bed, fiddling with a small box. He notices my existence and quickly shoved the box into his pocket.

"Took you long enough." He says smiling, as he stands up and walks over to me.

"Had nothing better to do. Thought you were with Enid." I reply back crossing my arms over my chest and turn away from him. I notice the sad expression on his face and he puts his hands on my shoulders. I shrug him off

"Babe, whats wrong with you?" He says looking even sadder than before.

"Where did you run off to yesterday? With Enid?" I ask looking back at him with tears brimming in my eyes. He looks directly into my eyes and then looks away and steps back.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"What?" I ask.

"I'm sorry." He repeats. I look at him weirdly and then all of a sudden my shoulders become heavy at the sudden realisation.

"Did you?-" I say shuttering.

"I'm sorry." He says as tears fall from his cheeks and into the carpet. I shake my head and he runs out of my room and outside. I close and lock my door, jump on my bed and burst out in tears How could he do this to me? How could he? That bitch! I'm gonna fucking kill her!

After what seemed like hours of crying, I get up and walk over to my mirror and look at my red puffy face. I rub my eyes and sit in my room for a bit and read comics when I hear a knock on my door. I get up, pick up my knife and shove it in my belt just in case, and walk over to the door and open it to notice that bitch, Enid. I grip the knife from inside my shirt and I stare daggers at her.

"What did you do to Carl?" She says as she pushes me into my room and closes the door. I growl at her in response.

"You pop into my life, steal my boyfriend from me, barge into my house and push me into my room. You're lucky I still have humanity in me or I would plunge a make up brush in your fucking skull!" I reply back, with venom dripping out of every word I said.

"You made him sad!" She yells.

"And you made him cheat!" I yell back. Enid grabs out a knife and walks towards me. Ironically, mom barges into my room and notices Enid.

"What the hell is going on here!?" She yells.

Mom grabs Enid by her hair, grabs her arm and pushes it behind her back making her yelp. Enid drops the knife and mom rips her head back and begins to talk in her ear.

"If you dare break into my house, touch Carl like that and threaten my daughter again I will hang your body out for the walkers to feed on your fucking flesh! I don't give a shit how old you are! Do you understand me!" She yells as she pulls Enid's hair more. Enid nods fast and mom begins to drag Enid by her hair outside.

I laugh and run out of my room to watch the show. I open the front door and gesture my mom, to which she smiles. Mom forcefully throws Enid outside and she falls down the couple of stairs that are outside. Both Ron and Jessie happen to be walking past our house and looked over. Jessie tries to hold in a laugh and my mom walks outside, scaring Enid off.

"That's right get out of my face you dirty slut!" She yells. Ron runs up to me with a panicked expression on his face.

"What happened!? Are you okay?!" He asks worriedly, to which I smile.

"Yea I'm perfectly fine. Turns out little miss bitch face doesn't like the fact that I am with Carl. Tried to take me out. Mom took care of her." I reply smiling.

"Yeah I can tell." He replies as he looks over to see mom and Jessie talking about her and laughing, to which Ron and I laugh.

"Guess our moms have something in common." He says.

"Yep, tough as nails." I reply back laughing. I look at Ron and notice him staring at me. I begin to grow uncomfortable until I notice Carl behind Ron, staring daggers at Ron. Ron looks back at Carl, rolls his eyes and walks off. Carl walks up to me and examines me.

"Can I help you?" I ask him, looking at him angrily.

"Are you okay?" He looks at me with a sad expression. God I hate when he looks at me like that I can't stay mad at him.

"I heard what happened." He says. I couldn't help but smile at him and laugh, to which he sighs in relief and smiles back.

"Yea babe, I'm fine. She's a feisty little bitch." I reply laughing. He grabs my hands and looks into my eyes.

"I love you, so much (Y/N), and I'm so fucking sorry. She just grabbed me and kissed me and I tried to push her away but she just-" I cut him off by planting my lips on his. He doesn't hesitate and pulls me closer and kisses back. I open one eye to notice Enid having a temper tantrum and running off, making me giggle.

"I love you too Carl."

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