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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

What? It can't be. Even if I didn't see her. How? Out of nowhere, I burst into tears while smiling at the same time.

"Mom!" I yell as I run up to her and engulf her in a tight embrace. Anyways, I hear dad drop his stuff and run up to us and hug us as well. I smile into moms shirt and pull away. She looks down at me and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and cups my face with her hands, as tears roll down her cheeks.

"My baby, you're alive." She sniffles, to which I smile.

"Not to be a mood killer or anything but can we go inside now? I would like to not die in front of a church." Abraham says, to which we all laugh. Mom walks over to dad and holds his hand, as I walk back over to Carl and smile.

"You okay love?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just a little shocked." I reply. He cups my cheek and wipes a lone tear off my face and I smile and rest my forehead on his. Just then, Maggie walks past and bumps me with her hip.

"Alright lovebirds, let's go inside. I don't wanna have to bury two kids." She says, to which I roll my eyes playfully and nod.

"Alright alright we're coming." I reply. I grasp Carl's hand and he returns the gesture as we walk inside the half abandoned, half spooky Church. Every step I take on the creaky floorboards, raises my awareness even more. I look around and hear someone whistle from behind me. I turn my attention behind to see that the noise came from the one and only... Abraham flipping Ford.

"What a shit hole." He says, earning a choked laugh from me.

"How dare you! This is a place of god!" Gabriel growls.

"Place of god. Sure Gabriel." I scoff and Carl sits down on the floor and I sit on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and I shift position. I twist my body around and wrap my legs around his waist and rest my head against his chest, and listen the slow, soothing beats of his heart.

"Are you okay?" He asks, as I realise that I am falling asleep on him. I snap out back in to reality and look at him.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I need to change my bandage though. It started bleeding again, because the walkers fucking fell on me the fat shits." I say as I get up and as Carl chuckles at my foul words.

"Real mature (Y/N), real mature." He says sarcastically as he lifts himself up off the floor. He walks up to me smiles.

"Quit your whining, you love it." I snicker. He growls seductively and wraps his arms around my waist quickly and pulls me closer.His lips go to my ear and he begins to whisper.

"I do." He replies, quickly nipping my ear. I yelp quietly and pull him away.

"Carl Grimes! That was highly inappropriate." I joke around, making him laugh.

"Ah quit your whining, you love it." He replies, copying my words as I walk away.

"I do." I reply as I approach mom and dad. I glance over to mom to see her and dad hugging each other. They notice me and draw their attention to me, and mom smiles, showing off her pearly white teeth. There is something about mom, how her teeth are never remotely yellow. Nothing. Always a bright white.

"Hey dad, can you change my bandage?" I ask, to which he shrugs.

"I don't have the kit. Sorry hun, maybe go over to Maggie. She should have it." He replies to which I nod. I walk over to Maggie and she gives me a bright smile.

"Hey Maggie, dad says you've got the first aid kit?" I ask, to which she nods.

"That's correct. Would you like me to change your bandage?" She asks me, to which I nod.

"Please. And thank you." I reply. She stands up and walks to her bag, grabs out the kit and walks back over to me.

"Follow me." She says, to which I oblige. I follow her to one of the chairs and I sit down there. She grabs a crate and brings it back over to me.

She slowly lifts up my injured leg and gently places it on the crate. She unwraps the half blood-soaked bandage and tosses it in a plastic bag. She rummages through the kit and grabs out a rather large roll of bandage, a safety pin and something to cover the wound with before we wrap the bandage around it. She looks at it and frowns, gaining my attention and interest.

"Is something wrong?" I ask her, intriguingly. She doesn't reply but brings her hand up and gently places it next to my wound as she drops her head. I realise what she's sad about and I sigh. I lift my own hand up and place it on top of hers. She lifts her head as hit tears drop down from her face, to which I smile lightly.

"I could've helped. I don't know why I just sat there and watched you get hurt, that's not what best friends do. I'm so sorry, I-"

"Hey Maggie, this is not your fault." I cut her off.

"I have a big mouth that gets me into a lot of shit. That's not your fault. I kinda deserved a scalpel in the thigh." I say, to which she shakes her head.

"You were trying to protect us. Me and Glenn. You don't deserve to suffer for others." She says.

"Because I promised Rick. I love you guys. Blood related or not, we're still family. All of us are." I reply.

"(Y/N), I'm scared. For Beth, for Glenn, for you. For everyone." She says. Even if I don't know what happened to Beth, but I let it go to save the sadness.

"You wouldn't be human if you didn't feel scared." I reply. She smiles as she finishes putting on the bandage and she helps me up hugs me, to which I hug back.

"We'll find a way through this." I say. We pull away from the hug and she looks at me.

"You promise?" She asks.

"On my life." I reply. She puts her pinky finger out and I put mine out and we entwine our together.

"A sister's promise." I say, smiling. We let go and she smiles. She looks at me with a weird smirk and I raise a brow.

"So, you and Carl. I saw the ear nip." She says wiggling her eyebrow.

"Oh God." I say as I roll my eyes playfully and begin to walk in the opposite direction.

"This isn't over (Y/N)!" She yells, giggling.

"Try me." I reply back laughing. I walk back over to Carl, to see he is setting up the sleeping bag for us to sleep in. I slowly sit down and he sits down next to me. He looks at me and smiles, to which I return the gesture.

"You and Maggie must be best friends huh?" He asks, grabbing my hand and kissing it.

"Sure are." I reply. I turn my body in his direction and I hug him, to which he hugs back.

"I love you." He says, making my eyes widen. I smile and pull away and look back at him. I smile as he wraps his arms around my waist, as he kisses me. After a few more blissful seconds, we pull away only to hear.. *sigh* the uninvited snickering of my father and Carl's father. I groan and look at them, to see them laughing.

"You guys are babies." I say as I lay down. They eventually walk away and I hear a massive lock. Wow, this place is safe. My eyes begin to grow heavy, so I go with it and close my eyes. I then feel a pair of lips touch my forehead and I instantly know its Carl.

"Goodnight fishbone." He says, as he wraps his arms around my waist. I turn to have my back against his chest and I sigh in satisfaction.

"Goodnight Carla." And with that, I fall asleep.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now