Twenty Four

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We barge through the hospital doors, holding the woman police officer captive, with Rosita pointing a gun to her head, making the others stand down. We all walk up the staircase and into the 2nd floor hallway, only to spot Dawn, with 2 police officers, holding Beth and Carol hostage. We give her the woman officer and she gives us Beth in return. She runs to me and I hug her tightly.

"Thank god." I say, as we pull away from the hug. She looks at us, crosses her arms over her chest and taps her foot on the floor repeatedly and impatiently.

"Where's the other officer?" She growl.

"Oh, well if you want me to go downstairs and pick up what remains of him outside, or even his rotting undead corpse, I think we can make that happen." I reply with a smirk, making her swear under her breath. She then clicks, and gives us an insane looking smile. Oh fuck, I don't like the look of this.

"Well, two for one isn't fair, is it? How about give me the little one here. She'd make a great officer." Dawn implies.

"Excuse me? I'd rather die than go with you!" I yell back. She growls, grabs Carol and puts a gun to her head, making me gasp.

"Now either hand one of yours over or this one joins the living dead." Before we can say anything, Beth walks up to Dawn with a pair of scissors. She raises her hand, I gasp and pull Beth back, as Beth was about to strike Dawn.

"Beth stop! I'll do it!" I speak up.

"What!?" Carl, Dad and Mom yell.

"Trust me I know what I'm doing." I whisper to Carl.

"But-" I walk over to him and kiss the top of his head.

"-I have a plan, okay. I love you." I say. I turn back to face Dawn.

"I'll join you, just give them back Carol and let them leave!" I reply.

"No!" Mom yells Dawn smirks and pushes Carol to the group. She grabs onto my arm and jerks me towards her. She leans down and whispers into my ear.

"Welcome to the family little one. You'll be a great asset to the police force."

I metaphorically shit my pants when she said that. It made me want to cry.

"Now get out! The officers will show you out. Try anything, and the little one dies." They get escorted out, as I hear the yells and cries from my family. I turn around and walk away, in the opposite direction of my family. Dawn lets go of the hard grip she has on me and we walk into an office. She sits down on a sofa, as she pats the space next to her, signifying for me to sit down

"Now, I know it's gonna be hard for you to adapt into this society, but l promise you that I will protect you." She says. No response out of me. All I do is stare blankly into her eyes. The woman standing before me, is a useless sack of shit, that needs to be fucking locked away forever. Her eyes tell me that she has no soul, or no humanity left. She reminds me of The Governor. Selfish, horrible, insane, and much more.

I look around and notice a walkie talkie  I on the desk. Brilliant! I can use that to contact the group! All police walkie talkies are connected right? Eh, it's worth a shot. She sighs and stands up. She walks to the door, opens it and signals me to get out. I stand up, walk past the desk, take the walkie talkie and shove it in my bra, as she looks into the hallway and walk out. She stops me by gripping my shoulder. Fuck, I think she caught me. I turn around to see her holding a gun. A Revolver to be precise.

"Take it. Use it only when you need to."

I mentally sigh in relief, take it and shove it into my belt and walk off. I walk down the hallway and past rooms, to see there are patients inside, being treated by doctors and nurses. Well, at least some people are still humane. I walk downstairs and outside, look around to spot a few officers walking back into the hospital, probably after killing all of those walkers. I grab out the walkie talkie from my bra and try to calibrate it until I can get a signal. God I hope this works..

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