Twenty Eight

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As soon as my mouth was grasped by a fresh, live person's hand, I basically shit myself. I panic and frantically move my arms around to attempt to hit the unknown person behind me. To be honest, I think I might look like those big inflatable balloon things with the long arms you see at the front of car dealerships. I manage to rip free of their tight grip and I spin around to see who grabbed me when I see none other than.. Carl?

"What the fuck babe you scared the shit out of me!" I growl as I hyperventilate.

"Sorry, I didn't want you going out here alone so I came out to come with you." He replies, looking down to the floor.

"And you thought it was a good idea to grab my mouth from behind then call out my name." I ask raising an eyebrow, to which he shrugs.

"It seemed like a good plan at first." He says as he laughs. I roll my eyes playfully and walk back to the road.

"I'm sorry." He whines as he catches up to me. He walks beside me and I look at him and smile, to which he returns the friendly gesture. We walk out onto the road when we spot bottles of water standing upright in the middle of the road. We stop in our tracks and look at each other in confusion.

"I'm just gonna say this first.. What the fuck." Carl says out of nowhere, making me laugh.

"Do you think it's safe?" I ask.

"Better not risk it. It could be poisonous or spiked or something." He predicts.

"Yeah, maybe we should just keep this water and go back." I suggest, to which he nods in agreement. We walk for about 5 minutes, killing any stray walker that we come across until Carl speaks up.

"Babe." He says.

"Hmm?" I hum, grasping his hand.

"How are we going to drink that anyways? It's polluted and probably riddled with walker blood and grey water." He asks.

"Easy, I know how to clean it." I reply, keeping my eyes forward.

"How though?" He asks, to which I turn to look at him.

"I was part of the at cadets babe, just trust me alright." I reply, to which he laughs.

"I already trust you so there's no point in telling me to." He adds, lifting my hand up and kissing it, making me blush and smile. After about another 10 minutes of walking, we arrive back to the house and we head inside, to spot everyone staring at us.

"(Y/N)!" Mom yells worriedly as she runs to me and engulfs me in a tight embrace.

"You're back!" Rosita says happily.

"Hey guys." I say as I laugh and hug mom back. Mom and I pull out of the hug and I look over to Carl, to see him getting scolded by Rick, so I decide to see what's happening.

"I already told you that I'm sorry!" Carl yells, as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"You shouldn't have run off like that! We were worried sick!" Rick yells back.

"Carl?" I say as I put my hands on my hips and as I raise a brow. He turns to look at me and his face turns red in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry." He says softly. I walk up to him and hug him from behind, and the. violently slap the back of his head with my hand. He flinches and looks at me and rubs the back of his head.

"Ow! What was that for?" He asks.

"For running off dip shit. Everyone here loves you. You should have said something." I reply, to which he looks down to the floor and nods.

"I'm sorry." He repeats. I walk around him and stand in front of him and give him a big smile.

"Its okay! Just tell someone next time okay?" I say, to which he nod.

"Good." I reply. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his cheek and skip off.

I skip over to dad and jump on him. He basically shits himself and struggles to grab me. Once he does, he spins me around, making me laugh. He stops spinning and I smile and look up at him.

"Hi dad." I say.

"Hey baby cakes." He replies. I stop smiling and think of what he just said.

"Hey baby cakes" I remember when he called me that.. The last time he called me that was when Debbie was.. Still alive..


"Are you sure about this (N/N)?" Debbie whispers to me, as we stand inside the cupboard, waiting for daddy to get home from going outside.

"Yeah come on Debbie it'll be fine! Daddy will be home soon and we will surprise him." I whisper back to her.

We then hear the door open, and we be quiet. In an instant, Debbie and I jump out of the closet and laugh.

"Welcome home daddy!!" The both of us yell.

"Hey baby cakes!!" He yells back, as he puts his crossbow down and kneels down and opens his arms out.

Debbie and I both run up to daddy and jump into his arms, and he falls over, as all three of us laugh. Then mommy comes into the room smiling.

"What's going on here?" She asks laughing.

"Daddy's home mommy! Look!" Debbie says hugging daddy's neck.

Mommy laughs and sits down with us and joins in on the hug. cakes..Debbie..


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