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Glenn's P.O.V

We arrive back to the prison and I carefully pick up (Y/N). I look at Maggie as she gets out of the car and looks at me. It kills me to see how messy her hair is as it falls in front of her tear-stained face. She looks broken. She's thinking of (Y/N)'s safety. The stubbornness in (Y/N)'s eyes, it intimidates people, causing herself to get injured. We carry her inside and wait at the cell block gate. They all look surprised, and look at (Y/N). Their faces tear up and Maggie begins to cry again. Carl opens the gate and runs up to (Y/N).

"Who the fuck did this!?" He yells.

"Carl! Watch your language." Lori growls.

"We were kidnapped by some guy called The Governor or something. He must've kidnapped her before because she remembers him, and he clearly remembered her by the way he completely mauled her." I explain, grabbing another shirt and putting it on.

I look over to Maggie, to see her being comforted by Beth, Lori and Sasha. Rick begins to ask Michonne the 'questions' while I cradle (Y/N) gently. Then, Hershel limps out and looks at (Y/N) and begins to examine her.

"What condition is she in?" I ask as Hershel lightly touches her neck to feel her pulse.

"She's barely alive. Put her on the  bed, I'll check for any signs of infection then I'll patch her up." He says. I nod and place her gently on the bed and look at Rick, who has just finished speaking with Michonne.

"Where's Daryl?" I ask.

"Who knows. He might be-" Rick gets cut off by a certain redneck voice. Crap. Daryl.

"Where's (Y/N)?" He asks. He walks over to us and I put my hands out to stop him.

"No no no no! Don't come in!" I yell, but being the stubborn moron he is, he doesn't give a crap and walks in. He gasps, clenches his jaw and tightens his fists.

"Who the decided to take my daughter out without my permission!?" He asks, to which Maggie and I sweat drop, as I can almost see the dark aura around him and in the rage in his eyes. As I am about to throw in the towel, Rick speaks up.

"Calm down, Daryl, she volunteered to tag along. You should know there is no way convincing her." He says, attempting to calm the ticking time-bomb known as Daryl. Somehow, it worked, to which I exhale silently. I look back over to (Y/N) to see Hershel finishing up the bandage around her right leg. I walk over to Hershel and kneel down next to him and look at her.

"How long will she be unconscious for?" Daryl asks. We look at Hershel and he sighs.

"Honestly, I don't know when she will wake up. It seems like the likelihood of her waking up is low. She took a good beating." Carl grunts, pushes his way put and runs away.

"She's lost a lot of blood and I'd be surprised if she woke up maybe in a week." Hershel explains.

"It'll take a miracle to wake her up soon." Rick says. Everyone except Daryl, Hershel and me walk out, and Hershel sighs and gets up, and walks to the entrance of the cell. He stops and looks down.

"Christ promised the resurrection of the dead. I just thought he had something else in mind." And with that, he walks off. Daryl sighs and sits in the chair Hershel was previously sitting in. He looks at me and I look at him sympathetically. I get up and grip his shoulder lightly.

"What happens if she doesn't wake up." He asks me.

"She'll wake up." I say to him.

"How do you know?" He asks, growling a bit.

"I just know she will. She's a tough girl Daryl, she'll pull through. Don't get your hopes up." I reply, smiling a bit to attempt to make him feel better, even if I think it won't work.. It's worth a shot. He smiles lightly, stands up and walks out. He just smiled. I smile again, look down at (Y/N) and move the strays of hair that cover her face.

"Everything's going to be okay." I whisper. I lightly kiss her forehead, get up and walk out. I go up to Maggie to see she has calmed down. I give her a reassuring smile and she walks up to he and engulfs me in a hug, to which I hug her back.

"She's gonna live, right?" She asks. I rub her back gently and inhale.

"I hope she will. We have to pray for her." I reply to which she nods. I press my lips against hers and hug her again..

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now