Thirty One

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We continue to walk for about a few hundred meters when we spot a white caravan looking vehicle, and another man. The man is limping towards us and gestures us to go the other direction with his hands. I hear a gasp from Aaron and he runs towards the man.

"Eric!" Aaron yells.

"Run!! Run for your lives!!" Eric yells back. I look at Rick and he looks at me with confusion. We then hear grunts and groans in the distance. I squint and cover my hand over my eyes to look into the distance to spot walkers.. heaps of them. I run past Aaron putting Eric's arm over his shoulder and look at all the walkers coming in the direction of us. I gulp and tremble with fear. Rick runs up to me and gasps.

"Rick, there's too many! How are we going to get out of here?" I ask worryingly. I turn to look at everyone getting in the caravan. I look back at Rick to see him looking scared. Something I've never seen before.

"How are there so many?" I ask. No answer. As they inch closer we turn and run back and jump in the caravan. Rick jump in the front and I hop into the passenger seat. I look out the window and see the walkers around 100 metres away.

"Rick you better hurry up!" I say as he attempts to turn the caravan on. All we hear is engine fucking up. The walkers are getting closer!!

"Come on you piece of shit!" Rick yells. I growl and get out of the caravan.

"(Y/N) what are you doing!?" Carl yells.

"Rick! Keep turning the key while I give the caravan a push! If the walkers get to me don't wait!" I yell.

"But-" Rick begins, but i cut him off.

"-Just do what I say dammit!" I growl. He says nothing. Aaron gives me a map and nods. I run to the back of the caravan and begin to push it. I hear the engine fucking up still and the horde of walkers about 10 metres away. Then finally, the caravan starts up and I give it a big push. I start to run to the caravan but the walkers block my way.

"FUCK!" I yell. I see Carl's head pop out of the caravan and yell from a distance as I run into the woods, followed by the entire walker horde. I'm so dead..

Carl's P.O.V

"No!!!!!" I yell. Someone grabs my shirt and pulls my head into the caravan. Maggie was responsible. She gives me a hug and I silently cry into her shirt.

"She's gonna die." I yell. She pulls me off her and looks into my tear soaked eyes, with tears in her eyes.

"No she wont. She's strong. She will get through this." She says attempting to reassure me.

"No she won't. Did you see how many walkers were there?" I ask.

"Carl does have a point." Carol adds.

"Carol!" Maggie growls.

"Not about (Y/N). The walkers. Where on earth do you think they came from?" Carol asks.

"No idea. Maybe they came from a city or a town." Dad adds, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What are we going to tell Daryl and (M/N)?" Glenn asks, walking up to us. No answer. We are all fucked.

"We will see her again. I know we will." Aaron says.

"How do you know?" I growl.

"I gave her my map. It has the location of Alexandria. I don't need it because I know where I'm going now. She will find us eventually. I'll talk to her parents." He explains.

"How long is the drive to Alexandria?" Dad asks.

"About an hour. I can drive if you want." Aaron says. Dad stops the car and they swapped places and we begin to drive again. I sigh and sit properly in the passenger seat, as I put my hand on the arm rest, rest my head on my hand and look at the window. About 45 minutes later, I walk over to Dad and see him fiddling with the walkie talkie when it started to make sounds.

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