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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

We start to walk through the damp, dark woods, while Carl and I stick together at the front, hand in hand. Now, you're probably wondering, why is it dark in the woods while it's morning? The answer is, because the vegetation. We continue to walk in front of the group, hand in hand, hearing the occasional groans of walkers that happen to come across us. I look around and sigh, making Carl look over to me sympathetically.

"(Y/N). What's wrong?" He asks, holding my hand tighter, to which I smile and hold his hand tighter in return.

"Its just, I miss my mom." I reply.

"Hey, it's okay, I miss my mom too, especially when I." He trails off and I stop and put my hands on his shoulders.

"That wasn't your fault. You had no choice." I say, attempting to reassure him. He smiles and holds my hand, to which I return the gesture. I notice that the both of us are leaning in. Just as Carl and I are about to kiss, we hear a loud, manly cry for help. I pull away and begin to run in the direction of the scream. As I am running, and the group following close behind, I pull out Mika's knife, which is strapped onto my right leg. I look around and see a man in a black robe, fleeing from two stupid walkers. I smile evilly and look back at the group, who just nod. With that movement I grab a rock and yell.

"Oi! You sacks of shit!" I say as I throw the rock at the walkers head. They groggily turn around and start heading towards me. Like a shark, my eyes metaphorically roll to the back of my head and and charge at them. One of the walkers swing his arm at me and I duck and kick it over in the process.

It falls to the floor and I grab the other walker by the neck and stab it in the head. The other walker manages to get up and I push him over again, which is quite funny. I walk over to it and stomp on its head, making the blood and brains spatter onto my shoe and leg. I sigh in satisfaction and dust myself off.

"That was some crazy shit right there! I love her." Abraham says, making me smile and toll my eyes playfully.

"That's a Dixon for you." Rick adds. I walk over to the man that's laying on the floor for some reason and hold my hand out to help him up. He takes it and I pull him up.

"Oh thank the Lord you've saved me." He says as he grabs my hand and shakes it. I pull it away and wipe my hand, because his hand was covered in blood and dirt.

"Don't mention it." I reply, putting my new knife back in its strap, as everyone comes towards us.

"How can I ever thank you young lady?" He asks.

"Well, first off you can tell us your name." I reply.

"My name is Gabriel. I'm a priest. And you are?" He asks

"(Y/N)." I reply. Everyone introduces themselves and Rick confronts Gabriel and begins to ask him the 'questions'.

"Gabriel, How many walkers have you killed?" Rick asks.

"None, I am a man of god." He replies.

"How many people have you killed?" Gabriel's head lowers and I squint my eyes in curiosity.

"None." He replies bluntly.

"Why?" Rick asks.

"Like I said, I am a man of god." He replies. Oh jeez. I mentally face palm and he looks over to me.

"Anything else you guys need?" He asks. I look at my group and smile, and look back at him.

"A place to stay would be nice." I reply. He scratches his head and I look at him.

"Well, I don't see why not. You did save my life and all." He replies, to which I smile eagerly.

"Great! Lead the way." I say, to which he nods. I walk back to Carl and entwine my fingers with his, as we begin to follow Gabriel.

"Yo Gabe!" I say, to which he turns around.

"If you try anything." I say, as I lift up my shirt to reveal my gun. He gulps and nods his head fast, knowing I don't give second chances.

"Where are you taking us anyways?" Glenn asks.

"Loose ends make my ass itch." Abraham says, making me laugh. For the first time in all these years years. Everyone smiles and Carl grips my hand smiling the brightest.

"You laughed." Carl says.

"Did the sound give it away?" I joke, making him laugh.

"Anyways, answer the question." Maggie says coldly. I guess she doesn't trust him yet.

"A church." Gabriel replies.

"A church?" Michonne asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm not alone." He replies. I stop in my tracks and growl. He looks behind to face me and I take my gun out of its holster and  raise it to point at him.

"Woah (Y/N)!" Rick yells.

"How many are there?" I ask coldly. He doesn't answer. I rest my finger on the trigger, becoming impatient.

"How many god damn people have you got with you. I'm not putting my family in danger anymore. They've been through enough. Now, I'm gonna ask you again. How many people. Are there?" I ask, with rage in my eyes and venom in my tone of voice.

"Only one. A woman. She's the one who gathers food and weapons for us." He replies. I hesitantly lower my gun and put it back in its holster.

"She better not be a threat." I say.

"Oh heavens no. She has had a bad past. She wouldn't hurt a fly." He replies. After around 10 more minutes of walking, we arrive at a small Church.

"Looks homey." Glenn says.

"Yeah, if blood on the walls and gravestones around an old church seems homey to you then I guess it is." I reply sarcastically, making everyone laugh. We walk up to the entrance of the Church and about to open the large doors, when a middle aged woman comes out of the church, with her right leg missing and replaced with a prosthetic leg. I freeze in my tracks as my eyes brim with tears.

"(M/N)?" Dad says, in shock.


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