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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I sit under the cover of the sleeping bag, continuously staring at the beautiful gold bracelet Bob gave to me before his passing. I read the little message on the bracelet over and over again.

"Stay strong." I say aloud. I hold back tears, until someone lightly pokes my side through the blanket, probably trying to get my attention. I groan in annoyance and lift the cover over my head and look in the direction of where the person poked me, only to see the face of.. Sasha? I huff angrily and begin to talk to her.

"What do you want?" I growl.

"Can I talk to you?" She asks, to which I scoff.

"So you can abuse me again for no apparent reason?" I reply angrily, refusing eye contact with the brown skinned woman.

"No, I want to apologise." My eyes widen when she said those words.

"Say what now?" I ask with a (⊙_⊙) look on my face.

"You heard me." She answers. I chuckle lowly, making the hairs on her arms stand up.

"You can try to persuade me, but I'm not making any promises if I beat you up." I reply, to which she sweat drops. She helps me up and we walk into one corner of the church, and sit down.

"Go on." I say as I lean on the wall and begin to sharpen Mika's old knife. Keep it together (Y/N)...

"Okay, I'm sorry I pushed you over." She says bluntly.

"And?" I say. Surely the bitch hasn't forgotten that she accused me of losing Bob and that she pushed me into some wooden fucking crates. She ain't as dumb as she looks.. Well.. I bloody hope not...

"And for pushing you into those crates." she replies.

"And?" I ask her.

"And for accusing you of getting Bob killed. It was wrong, and I would trade my life for Bob's any day." She replies. I furrow my eyebrow, smirk evilly and stare at her.

"That can be arranged.." I say evilly, making her shiver. After a few seconds, I laugh.

"Nah, I'm just messing with you." I say as I wave the sharpened knife near her face.

"So, do you forgive me?" She asks. I hum trying to decide, while I tap the knife on my chin. I look at her, put the knife back into my belt and smile.

"Sure, apology accepted. Next time, if you point the finger at me for something I didn't do.. I'll skin you alive. Because you will not accuse me of hurting my family in any circumstances." I say stubbornly.She shivers and I get up, towering over her. I hold my hand out to help her up.

"Do you understand?" I ask. She grabs my hand and I help her up.

"I do." She replies. I shake her hand and walk off. I begin to walk to walk in the direction of Maggie when someone grabs my wrist. I turn behind me to see my smelly yet smexy boyfriend, Carl. I smile and he whispers something into my ear.

"Come with me, I need to tell you something." He says. I nod and we begin to walk outside, when Mom stops us.

"And where do you two think you're going?" She asks.

"We are gonna hang outside to get some fresh air." Carl answers. Mom smiles and nods.

"Have you got your weapons?" She asks, to which we both nod and place our hands on our belts, where our knives are kept. She nods and we open the church doors and head outside. I sigh and turn to Carl.

"So, where are we g-" Before I could finish the sentence, he grabs my hand and takes me around the back of the church. I look at Carl confusingly and he pins me to the wall.

The lime starts here.

I attempt to wriggle out of his grip but it's no use, he's too bloody strong.

"What are you doing?" I ask. He silences me by pressing his lips firmly into mine. I stand there in shock for like two seconds before I melt into the kiss, deepening it. He presses his chest against mine, forcing me to lift myself up and wrap my legs around his waist.

God I hope no walkers creep up on us.. Thats the least of my worries. I'm worrying that we'll have sex! I don't wanna get pregnant! It'll be that 16 and pregnant TV show all over again!

He licks my bottom lip, probably asking for entrance, so I decide to be the little bitch I am and deny him, making him growl. He smacks my back onto the wall, surprising me and making me open my mouth, to which he shoves his tongue inside my mouth. You cheeky fucker.. I push away and he looks at me weirdly

"I'm sorry, I was getting a little uncomfortable, mostly nervous of being eaten alive by bags of flesh ." I say, to which he smiles.

"That was my fault this time. I'm sorry for being this hasty." He puts me down and hugs me, to which I hug back.

"You weren't hasty, I was just scared of dying here. It's a little exposing." I say, to which he laughs.

Skip to here if you don't want to read the lime.

He plants a light kiss on my forehead and I smile.

"I love you." I say, to which he smiles brightly.

"I love you t-" He stops speaking when he looks at the wall of the church. He trembles in fear, making me curious. I turn behind me and see big writing, written with blood.


"'You'll burn for this'.. Who could have wrote this?" Carl asks.

"Not who. Why." I reply. I growl and storm off. Carl runs after me and yells, obviously not too loudly.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

"Gonna have a little talk with Gabriel." I reply.

"Why?" He asks, while he catches up with me.

"Because he's got a lot of explaining to do." I reply. Carl and I storm inside and I look around for Gabriel. I spot him talking to Rosita and I growl. I stomp over to him, twist him around to face me and grab him by his neck.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Rosita asks, gaining the attention of everyone else around me.

"Let me go!" He pleads, trying to struggle out of my tight grip on his neck, making me tighten it.

"The more you struggle, the more tighter my grip is gonna get." I chime.

"What do you want from me?" He asks.

"I want you to tell me what exactly happened outside." I ask him.

"What does that mean?" Glenn asks.

"Oh, just the words 'You'll burn for this' are written in fucking blood located at the back of the church." I explain. Everyone's eyes widen and they turn their heads to look at Gabriel.

"I can explain." He says.

"Then explain yourself to save your holy ass." I growl.


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