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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

My eyes flutter open to see a blurry figure looking over me. I yelp and smack it out of my way only to hear a grunt. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and look over to see Carl with a big hand mark on the side of his face. I scrunch my face up and he groans, while rubbing the handprint with his right hand, while holding himself up in his left.

"What was that for?" He asks.

"Sorry, I thought you were a walker." I reply, to which he smiles and rolls his eyes playfully. He scoots next to me and wraps his arms around my waist as I sit myself up. He pulls me into his chest and places his head on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't kill my future." He coos in a baby voice. My heart melts when he calls me 'his'.

"Why future?" I ask as I entwine my fingers in his.

"Because you're the one I'm planning it with, even in a world like this."

"I never knew you had a way with words." I say as I lean onto his chest. He unlaces one of our hands and wraps it around my waist.

"I guess it just runs in the family." He replies. All of a sudden, Judith turns and opens her eyes, so I unlace my hand, get out of his grip and pick up Judith. I look over to Carl to see him pouting, to which I roll my eyes playfully.

"Come on you baby, let's take Judith to your father." I say. He smiles and gets up. He unzips the tent and moves out of the way for me to go first.

"Why thank you." As I am about to move, Carl runs out first and zips up the tent.

"Hey!" I growl.

"That's what you get for leaving me to pick up Judith." He teases. I huff and I place Judith on my hip and I zip down the tent, with playful rage in my eyes. Carl looks at me, and basically turns white. He coughs awkwardly and runs away. I smirk in victory and get out of the tent and zip it back up. I walk over to Rick and I sigh.

"Yo Rick!" I call. He turns around and smiles brightly.

"I think this is yours." I say as I hold Judith. Judith stretches her arms out to Rick and laughs, making my heart melt. Rick walks over to me and get grabs Judith.

"Watch out (Y/N), I might have to make you a baby sitter." He jokes.

"Ha ha, funny but killing walkers is my thang." I say, trying to tease Rick about the 'thang' part. He huffs and rolls his eyes playfully.

"Whatever I don't say that." He says as he walks away.

"You know you do Rick! You're just not accepting it!" I yell making people around us laugh. I look around and see Maggie and Glenn coming out of the tent and I run up to them.

"Maggie!" I yell, making her turn around and smiling brightly.

"(Y/N)!" She replies as I jump into her arms and engulfing her in a hug.

"Good morning." I say to her.

"Good morning to you too." She replies. I hear a throat bing cleared so we draw our attention to see Glenn faking to be sad.

"Where's my hug?" He asks. Maggie laughs and I roll my eyes playfully. I push away from Maggie and I jump onto Glenn and hug him, while I wrap my legs around his waist. Maggie and him laugh as Glenn hugs me back.

"Morning Glenn." I say into his chest.

"Morning (Y/N)." He replies back. He helps me down and I look at both of them and I decide to surprise them.. I think maybe it's time to be a little happier for them. I curve my lips into a smile to which they both gasp.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now