Thirty Three

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Deanna has been showing everyone houses that we will be living in. As Carl and I are talking, Deanna comes up to all of us and begins to speak.

"Mr and Mrs Dixon?" She asks, to which Mom and Dad turn around to look in her direction.

"Would you like to follow me to your house?" She asks, to which they nod.

"Did you want to come check out my house?" I ask Carl.

"Duh!" He replies making me laugh. I grasp his hand and we follow Deanna to my new home. As we are walking, we spot two adolescent kids walk outside a house. One male and one female. I stare down the young girl and grip Carl's hand tighter, basically signalling her to fuck off. We try to walk past them when the boy walks over to us with a twisted grin on his face.

"You must be the newbies Mom was talking about." He says staring at me creepily, but Carl barely even notices because he's too busy staring at that girl. I let go of his hand and roll my eyes. I cross my arms over my chest and i stare daggers at him.

"Even if we were newbies we'd still be able to kick your ass any way and any day." I reply smirking.

"Is that so? How about video games?" He asks. My eyes light up when he says that. Ugh oh my god I haven't played a video game in fucking ages!!

"Um, I'm the master at video games!" I smile, making my hand into a fist.

"Then how about a little Call Of Duty then?" He says smiling even more.

"You're on! Get ready to be beaten by a girl, beanie head!" I yell, insulting him at the same time, making him laugh. I laugh and turn to look at Carl to notice that he's completely disappeared, with no sign of that girl either. I growl and shrug it off, and begin to walk with the boy to his house.

"I never got your name." He says as he opens the door to his house and holds it open for me.

"(Y/N)" I reply smiling, as I walk inside his house. I turn around to face him as he closes the front door.

"I really like that name. My names Ron." He says as he holds his hand out, gesturing me to shake it. I smile and shake his hand, but he turns it around and kisses the top of my hand, making me smile even more.

"Ron? Is that you?" A female voice yells out from what seems like the kitchen.

"Yeah Mom! I brought a friend over!" He replies.

"Oh god did you bring Enid over again? Remember what I told you last time?" She growls as a beautiful blonde woman turns the corner with an angry look on her face. Her face changes instantly when she sees me and she smiles brightly.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I thought you were someone else." She says smiling, a little embarrassed.

"That's okay. My name is (Y/N)" I reply smiling.

"Im Ron's Mom, but just call me Jessie. My my, you're a pretty one aren't you? She's way better than Enid Ron." She says as she lightly hits the top of Ron's head with a spatula.

"Mom!" He says blushing like crazy, making me laugh.

"Who's Enid if I may ask?" I ask politely.

"Ugh. Enid is Ron's ex girlfriend and she is a real pain in the ass." Jessie replies rolling her eyes.

"Well this Enid girl must have caught the attention of my boyfriend and I lost sight of both of them." I reply.

"Since you're new here, just warning you, be extremely careful around her. She tends to jump over the wall and wander." She warns, to which I nod.

"Well, we are gonna go into the living room and play some video games if that's okay with you Mom." Ron says, to which she smiles.

"Okay go then, I'll bring in some crackers or something for you two to snack on." She replies.

"Thanks Mom." We walk into the living room and I spot a young boy playing with toy cars. The little boy looks up and stares at me.

"Sam, this is (Y/N). Don't be annoying because we're gonna play some video games." Ron says, as he introduces me to what seems like his younger brother, Sam. He walks over to the TV and the Xbox and turns it on, and we wait until Call of Duty loads. A chill runs down my spine as its becoming colder. Ron notices and wraps a blanket around me, to which I thank him with a smile.

Jessie comes in a few minutes later with some crackers and home made dip. Jessie walks back into the living room and sits on the couch with a cup of tea and a book and begins to read. All of a sudden time moves so slow. I wrap myself up more as I begin to look around the room. Noticing the Xbox turned on, Sam sitting on the floor playing, Jessie reading a book and Ron staring at the TV intensely, it is so.. Peaceful.

I feel like I'm in a dream. Back to the non- zombie infested world. Back to when the world made god damn sense. I just am having bad vibes at the moment but who doesn't ? If you don't have bad vibes in a world like this, then you might as well kiss your ass goodbye.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Ron asks as he grips my shoulder and shakes me lightly. I snap back into reality and smile at him.

"Yeah Ron, sorry if I worried you, I zone out a lot." I reply.

"Oh okay, well the game has loaded." He says as he hands me a controller. I look over to him a smirk evilly, to which he smirks evilly back.

"Ready to get your ass kicked?" He asks cockily.

"You better keep your mouth shut because you're gonna be eating my dust when I kill you at this!" I reply laughing.

"You wish newbie!" He yells.

"My bets on (Y/N)." Jessie adds, laughing.

"Ha! See I even have your Mom on my side! Suck it beanie head!" I reply laughing. Just before the game starts, i look out the window and notice Carl and Enid together, and Jessie and Ron notice.

"Don't stress too much. I'm sure he wouldn't have done anything." Jessie says attempting to comfort me. Ron puts his hand on my shoulder and I draw my attention away from Carl and stare at Ron, and can't help but smile. Ugh what is happening to me? I love Carl.

I shake off this weird feeling, and we start to play the game. I spend hours at his house, playing hide and seek with his family after playing Call of Duty and cooking dinner with Jessie, making me feel at home more than anything.

I arrive home and tell Mom and Dad what I did and they didn't seem to mind. I guess they were just focusing on settling down properly and each other since they haven't seen each other in years, which is cute. I walk to my new room, lay in my bed and stare at the ceiling, thinking about today. Something still crosses my mind. What did Carl and Enid get up to while I was at Ron's? I intend to find out tomorrow morning. Surely someone would have seen them wandering off together. And with that last thought, I fall into a dreamless sleep.


HEY GUYS ! I am so sorry its been so long since I've updated and i apologise tremendously ! I love you all thank you so much for being so patient ! And also.. OMG WE JUST HIT 2K READS ! I NEVER THOUGHT SO MANY PEOPLE WOULD READ MY BOOK THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT I LOVE YOU ALL ! 💗💍

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