Twenty One

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Well, you guys are probably wondering how I ended up stranded here." He says.

"I was actually with a group before the apocalypse. We were in church when we got the news over the radio. We panicked and shut the doors so nothing could get in or out. A few months later, everyone decided to go outside while I remained inside. A horde of walkers came and-" He stops in the middle of his sentence. I sigh.

"-Killed them by the looks of it." I finish his sentence, to which he nods slowly.

"They tried getting inside by banging on the doors. I couldn't go outside because I would've been killed in the process. So I just sat inside." He adds. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose with my fingers.

"That's cowardly." I reply.

"What else was I supposed to do?" He asks.

"Save them." I reply.

"I would've been killed!" He yells.

"Well at least you would've died a hero!" I yell back.

"But if I did I wouldn't have saved your mother!" He yells, making me stop. I look at him funny and he calms down and continues.

"Your mother was the only person there for me when no one else was. If I helped those people, you might have not found her." I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger.

I look at mom and she smiles softly. I look back at Gabriel and nod. Just as he is about to talk, someone barges through the church doors, gaining our attention. We turn to see that Abraham is the cause, looking worried and very sweaty.

"Those Terminus people you were on about are close." He says, making me gasp.

"How do you know it was them?" I ask.

"They were screaming your name." Abraham replies. 

"Well that's just great isn't it." I grumble as I turn to the group, who all look at me eagerly. "Hide."

"What are you doing?" Dad says.

"Finishing what they started." I reply.

"That's stupid, they'll kill you." He says.

"Then you obviously don't know me that well anymore." I say, making him freeze. He steps back and turns to the group.

"Everyone take cover, and let my daughter finish this." He says. Mom comes running up to me and I smile.

"What the hell are you doing!?" She asks.

"Oh my god mom I'm not explaining again. This isn't some crappy part in a movie where I back out." I reply. I then hear the yell of Gareth, the leader of the Terminus people. I growl and push mom into dad and tell everyone to be quiet and hide. I grab out my guns quickly and put silencers on them to prevent any unwanted attention.

Everyone scatters and hide under the chairs, while I stand in the middle of the church, with two loaded silenced guns strapped to my waist, ready to fire into heads. The voices get louder and louder until I can hear them stop right in front of the church doors.

"(Y/N)." I hear Gareth call, sending chills down my spine. Just then, the church doors kick open, only to find three survivors from the original Terminus group. Gareth stops and so do his men and he smirks evilly at me.

"Ah, there you are." He growls.

"Wow only three of you left? How hungry did you get?" I smile cockily.

"Obviously not full yet considering I've come back to find you after all these years." He replies licking his lips.

"Obsessed much mate?" I roll my eyes. "What do you want Gareth?" I ask firmly.

"What? Can't I see the best sniper I've ever seen?" He asks, making me balls my hands up into fists.

"That still doesn't answer my question. What do you want?" I ask again, loosing my patience with him.

"What do I want? Well, I want what's rightfully mine." He replies.

"Nothing here is yours, so I suggest you move your sorry asses out of my life or I'll bring back the sniper and shoot you in the back of the head." I growl.

"Wow, what a feisty little girl." HE CALLED ME A LITTLE GIRL! I snap and in an instant, I grab out the guns and shoot both of his men in the head. I twirl the guns on my fingers, stop and blow the smoke from the bullets away. 

"Cheesy." He chuckles lowly and begins to walk towards me. I growl and point both guns in the direction of his head.

"Take one more step and I'll blow your brains out." I growl. "Don't fuck with me mate." He puts his hands up in a surrender position and backs up slowly. I growl, point one gun to his knee and fire, shooting him straight in the kneecap. he yells out in pain and I put one gun away, walk over to him and lightly put my foot on his mouth to shut him up and point my other gun at his head.

"Now I'm gonna tell you one more time. what do you want?" I growl, as venom drips from the tone I said that to Gareth. I take my foot off his mouth and he laughs.

"Ah (Y/N), you're just like (B/F/N)." (AN~ (B/F/N) is best friends name btw) He says, making me gasp. How fucking dare he bring her up! He's the one who told me that killed her! Him! He killed my best friend! I growl, and slam my foot on his hand, breaking it.

"Don't you fucking DARE say her name. You don't deserve to say her name you dirty prick." I reply. He laughs and smiles straight up at me.

"Knife." He says, to which I look at him weirdly.

"I want my knife back." He says. I growl and grab the knife out of my belt.

"You want your knife back do you? Well here you go!" As soon as I say that, I plunge his own knife into his skull. I take it out and throw the knife into a different spot. Everyone comes out of their hiding spot and they come over to me, obviously worried.

"Are you okay?" Mom asks, grabbing my face trying to check for any scratches.

"Yeah mom I'm fine." I reply.

"That was pretty ballsy (Y/N)." Rick says, making me lower my head in shame. Then I feel a hand touch my head and ruffle my hair. I look up to see Rick was the culprit.

"You did good (Y/N)." He says smiling, to which I smile back.

I look over to Carl and he walks over to me and hugs me tightly, to which I hug back.

"You are pretty brave (Y/N)." He says. I let go of him, pull out of the hug and look into his ocean blue eyes.

"So are you Carl." I reply, smiling, to which he smiles back and presses his soft lips against mine. We pull out of the kiss and look at the rest of the group, who are snickering, making me roll my eyes.

"Can we worry about the kiss later? Can someone please get these dead people out of my church? I don't wanna have to leave them in here." Gabriel says in disgust, making us laugh. We turn to the bodies of the deceased Terminus group and begin to carry them outside to bury them.

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