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Next Morning - (Y/N)'s P.O.V

I feel a soft, familiar lips lightly touch the top of my head, and I instantly know who those lovely lips belonged to.. My amazing and stupid little boyfriend with the sheriff's hat, Carl Grimes. I slowly flutter my eyes open, for them to be almost immediately flooded with light. I squint and rub my eyes to clear my blurred vision, only to see Carl blocking the light of the sun.

"Is that better princess?" He asks smirking. 

"Don't call me that you bitch." I groan and sit up as slowly as possible. He stands up, wraps his arms around my waist and picks me up. I whine and wrap my legs around his waist, still half asleep.

I close my eyes as he takes me to some unknown destination around the church. I then find myself being put into someone's lap. I open my eyes to see that Rick is in front of the church, speaking to everyone.

"So, how are we gonna get to Washington?" I hear Rosita ask.

"Why do we need to go to Washington exactly?" I ask, rubbing my eyes.

"Eugene is a scientist and he knows the cure to the zombie plague!" Maggie says excitedly.

"What!?" I yell, standing up. I look over to Eugene who says nothing, but eating pickles and hugging the jar.

"Yep! And we will escort him to Washington D.C where he will make the cure at the CDC or the WHO, whatever is there." Glenn adds.

"Do you smell that?" I pretend to sniff the air. "Smells like Bullshit." I grunt.

"(Y/N). Be nice." He says.

"Oh come on! You really believe him? You have known him for like 2 days, and we're deciding to go with some pickle-loving pest to Washington? How do you know we'll make it. We barely made it out of the prison." I exclaim angrily. Eugene looks at me sympathetically and walks up to me, kneels down on one knee and puts his hands on my shoulders.

"Little lady, I promise you that I will do my absolute best to keep your family alive and safe." He says. I groan and sigh.

"Fine. But if you mess up, I will personally feed you to the walkers." I mumble, as I shake his hands off my shoulders and nudge my way over to Dad. I hug him and continuously hit my head into his chest.

"What are you doing?" He asks me.

"Hitting my head, what does it look like." I reply bluntly. I  stop a look up at him. He smiles and I return the gesture by giving him a groan. I then turn my attention to outside, when I turn my head to look out the window to see Sasha's boyfriend Bob, walking into the woods. I raise my eyebrow and get out of Dad's grip and walk over to Sasha.

"Yo Sasha!" I call out.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Where's Bob going?" I ask.

"He's just going to the bathroom." She replies.

"In the woods? That's a death wish." I reply, getting a little worried and aggravated.

"Calm down, he'll be fine." She replies, as she walks off. I roll my eyes and begin to walk back over to Carl, when I see Maggie sitting alone in the corner of the church. I start to walk over to her when someone touches my shoulder. I turn my attention to the unknown hand, only to discover that its Glenn's hand.

"Don't." He says.

"Why?" I ask.

"She's still upset about Beth." He replies sadly. Even though I don't have a clue what happened to Beth, I'll still try to help her. She is my best friend. I grab his hand and grip it.

"Don't worry, I'll cheer her up." I say. He smiles and hugs me, to which I gladly hug back. We let go and I walk over to Maggie and sit next to her. She turns her gaze to me and I greet her with a friendly smile, to which she returns the gesture.

"What's got you down in the dumps?" I ask. She doesn't reply, but drops her head. Stupid question (Y/N).

"I know. I miss her too." I say. No response. After about a minute of awkward silence, she speaks up.

"What if she's dead? What if they did stuff to her. What if-."

"Nothing is going to happen to her." I cut her off.

"We will find her, and bring her home, safe." I say as I attempt to reassure her. She sniffles and wipes the lone tear off her face. I give her a reassuring hug and I repeat a specific sentence to her.

"She'll be fine, Beth is a strong girl." We sit there in silence for about a minute until we hear a loud slam on the church door. I stand up and look to the direction of the loud noise, to see Sasha on the floor, panicking. I race over to the scene and crouch down next to Abraham.

"What happened? Did she have a panic attack?" I ask.

"No. It's Bob." Abraham says. My eyes widen and my expression drops.

"He's missing." Glenn adds. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose with my index finger and my thumb.

"Do you think he ran away?" I ask.

"Why would he do that?" Abraham asks, to which I shrug. Just then, Sasha gets up, grabs her knife and gun and begins to storm out of the church. I run in front of her in an attempt to stop her.

"Sasha! You're thinking irrationally here!" I say. She ignores me and keeps walking so I run in front of her again.

"Just wait for a bit he might have gone a little further than we intended!" I say to her.

"Get out of my way!" She yells as she shoves me out of her way, causing me to fall on some empty wooden crates.

I grunt in pain as the church door slams shut. Abraham and Rosita grab their gear and run out of the church to try and find them, while Mom runs over to me to help me up. I groan as I try and forget about the pain. Mom holds her hand out and I grab it and she lifts me up. I groan and rub my back.

"Good god honey, are you okay?" Mom asks me.

"Yeah, you had quite the fall." Maggie says, as she approaches us. I nod while I continue to rub my back.

"Yeah I'm totally fine. Who knew being thrown into a bunch of wooden crates would hurt." I reply as I sarcastically choke out a laugh. I gently touch my injured leg. I look to the door and sigh.

"How long do you think they'll be out? It'll be dark in a few hours." I reply. Maggie and Mom both shrug in response.

"We'll just have to wait I guess." Maggie replies.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now