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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The thumping and pounding of my head forces me to open my eyes, to notice that the dark sky still roams the place. Moonlight shines down on to Carl and I and I smile at him. He must have chosen this spot. I decide to go out for a little stroll, so I crawl out of the sleeping bag, grab my knife and gun just in case, avoid everyone else and quietly open the barn doors and close them. 

I look straight forward to see nothing but dead corpses either wandering around or lay dead and lifeless on the concrete. I begin to walk down the dark road, looking out for any signs of danger. Upon walking maybe out 300 meters, I hear a cry for help. A human.

I run in that direction to see a frail man up against a tree with a walker in front of him. He attempts to shoot the undead walker but hears nothing but the clicks of his gun. No ammo. I run over to him, grab the walker and puncture it with my knife in the side of its head. As I release my blade, the lifeless walkers drops to the ground.

"Oh thank you so much!" The man sighs in relief as he shakes my hand.

"Dont mention it." I reply as I wipe the blood from my knife onto his shirt.

"What are you doing so far out here? I wouldn't think someone would still be wandering these parts at night alone." He asks me.

"My group isn't far, i just thought it might be a nice time to go for a wander." I reply back.

"Well, I'm Aaron." He says as he holds his hand out. I smile and grab his hand and shake it once again.


"Nice name."

"Why are you wandering this place too?" I ask.

"Trying to find new people for our group."

"You have a group?"

"Yeah. Alexandria" Alexandria huh?

"You and your group are more than welcome to join." He insists.

"That's not my decision to make." I reply. I sigh and begin to walk away.

"Will we see each other again? I still owe you my life." He asks. I turn back around and begin walking backwards.

"There's a possibility. Just stick around here yeah?" I reply. And with that, I turn back around and run back to the barn. I silently creak open the barn doors and sneak back inside. I climb up the stairs, put my gun and knife next to me and l crawl back into the sleeping bag and next to Carl. Since its fucking freezing outside, i snuggle into Carl to steal his warmth. I look up to see his sleeping face and he smiles. He must be starting to wake up. I sigh in relief and I close my eyes and slowly drift off into a dreamed sleep.

Next Morning - (Y/N)' P.O.V

I open my eyes slowly to almost be instantly flooded with sunlight. I sigh and look up to see no one else but Dad awake. I slowly crawl out of bed, grab my knife and gun and begin to walk over to Dad, when i notice that Abraham and Rick have disappeared. I sit down next to dad and sigh.

"Morning dad" I whisper in an attempt to stay quiet.

"Morning honey" He replies, sharpening his arrow tips.

"Where has Rick and Abraham wandered off to?" I ask.

"Not sure, maybe on a raid." He replies, to which I nod. I hear shuffling behind us, so i turn around to see everyone beginning to wake up. A few minutes later, everyone is awake, and just in time to, because both Rick and Abraham walk in with.. Aaron? Dad points his crossbow at him and growls.

"We found him walking towards the barn." Rick says

"Shoot him Daryl." Carol states. I gasp and smack the crossbow out of Dads hands before he could shoot him.

"What the hell (Y/N)!" Dad growls.

"Don't shoot him!" I yell.

"Why!?" He asks

"Because I know him!" I reply back angrily. I turn to look at Aaron and he gives me an awkward wave.

"Hi (Y/N)" Aaron greets.

"I knew you'd come back." I reply back smiling.

"How do you know him?" I hear Carl ask from behind me. I blush in embarrassment and I sigh.

"I might have gone out last night and saved him after going for a stroll." I reply. Dad smacks me in the back of the head and i yelp.

"What the hell and you didn't tell us?! You could have died!" Carl yells. I turn to look at him angrily. I've been through so much more so he should know I'll be fine. Dad begins to talk so I turn to look at him angrily and he shuts up instantly.

"Yeah that's what I fucking thought." I growl. I jump down and push Rick and Abraham off of Aaron and hug him.

"Did you get back home safely?" I ask him.

"I did indeed. I told my leader that a girl saved me and he told me to come back here in the morning to offer you to stay with us at our sanctuary." He says smiling. I gulp and look at Rick to notice that he has been staring daggers at Aaron the entire time.

"What is your leaders name?" I ask.

"Deanna. Deanna Munroe." He replies.

"A woman?" Maggie asks, walking over to us.

"Don't act so surprised. She has been the leader for a very long time. She saved me and so many more people that live with us to this day. We have women, children, even pets. We even have a doctor." He explains. I sigh and look at Rick to notice that he is thinking about it. I turn back to look at Aaron.

"I have photos for proof." He says.

"You have a working camera?" Abraham asks in shock. He nods, then grabs a few photos from his pocket and hands them to Rick.

"We have water and electricity." He says, to which my eyes light up.

"Im joining you." I say to which Rick, Carl and Abraham give me weird looks.

"What!?" Carl yells.

"Its a once in a lifetime opportunity Carl! Water. Electricity. Safety. I ain't following fatty over here so Aaron is the best option that we've got." I state, probably offending Eugene. Sorry mate but the truth hurts. Rick sighs and gives back the photos.

"Alright fine. But if you are setting us up I'll make (Y/N) kill you." He growls.

"Rick!" I yell, to which Rick laughs.

"Im joking (Y/N), chill out. I'll kill you." He says. I roll my eyes and Aaron speaks up.

"I have a large caravan about 100 meters away. I can fit all of you in  there." He replies.

"Lead the way." Rick says, gesturing with his hand. I look back to notice that everyone else was packing everything up while we were talking. Dad and Mom walks up to Carl and I and Dad shoves Ricks hat on his head. I smile and look at them both and Mom ruffles my hair.

"We will follow on the bike." Dad says, to which Aaron nods. I turn to Carl and smile at him, to which he gives me is signature smirk back. He grasps my hand and we follow Aaron to his vehicle.

I kinda trust him but I'm not sure. He has enough proof and evidence that this 'Alexandria' place exists but we will have to see about that. Shit goes through my mind everyday about trusting new people. I'm scared to see my family and friends in danger and if this is a hoax or a set up, I will honestly lose my fucking shit.

I over think everything nowadays. Im pretty sure everyone does. But we need to learn to control that or we will end up dead. It can happen so fast. In a split second. In a blink of an eye. We make our decisions quick and with caution to keep ourselves and our group members alive, because one wrong move or choice could end yourself or the people around you.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now