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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Welcome to our prison!"

~20 minutes ago~
"Then the horse was taken down and I got into the tank, a walker was in there, so I shot it and that's when Glenn found me." Rick explains.

"Wow, you actually thought they were people, even when that one specific person happen to be ripped in half and still moving like it was just a cut?" I ask, to which he nods. They laugh and I keep my head straight.

"(Y/N)?" Glenn asks.

"Hm?" I hum, not making eye contact with him as we continue to walk.

"Why aren't you laughing?" He asks, to which I shrug.

"Was I supposed to laugh at that?" I ask. They don't respond. "I don't have to show my emotions, Glenn." I reply, rolling my eyes.

"Okay.." Glenn says, a little sadly. It goes awkwardly silent for a while when I decide to lighten the mood.

"You guys have any ladies?" I ask smirking evilly.

"Yup." They both say in unison while popping the 'p'

"Maggie Greene." Glenn says dreamily, making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Lori Grimes." Rick says.

"Cute." I simply reply. We keep walking, occasionally stabbing bags of walking flesh that happen to either cross our paths or chase us. As I am playing with my hair, Rick stops, making me bump into him. I look up at him and he smiles at me.

"Welcome to our prison!" He says, gesturing with his arms. I cringe at the sight of the creepy prison, but I follow him and Glenn to the prison.

"This place looks like a piece of shit." I say with a disgusted look, making Glenn chuckle.

"It might be shit, but it's home, well, shelter." He says.

"Yeah but I bet this shelter comes with a side dish of fucking rabies or something."I reply, as I take a bandana from out of my bag and tie it around my head just under my eyes so that it covers my nose and mouth. We get to the gate and there stood a tall, African American man, with a blue beanie. He opens the gate and we walk inside. He looks at me and starts walking to me. My cautious reflexes kick in and I remove my knife from my belt and put it to his throat.

"Woah! Woah! (Y/N) calm down!" Rick shouts, holding his hands out.

"He isn't gonna hurt you." Glenn adds. I hesitantly put my knife down and put it back in my belt.

"Sorry man." I say. "Reflexes." I laugh awkwardly. He puts a hand on my shoulder and he smiles.

"Don't worry sweetheart. My sister and I were a bit shaky when we first were taken in. But these people are nice, it just take time to.. adjust and to get comfortable." He explains to which I nod in agreement.

"I'm Tyreese by the way. Tyreese Williams." He introduces himself as he sticks out his hand, signalling me to shake it. I nod and shake his hand in return.

"(Y/N) Dixon." I reply. He looks at me with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

"Dixon??" He asks unusually surprised.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now