Twenty Seven

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(Y/N)s P.O.V

Morning and the next few days went quite fucking slowly. Mostly because I keep getting woken up every night by the sound of fucking walkers piercing themselves on the spikes outside. Its goos, because I am so not in the mood to wake up to find a fucking walker taking chunks out of my fucking face like when your best friend takes a bite from your burger. To summarise, I'm grumpy because I got barely any sleep these few nights.

I wake up to the peaceful sound of Carl snoring.. See what I did there? No? Well it isn't fucking peaceful because I have my boyfriend snoring like a fucking pig. I groan and smash my head back down onto the pillow and try to get some sleep. Obviously that doesn't happen because I hear someone freaking crying.

So, like the nice person I am, I squirm out of the bed, get up, rub the sleep out of my eyes and walk over to where the crying was coming from. I then see Sasha in tears, being comforted by Maggie, Rosita and Mom. I turn my direction to see Dad, Rick, Glenn and Abraham, so I walk over to them to ask what the hell is happening.

"Ah, the beast is awake." Rick says.

"Shut up. What's happening? Why is Sasha upset?" I ask groggily.

They all sweat drop and I start to worry a little.

"Well, we went out on a raid.." Glenn says.

"Who did?" I ask.

"Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Tyreese and me." Abraham answers. I look around to see no sign of Tyreese.

"Where's Tyreese then?" I ask.

"See, that's the thing." Rick replies. My eyes widen when I realise what actually happened. I suddenly lash out at Rick.

"And you didn't even try to save him!?" I scream out.

"We did all we could! There isn't much point trying to save him when he was the one who sacrificed himself to save us!" Rick replies.

"Well that's a stupid idea! He knew he had Sasha and yet he still had the balls to sacrifice himself?!" I lash out at him.

"Well I can't control the man." Rick growls back.

"Then you're clearly not fit to be a leader." I growl back harshly, to which Rick looks at me sympathetically.

"(Y/N)!" Dad yells. Dad steps in between me and Rick.

"Back up." He snarls. I huff and storm off outside to cool off. I sit down on the porch and stare at the walkers that have pierced themselves on the spikes. They remind me of people..


That's the number of people that have been killed in the group already. Six. Hershel, Bob, Tyreese, Lori, Lizzie, Mika. It actually make that five because I fucking hated Lizzie. I lift up my shirt and pull Mika's knife from my belt. I've had it even since her passing. She reminded me of Debbie so much. Mika was such a bright little girl, who loved everything and everyone. Mika didn't deserve what she got and neither did Debbie.

I stand up and walk over to the walkers, who are trying their hardest to reach their flimsy arms out to grip onto me, but they only make it worse by going deeper onto the spike. I stare that them and sigh. I hold the knife up and stare at the walker. A woman. The walker is a woman. Early 30s roughly when she died. I look at her one last time and sigh.

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