Thirty Two

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Carl's P.O.V

"What the hell?" Dad says. I gasp to the sound of the walkie talkie.

"It could be (Y/N)!" I yell. I snatch the walkie talkie off of Dad and begin to talk into it.

"(Y/N)?" I ask. No reply.

"(Y/N)!" I repeat.

"Jeez, calm down Carl, I'm talking." She replies. I laugh in response and I hear Dad mumble 'yes!' under his breath.

"Daryl! (M/N)! (Y/N) is on the walkie talkie!" I yell. They gasp and both Daryl and (M/N) run towards us and takes the walkie talkie.

"We thought you died." Daryl says as he sighs in relief.

"Wow, nice way to greet me Dad." She replies sarcastically, making us laugh.

"I thought I was dead too but someone helped me." She adds.

"Wait you're with someone!?" (M/N) yells.

"Don't worry Mom, he knows Rick." She replies. I hear Dad gasp behind me and (M/N) hands the walkie talkie to Dad.

"Morgan?" Dad asks. No reply. A few seconds later, someone else replies.

"Hey Rick." A male says.

"Oh man you don't know how long I've been waiting to talk to you. Where's Dwayne?" Dad asks. Silence.

"Morgan?" Dad asks.

"He didn't make it." Morgan replies.

"Oh no, Morgan I'm so sorry." Dad says. As soon as he stops talking, the vehicle comes to a stop.

"Alright we are signing off. Meet you at Alexandria." Morgan replies. Huh.. That was really sudden.. I look out the windshield to see we have stopped in front of an enormous gate. A few seconds later, the gate opens and we drive inside. The vehicle comes to a stop once again, and Aaron takes his seat belt off, and looks back at us.

"Welcome to Alexandria!" Aaron says smiling. We all hop out of the vehicle, and begin to look around the place. The houses look basically brand new, with clean roads in front of them. The trees and plants look almost like plastic because of how good they've been treated. Children are playing on the road and people walking dogs. Man I haven't seen a dog in years, I wonder how they got them. I turn to look at Dad.

"This place is awesome." I say, smiling.

"Impressive isn't it?" We hear a woman asks us. We turn around to see a woman with short blonde hair staring at us, with people we don't know surrounding her.

"Very." Dad replies.

"My name is Deanna. Deanna Munroe. My husband and I run this place. If you don't mind we would like to interview every single one of you." She states.

"I don't see why not." Dad replies.

"Excellent!" She says clapping her hands together.

"But before we begin, I would like your weapons, you won't be needing them." She says. A man then walks up to us with a box, indicating us to put our weapons in the box. Dad hesitates but places his gun into the box, as the rest of us did the same.

"We will keep them in a separate place just in case you need them." She says, smiling.

"Thank you." Dad replies.

"Now, let's start with you." She says pointing to Dad. Dad looks at me, ruffles my hair and walks with Deanna. I walk over to Aaron and tap on the shoulder, to which he turns around and smiles at me.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now