Twenty Two

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I groan loudly as I finish digging the first hole for one of the Terminus pricks.

"Ah quit your whining princess." Glenn says.

"Why the hell am I doing the work!?" I ask throwing the half broken shovel onto the grass.

"Because I said so." He replies, snickering.

"This is child labour! I have my rights!" I reply.

"Not anymore." Glenn retorts.

"I'll take you to court bitch." I reply laughing.

"The judges are probably walkers by now." He says laughing. I roll my eyes playfully, grab the shovel and throw it at Glenn, hitting him in the stomach. He grunts and falls into his knees while holding his stomach, while I sit and laugh my head off. Abraham comes along and grabs the shovel while chuckling.

"Did that hurt Glenn?" He asks the shrivelled up Korean man.

"Yes." He groans back.

"Ah quit your whining princess." I say mimicking Glenn, making Abraham and Glenn both laugh. I shake my head in amusement and begin to walk away, when a feminine hand lightly taps my shoulder. I turn my head to see Tara in the corner of my eye. I turn my whole body around and I smile, to which she returns a light smile.

"Can I talk to you for a second please?" She asks.

"Of course. As long as I'm not in trouble." I reply.

"No you're not." She says laughing. We walk into the church and sit down in a corner to talk 'privately'.

"Right. You promise you won't tell anyone?" She asks.

"I promise on my sister's life." I say, making her smile sympathetically.

"Okay, only Maggie knows this but, when the Governor attacked the prison, I was with him." She says, making my eyes widen in shock.

"And you've not told anyone?" I whisper-yell at her.

"I can't or they'll probably kick me out." She whispers back. I sigh and let her continue.

"I didn't think he would actually go ahead and do something like that though. I was with my sister at the time and he was so nice and caring.. Until he went-"

"-Insane?" I ask.

"Pretty much." She says shrugging her shoulders.

"Well-" I say as I stand up and look down at her.

"-The past is in the past, nothing will change that-"I hold my hands out for her and I lift her up off the floor.

"-Just think about the future. Even if it will be just killing walkers for god knows how long but.. let's try and make the best of it. You only live once aye?" I say smiling, to which she smiles back and hugs me. I hug her back and smile even more.

"Thanks (Y/N). No wonder everyone loves you." She says. We pull out of the hug and I shrug my shoulders.

"You'd be surprised how much haters I have. But I try not to worry about them until the time is right." I reply. I look at the church doors to realise that everyone is starting to head inside as the sun is setting. I sigh and walk with Tara to the doors to help Gabriel close them. Tara and I part ways as I walk over to Carl, who is doing.. Handstands on the wall? Holy shit if only I had a camera. I laugh as I do a handstand in front of him so I can see his face.

"Good to see you trying to see things from another point of view." I say laughing.

"Oh ha ha, very funny." He replies. I smirk and kick his leg, making him fall down. He groans and I laugh at him. He smirks evilly and I gulp. Shit. He gets up and picks me up, making me squeal.

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