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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Walking in the woods is just the worst.. Nobody to talk to, well, only my thoughts, but my thoughts are about as crazy as I am. Yes, I am going insane, not mentally obviously, physically I am. I've been in this ALONE for like.. I dunno 5 years give or take, doing nothing but killing, surviving and more killing, it must have just grown on me. The only thing on my mind that is keeping me mentally sane is memories of my family, if I am being honest here.

After the day my family died, I've been hiding in the shadows, surviving on whatever food, water and medication I could find whenever I went out on runs for food in stores and homes. God, I don't even know how many walkers I've killed, but I have killed a group of men that kidnapped me. It was around a year after day zero, I was on a run for medication when a man grabbed me from behind and drugged me with chloroform.

They kept me there for months, whipping me and trying to do awful things to me. Every time I think about them I want to cry, but I don't. Because I haven't shown any emotion ever since the day I lost my family. Well, I don't like to anyways. The only things I usually do is kick pebbles and kill walkers, which I like to call 'fun'. Remember, I haven't seen or heard another actual human voice in almost 2 years, I'm 16 in a few weeks.. Not like I count the days or anything, it doesn't really matter anyway, I have no family to friends to celebrate it with.

So I am walking through the woods stealthily, hearing the occasional grunt and growl from a stupid walking bag of flesh, until I hear a twig snap, and it wasn't from a walkers groggy steps... It was a humans... Well, a live human. I pull out the knife from my belt, turn it into a stabbing position and look around hastily. I continuously turn and look around for people when I hear another twig snap. I growl and decide to speak.

"Who's there?" I shout, but not loud enough to attract any unwanted attention. Nothing. Dead silent, until I suddenly hear a groan from behind me. I turn to see a walker coming towards me. I get startled and trip on a tree root, making me fall to the floor. The walker falls on me and I hold it by the neck. I struggle to hold it up as its weight is unbearable. 

"You need to eat a little less people!" I grunt as I struggle to keep its face away from my flesh. As I am about to give up, a knife is thrown, stabbing the waker in the head. I push the dead body off of me and wipe the blood that dripped from the walkers head onto my face.

Just as I am about to get up, a man with a scraggy beard holds his hand out, signally me to grab it. I take his hand and he helps me up. I dust myself off, look at him and growl.

"I didn't need your help." I scoff.

Then, an Asian man comes out from behind the other guy.

"And if we weren't there, you'd be walker lunch." He says. I sigh and look at the man with the scraggy beard.

"Thank you" I reply as I lower my head and dust myself off.

I shouldn't have snapped at them for saving my life. In a world like this, I'm surprised someone has a bit of humanity left in their body, especially men. Men these days.. If they saw a girl like me.. Girls are like gold dust. Well.. live ones.. Ones that aren't undead. If they get ahold of one.. Well.. You better be expecting a baby, because men these days won't hesitate, because there isn't anything you can do except fight back.

But even then how can a girl beat a full grown man? Kinda reminds me of what happened a few years back.. I almost lose my shit when the man with the beard speaks up, probably noticing the awkward silence as I stare blankly at the floor.

"Hey. Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Yeah I'm okay." I nod. All of a sudden, something snapped inside me, and I shoot my head up to look at the men, with rage in my eyes. They know Im serious. They know I'm not fucking around. No reply. Silence. Not a word is said by the pair.

"Are you sure?" One of them asks.

"You're not here to hurt me are you?" I ask. "The last time that happened, they lost their heads for doing that horrible shit to me." I huff.

"What do you mean? Who did things to you?" The scruffy bearded man asks me. I turn around and lift up my shirt, revealing three enormous whip scars trailing from the bottom of my neck to my tailbone.

"This is what they did to me when I asked for water. They said next time they wouldn't be as considerate." I put my shirt down and they both look at me sympathetically. I roll my eyes at them.

"Ugh, don't give me that look. It doesn't matter. It's done. The end. It's in the past." I say carelessly as I cross my arms over my chest. The man with the beard begins to walk up to me and I stare at him cautiously. He stops in front of me and unexpectedly, he extends his arms out and engulfs me in a hug. I stand there dumbfounded until I hug him back tightly.. Maybe a bit too tight. We let go and he smiles, but I just nod in consideration.

"I'm Rick Grimes, and this is Glenn Rhee. He is kinda my saviour when all of.. this started." Rick says. The boy named Glenn walks up to us and bows.

"And you are?" He asks.

"(Y/N) Dixon." I reply. Their eyes widen and their mouths drop.

"You're a Dixon!?" They shout in unison, to which I nod.

"I don't really like calling myself a Dixon though.." I reply.

"Why?" Glenn asks.

"I just don't just leave it at that!" I reply, clenching my teeth.

"How old are you by the way?" Glenn asks.

"15, nearly 16." I reply. "I dunno." I say, kicking the dust and leaves on the ground.

"Why don't you come live with us. We have a prison we found a few days ago. We still need to clear it though, and we have a baby on the way too."

He says. Why would you want a kid in a world like this!? I shrug it off and nod. We start walking when Rick stops. He looks at me and I look back at him.

"Before we go, I need to ask you a few questions." He says.

"Ask away." I reply, gesturing with my hand.

"How many walkers have you killed?"

Huh, he calls them walkers too..

"Oh god, I've lost count.. Maybe hundreds." I answer.

"How many people have you killed?" He asks. I gulp and answer honestly.

"To be honest, I don't know, probably a whole group.. Maybe 10?" I reply.

"10!?" Glenn says surprised, which I nod.

"Why?" Rick asks, to which I shrug.

"Who doesn't love a bit of bloodlust?" I ask with a devilish look on my face. They glance at me nervously and I roll my eyes. "Wow, calm down i was kidding." I reply. They both sigh in relief.

"I killed them because they hurt me. It's simply called revenge." I add.

Jeez, obviously these bastards can't tell the difference between a joke and seriousness..

"Understandable. Odd. But understandable." Glenn says. Rick nods and we keep walking, occasionally talking about their pasts pre Z.

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