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2 weeks later - (Y/N)'s P.O.V


Ugh.. Darkness.. Again. I sigh and sit wherever I am. Then, I hear screams.. Screams of people I know.. Then I hear groans and gunshots.. Lots of gunshots.

"Lori!!" I think that was.. Rick. I hear baby screams and i cover my ears. I get up and look around, listening to the familiar screams. Then it hits me. Its the group! As soon as I realise who the screaming is, a flash of light beams into my eyes, making me close them. I reopen them and see that I'm at the prison. The gates are smash down by a tank and gunfire occurs. Then. I hear my own voice, and I sound scared. I find where I am and I notice that I'm just outside of the woods.

"We need to leave!" Carol yells.

"I can't leave Carl behind!" I yell back over the gunfire. I then get picked up by Tyreese and he takes me away.


~Dream End~

I awake rapidly to the sound of gunshots. Shit.. My dream is real. I see Carol and a.. baby? What the hell have I missed? Carol smiles and sighs deeply.

"Thank god you're awake. We need to get out of here!" She says.

"Wait, what's happening? How long have I been out for and where did you get that baby?" I ask.

"A few weeks and I'll explain the baby later. We need to go, NOW!" She yells. I nod, put my gear on and we race outside to see.. The same thing I experienced in my dream.. Déjà vu much? Oh and I just realised I was in a coma on my birthday. I frown in realisation.

I look around to see everyone in the heat of battle until I see Hershel kneeling down with a blade held up to his neck. I growl and see who the perpetrator is and it is.. The Governor. That dick! If he thinks he's gonna kill Hershel he's got another thing coming! I growl and as I am about to scream out the Governor's name, Carol grabs my forearm and pulls me into the woods with Tyreese, Lizzie, Mika and the baby, which Carol hasn't said anything about yet.

"No! We can't just leave!" I scream. I manage to pry myself out of Carol's grip, only to be picked up by Tyreese. I thrash around as he throws me over his shoulder lightly, attempting not to hurt my injured leg.

"We can't leave! I need to stay with Car-I mean everyone!" I whine. The Governor raises the blade and just as he is about to swing, I lose sight of them.

"No! Hershel!" I scream. I droop down on his shoulder and softly cry. No. Not Hershel. He can't just leave like that. Not with Beth and Maggie still here. I'm gonna fucking kill that son of a bitch..

"Im so sorry (Y/N), we have to keep moving to protect Judith." Tyreese says.

"I promised Rick." I sniffle as he puts me down. I would run back but I don't know which way to go and I am in no freaking condition to run. Stupid Governor.

"What's with that baby anyways?" I ask, still crying while walking and looking out for walkers.

"It's Lori's." Carol says, as her head drops.

"What!? Is she okay?" I ask nervously.

"She had to have a cesarean.." Tyreese replies, which makes me whimper and cry even more.

"Oh my god. This is all my fault. If we never got kidnapped by the Governor-"

"But it wasn't your fault. You're only young. You couldn't have won against two bulky men." Tyreese cuts me off, to which I sniffle and nod slowly. He smiles and ruffles my hair. We walk for about 20 more minutes when Mika begins to whine.

"My feet hurt." She whines. I sigh and walk over to her.

"Wanna piggy back?" I ask. Her eyes sparkle and she nods head eagerly. I roll my eyes playfully and I kneel down and she hops on my back.

"(Y/N), are you sure you can carry her in the condition you're in?" Tyreese asks.

"Of course. I'm not weak you know. Just keep a lookout for us. I'm defenceless while I'm holding Mika." I explain, to which he nods and takes out his knife from his belt. We walk for another half an hour when we come across a cabin on the side of the path we were walking on. We sigh, I put Mika down and we walk over to the abandoned cabin.

I open the door and begin to inspect the property. Tyreese goes upstairs while I check downstairs. No signs of any walkers. Tyreese comes down a few minutes later and gives us a thumbs up, then goes and sits on the couch. I nod and begin to look around the place.

"This is a really odd spot to put a cabin. It hasn't been touched. Literally! No doors or windows have been broken and nothing has been taken." I think aloud.

"Maybe we just got lucky." Lizzie adds.

"Or maybe it was abandoned in the pre-apocalypse." I reply. I yawn and Tyreese stands up and walks over to us.

"Maybe we should go upstairs and sleep." He suggests.

"Yeah, we did walk a fair way." I reply. We all nod, I grab Judith and the baby bag from Carol to give her a rest and head upstairs and into a room.

I sigh, take my shoes off and sit on the bed with the baby. I cradle her and she begins to cry, she might be hungry. I grab some baby food and a spoon from the bag, open the jar and begin to feed her. I dip the spoon into the thick liquid-like gruel and put it in her mouth. She gurgles, claps and laughs. I keep on feeding her when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in." I say sweetly. So sweetly that it makes me want to puke at how sweet it sounds. The door opens and in pops Carol.

"Oh, hi Carol. I thought it might have been one of the girls." I say as I take my eyes off of the door and draw them back into feeding the baby..

"They're asleep now. Tyreese is downstairs locking the doors and windows. He'll be sleeping downstairs to keep watch." She says, to which I nod.

"Hey Carol." I call. "What's the baby's name?"

"Judith." She replies. I smile as I finish feeding 'Judith' and I put the empty jar and spoon onto the nightstand. I lay Judith down in the middle of the bed and she begins to fall asleep.

"Did you need anything?" I ask her, to which she shakes her head and smiles.

"No dear, just checking up on you and Judith." She replies.

"Oh, you don't need to worry about me. I'll be fine. We need to worry about Judith and how low we are on food and baby supplies." I say nervously.

"Don't worry about that. Tyreese and I will be going on a run tomorrow to get some supplies, so you'll be in charge of the kids." She says, to which I nod. She is about to walk out when I stop her.

"Hey Carol?" I ask.

"Yes?" She replies.

"Did you want to sleep in here tonight? So you don't have to sleep on the floor or downstairs." I say. She smiles and nods.

"Sure." She walks in, shuts the door, locks it for extra safety and she gets into bed, trying not to wake up the now sleeping Judith. I crawl under the covers of the bed and look at Carol.

"Goodnight (Y/N)." She says.

"Night Carol." I reply, yawning. I turn to my side and begin to think.

I can't believe it. Lori AND Hershel. I was unconscious when Lori passed away. Damn, I must've lost a shit tonne of blood. But I can't believe that The Governor killed Hershel. I'm gonna kill his sorry one eyed ass. Just as I finish thinking, my eyelids grow heavy, so I go with the flow and close my eyes and drifting to sleep.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now