Twenty Five

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"KID! GET HERE NOW!" I hear Dawn shriek from the entrance of the hospital. I hastily shove the walkie talkie into my belt and run back to her and fake smile to her.

"Yes ma'am?" I ask. Yes, that's right, be nice and then STAB HER IN THE FACE!

"What were you doing out here?" She asks.Well, I am a compulsive liar, so this is an easy fix.

"I was chasing off a group that was trying to raid us. They went that way!" I say, pointing in a random direction. She hums and turns around and walks inside, to which I follow along.

"Officers! Front and centre!" She screams. Oh no this isn't what I planned for. Around 5 people come downstairs and stand in front of us. Oh wait this is perfect! I'll go with them and kill them! At least the group doesn't have to worry about five officers.

"Our little recruit has successfully protected our sanctuary and has pointed into the direction of the raiders." She announces.

"Go find them, and TERMINATE!" She screams, making me flinch.

"I shall accompany them! We will find and terminate." I say. She smiles and ruffles my hair. The officers and I walk into the random direction I pointed out to Dawn, as Dawn walks into the hospital. We continue walking when I hear an officer speak.

"Where exactly are we going?" He asks.

"Following the people who tried to raid us. Now shut up." I reply. We walk into the woods and look around cautiously. This is the perfect time to kill them. I pretend I hear someone move in the leaves, so I stop.

"Did you hear that?" I ask, to which everyone shakes their head, to which I point behind them.

"There!" I yell. They all turn around and I climb up the nearest tree and scream. The officers panic and look around. I grab my gun from its holster, put the silencer on, aim, and fire. One by one, the officers drop dead. I leave one more officer alive, as she stands frightened under the tree I'm in. I put my gun back in its holster, grab my knife out and jump down behind her. I grab her head and pull it up a bit and whisper into her ear.

"Tell the devil I said hi." In an instant, I slide the knife across her throat, blood spattering everywhere. I stab her in the head so she doesn't reanimate and push her off of me.

"You're lucky I gave you mercy, you sick fuck." I say. I walk out of the woods and back onto the road, where I grab out the walkie talkie and calibrate it to talk to the group again.

Carl's P.O.V

It's been hours, she should have updated by now! Dammit!! Just as I am about to grab the walkie talkie, it starts crackling again. Dad picks up the walkie talkie and begins to speak

"(Y/N)?" He says.

"Sup Rick." She replies. We all sigh in relief and she speaks up.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I ask worriedly

"Yeah, I'm fine. I took out the upstairs officers so all you have to do is kill the police officers downstairs and we'll be home free." She replies.

"Sounds like a plan. How do we help?" Dad asks. No response, just the crackling of the walkie talkie, worrying us?

"(Y/N)?" Dad repeats. No response, just the continued sound of the walkie talkie crackling. We are just about to have a full on panic attack, when we hear the reassuring sound of her voice.

"Jeez, let me take a piss in peace. Ugh." She says, making us laugh.

"Okay, okay sorry. How can we help?" Dad asks.

"Meet me at the hospital and we'll figure it out from there." She replies.

"Roger that. Over and out." Dad jokes around.

"Shut the fuck up Rick." She answers, making us laugh again. We put the walkie talkie away and we get ready to go. Abraham comes around the corner and gains our attention

"Van is in ship shape and ready to roll out." He announces. Dad nods and Abraham walks back to the van. Dad throws his bag over his shoulder and walks over to me and gives me the walkie talkie.

"When she talks, tell us." He says, to which I nod in agreement. He pats my back and walks past me.

"Alright gang, let's move out. And get ready for domination!" He says, to which we all cheer. We walk to the busted up, old looking, sketchy ass, van and hop inside. We start up the van and we start the journey to the hospital. For some reason I have and extremely bad feeling about this plan. I mean, it's not like it's a bad plan, it's just I think something is going to fuck up or the plan won't go as followed.

See, I have this thing where if I don't have a good feeling on something then it's probably a bad idea to go to that situation, because every time I have that feeling, everything fucks up BIG TIME! like for example, Hershel's Farm, or the prison, or even Woodbury, it fucked up BIG TIME! But who knows, maybe it will work out, or it might just tumble onto us like a tonne of bricks.

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