Twenty Three

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Around half an hour and 7 hissy fits from Carl later, we finally reach our destination. One problem.. There's a massive ass fence blocking us from entering the Hospital.

"How the hell do we get over that?" Abraham asks.

"We climb it I guess." Rosita answers. Glenn then runs into the fence and jumps into it. He somehow gets stuck, I don't even know how. Like wtf it's a fence, not a maze. I look around to find another possible option to enter the Hospital when I see a gate.. Oh for fuck sake! I walk up to it and push it open, and Glenn looks at me wide eyed.

"DANGIT!" He yells, making us laugh as he falls and lands on Abraham. Abraham pushes Glenn off of him and we prepare and head inside. We walk inside as cautious as possible, looking around for any dirty cops or dead walkers. Just as I walk around the corner, I spot a group of walkers wandering at the front of the Hospital entrance.

I push people back and we duck down to avoid being spotted. I peek around the corner and scope the premises. Just then, a cop car pulls into the driveway and two dirty cops emerge from the car and begin to stab the walkers. We stay put until they finish killing all the walkers, when I grab a metal pole that was nearby, stand up and begin to walk to them, but I'm pulled back my Michonne.

"What are you doing?" She whisper-yells.

"I know what I'm doing, calm down." I  whisper back. I sneak behind them and tap both of them turn to look at me.

"Hi!" I say, before I swing the pole at them, knocking them both out. Rick and the group catch up to me and look down at them.

"Ouch, that must've hurt." Maggie says looking at them.

"I don't care." I bluntly reply as I grab one of them by her hair and drag her around the corner to tie them up. I chuck her next to a wrecked car as Abraham puts the other officer down and Rosita ties them together. I look at the group and I sigh.

"Okay, let's think of a plan." I say.

"What about we blow up the Hospital?" Dad says evilly, making mom slap him.

"Don't be a Carol, Dad." I say looking at him.

"Try convince the officers to let you in." Michonne suggests.

"That's a terrible idea. What happens to (Y/N) if she can't get out?" Tara asks.

"How about we get some information on the Hospital." Carl says.

"Yeah! Then we know what we're in for. We might be able to overrun the Hospital." Abraham says. We all nod at the idea and the group hides in the distance while I sit in front of them, pretending to cry until they wake up.

Okay, so apparently I don't look fucking 16 so I have to act like a fucking little kid, crying like a baby. The officers slowly begin to wake up and I act for real now. I hear them shuffle and whisper to each other, they then speak up.

"What's wrong little girl?" The girl officer asks. Fuck you dumb hoe how dare you call me a Little Girl. And how come they don't remember me knocking them out with a metal pole? Some people are actually so dumb I swear.

"You guys have my family." I say in a soft voice as I keep crying crocodile tears. They look at me in guilt as I smirk internally laugh like a mad man.

"What's their names?" The man asks.

"Beth Greene and Carol Peletier." I reply.

"Well we know them. If you let us go, then we can take you to them." The girl says.

"How many police people are there?" I ask sadly.

"I don't know, maybe around 20. Why?" The man asks. I wipe my fake ass tears and stare at them.

"Where are my family?" I ask.

"Third floor, but most of the guards are up there." The lady replies.

"Why are you scared of police you bitch!?" The man says, angering me.

"I'm scared of them." I reply.

"Maybe if you let us out, we can tell them to not hurt you." The man says I stand up, walk up to him, grab my gun and point it to his head.

"But my dad won't like that." I say as my voice deepens back to its original sound. They look at me in fear, as the group emerges from their hiding places and walk towards me. I stick my gun back in its holster and walk over to them.

"I fucking hate that guy." I say as I point to him.

"Any news?" Rick asks.

"Around 20 guards, most of them are in the 3rd floor where Beth and Carol are currently held captive." I reply.

"Good job." Rick says as he pats my back and walks towards the officers. All of a sudden, the male officer manages to break free and legs it towards a herd of walkers. I grab the female officers rifle and wait for the perfect time to shoot. He passes them and I shoot him in the back of the leg, making him tumble to the ground. The walkers then catch up to him and completely tear him limb from limb, as the female officer watches in shock. I shake my head and head back to the group.

"What a dumbass." I simply say as I walk over to the female officer and grab my knife out of my belt. I slide it along the hot cement ground and gently slide it up her leg and torso, stopping at her neck and putting a little pressure into her neck with the knife, not puncturing her skin obviously.

"Now, why don't you be a dear and let us inside the hospital to get our family back or I'll kill you and everyone else in this shit hole." I say, making her nod vigorously.

I lift her up still tied up and hand her to Abraham, as I put my knife back in my belt.

"Alright guys," I say as I grab out my gun.

"Let's go kick some cop ass."

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