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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"What do you mean Beth's been kidnapped!?" I yell, tightening my right fist, making it go white. "What the hell have I missed." I say as I facepalm. Most people sweat drop and Michonne speaks up.

"We don't exactly know what happened, anyways it's getting dark and we should be heading somewhere safe." She says. I inhale and exhale, releasing my tight grip. We begin to walk and Carl walks up to me and smiles, to which I nod.

"Hey (Y/N)." He says.

"Hmm?" I hum back.

"Can I ask you a question?" He asks, as we enter the woods.

"Yeah, anything." I reply.

"Well, I'm just gonna come out. I kinda like you right." He stutters. I roll my eyes playfully. "And  I was wondering if you-uh." He says as he trails off.

"Yeah Carl?" I say, trying not to laugh.

"Did you maybe want to be my girlfriend?" He asks and I roll my eyes playfully.

"Sure." I reply. I then realise that the whole group is watching us, and was watching the whole conversation.

"Aw!" Maggie squeals.

"That is so cute!" Sasha adds.

"We should make a ship name." Michonne says as we continue to walk.

"Oh god, kill me now." I say as I pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. Carl entwines his fingers with mine and I look at him and he smiles.

"Damn, I thought I would make you smile." He says sadly, turning his gaze away.

"You didn't make me smile, but you made me very happy." His head raises to look at me and he smiles.

"And I mean it. I've never had a good relationship before, so I hope that this one will end up perfect in the end." I finish. We find a nice and secure place to settle down and rest for the night, so we begin to set up. I grab some fishing wire from my bag and tie it around trees surrounding our camp site.

I grab some pots and pans I stole from the cabin and tape them to the wire to know when they are there, because we'll be able to hear them. Carl comes up behind me while I am tying up a pan and wraps his arms around my waist unexpectedly, making me yelp. He laughs and I groan and turn around.

"You scared the crap out of me!" I growl.

"Yeah, well it was funny." He replies.

"Not when you could have had a knife implanted in your skull." I reply, shaking my fist at him. He places his forehead on mine and I stare into his full blue orbs, when we hear someone clearing their throat. We look to where it came from and we see Rick smirking evilly.

"Whats happening here?" He asks teasingly. I groan and let go of Carl and puff my cheeks out.

"Shut up." I grunt, making most people laugh when they look at my puffed up cheeks.

"Alright you baby. Let's just continue to set up." Rick says, making me death stare him for calling me a baby, to which he sweat drops and backs away slowly. I turn around and continue to tie up the pots and pans, while Carl looks at me rather strangely.

"What was that all about?" He asks, trying not to laugh.

"What? Me puffing my cheeks out?" I ask back, not taking my eyes off of the pan I am tying onto the fishing wire.

"Yeah. You were acting like a baby." He says, as he laughs.

"I'm 16, I can act like a baby if I want to." I say as I finish tying a knot and standing up.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now