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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I shoot up from my bed and slam heads with someone.

"Ow." A familiar female voice say.. Lori!

"Ow, crap.. Sorry Lori." I say, rubbing my head.

"Don't worry about it.. I'm more worried about you." She replies.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"You were whimpering and crying in your sleep. I was calling your name to try to wake you up, but it seems like you're a heavy sleeper." She explains.

"Yeah.. But I'm fine." I answer.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" She asks.

"Maybe later, first let me calm down a bit." I reply

"Sure, just give me a shout and we'll talk then." She says, to which I nod. She hops off of the side of the bed and walks out.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed and rub my head. Crap.. That's gonna leave a mark. That freaking hurt. Probably gonna get a headache later. I slowly get up, brush my hair, strap my gun holster around my waist, put my knife in my belt and walk outside. I then hear chattering coming from downstairs, so I look over the bars to see Glenn and Maggie getting ready to go somewhere. I run to the the staircase and look down at them.

"Yo! Where are you guys going!?" I shout.

"We're going to get some baby supplies, the baby should be arriving soon." Glenn says.

"Can I come?" I ask.

"We'll be back soon." Glenn replies, to which Maggie hits the back of his head with a book, making him yelp.

"Ow." He whines, rubbing the back of his head.

"Let her come. Plus, it'll be good to have an extra hand to get more things." Maggie growls. He whines and looks back at me, as I am looking at them very oddly.

"You can come (Y/N)." He says. I nod and slide down the staircase bar, landing perfectly. They clap to which I bow lightly. We walk outside to see Tyreese, Beth, Rick and Carl at the gate. We walk over and I see Rick put the sheriff hat on Beth.

"Does it look good?" She asks.

"There's a new sheriff in town." Rick says, to which they laugh.

"It looks great on you." I compliment. She looks at me oddly then smiles.

"Thanks (Y/N)." She replies, to which I nod. I walk over to the car when I hear my name being called out.

"(Y/N)! Where are you going!?" I hear Carl yell, so I turn around and look at him.

"Going for supplies for the baby. They said the baby should be arriving anytime soon." I explain.

"Please be careful." He pleads.

"I'll be fine. I was alone for all those years, how hard can it be?" I say, to which he nods.

I give him a quick hug and I hop into the car.

"Bye Carl." I say.

"Bye (Y/N)." He replies, as his face turns a light shade of red. I shut the door and a few moments later, Maggie and Glenn enter the car as well. Glenn turns the ignition on and we start moving. Tyreese and Carl open the gate and we drive out. I wave to Carl and he waves back and I sit back and look out of the window, only seeing passing walkers eating either people or animals.

"So (Y/N)." Maggie says, probably trying to start a conversation, because I know Glenn isn't good at doing that because he's a butt..

"Where did you live before coming here?" She asks.

"Well, my family and I lived in New York in the pre-apocalypse. My mother was a lawyer and dad was a hunter. He'd always be out for weeks at a time hunting for money. Mom was barely at home either.. She'd always come home late too because of all paperwork she had to finish, and I don't blame her. I was the one who had to take care of me and my little sister.. Now, I'm a post-apocalyptic murderer and survivor." I explain. I look back at her and she takes her seatbelt off and climbs over the seat.

"Ow! Maggie get your butt out of my face!" Glenn yells.

"Shut up you love my butt." She argues back.

"Yeah but not when it is in my face while I'm driving. Do you want me to crash?" He asks. She sits down properly in the back and straps herself in. I look at them trying so hard not to laugh at their stupid arguments they have.

"Anyway. I'm sorry that you had a rough life back then. We all did.. But now we fight for survival, so technically we are all murderers for killing walkers." She says.

"Yeah but.. How many people have you killed?" I ask both of them. Maggie looks down at the car floor then looks back up to me.

"Three.. I've killed three humans." She says.

"I haven't killed any humans." Glenn adds.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, I haven't really needed to." He answers simply.

"How many people have you killed?" She asks.

"Glenn knows already.. Maybe around 10 people." I answer.

"Ten!?" She yells.

"It was a group. They kidnapped me and tortured me.. I have whip scars on my back because of them." I explain. She looks at me sympathetically and hugs me, to which I hug back. The car stops and we pull away.

"We're here." Glenn announces. We get out of the car and see a big worn out brick store. We walk inside to grab baby food, nappies and stuff and I go grab some stuff in the feminine hygiene section. I crouch down and grab a few things and then hear a low growl from behind me. I turn around to see a walker, so I back up on the floor but he falls onto me.

"Maggie! Glenn!" I yell out. I hold the walker by the neck and cut his hands off.
Just as my arm is about to drop, a knife is plunged into the walkers skull, going straight through it. Some of the blood drips onto my face, so I push the body off of me and wipe my face.

"Are you okay?!" Maggie asks.

"Did you get bit?" Glenn asks.

"I'm fine and I didn't get bit luckily." I reply.

"Okay good." Maggie says, exhaling.

"We should get going." I say, to which they both nod. I grab a bag and we walk outside. Halfway to the car, we hear a twig snap.

"(Y/N), It's probably just a walker." Glenn says.

"No, no it isn't.. That twig was snapped purposely." I reply, dropping the bag and taking my gum out from its holster.

"What's your point?" Maggie asks. Another twig snaps from a different place and I snap my head in that direction.

"We are being ambushed." I growl. Just as I say that, a familiar man with a knife for a hand comes out of the bushes, clapping.

"Wow.. So smart (Y/N)." He says.

"Uncle Merle." I growl.

"Why don't you come over here and give your old uncle a hug?" He says opening up his arms.

"I'd rather bury 'uncle' six feet under." I growl back. He chuckles and I hear to grunts from behind me. I turn to see that two other men knocked out Glenn and Maggie.

I growl and point the gun at Merle. Just as I'm about to pull the trigger, the butt of another mans gun hits the back of my head, making me fall to the floor. I groan and look up at Merle, to notice my vision is getting blurry.

"Ouch! That looked like that hurt!" Merle says.

"Fuck you." I say, before I pass out..

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now