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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

My eyes flutter open and everything is blurry. I blink a few more times to make everything clearer and I yawn. Wow, I actually got a decent sleep last night. I then get a tiny hand to the face, followed by a giggle. I look to my left to see Judith awake, but no Carol. She must have left with Tyreese early. I get up, fix my hair, put my shoes and gear on, grab Judith and walk downstairs. I walk into the kitchen, put Judith down on a chair and go through my bag to see if I have any baby food. I scavenge around my bag until I finally find a tin of apple sauce.

"Bingo!" I say as I spot it. I grab it out, get a spoon, and begin to feed her. Just as I start, I hear laughing coming from outside. I raise an eyebrow and go investigate. I look out of the kitchen window only to see Mika, but she looks terrified. I look around to see Lizzie laughing and running from.. A walker!? I run outside and remove my knife from my belt.

"Lizzie! Get away from that!" I yell as I run towards her, even if my leg is throbbing in pain.

"Oh hi (Y/N)!" She says as she stops. I groan, push her out of the way and push my blade into the walkers skull. I remove the knife and limp back over to the girls.

"Hey! What's the big idea!? I was having fun." She whines.

"What the hell Lizzie. Those things are dangerous!" I yell, pointing the knife in the direction of the dead walker.

"Calm down (Y/N), she was only playing." Mika adds. I groan and pinch the bridge of my nose with my thumb and index finger. I look back at them and point to the cabin.

"Get your butts back inside and do as you're told, and I won't say anything about this to Carol and Tyreese." I say. They whine and I growl.

"Now!" I yell. They stomp back inside and I follow them. They walk upstairs and I walk back into the kitchen to finish feeding Judith. I finish feeding her and I pick her up and gently place her on the floor. I go over to my bag and scavenge for some things for Judith to play with. I find a key holder with multiple keys and key rings on it. I'm not sure why I have it still, but it was all of the key rings my friends got for me for my 10th birthday. If only they were still alive. I hope they are..

I go over to Judith and kneel down. I hold the key holder in front of her and jingle it. She laughs and she reaches for the keys, to which I give it to her. I stand back up and walk back into the kitchen and scavenge for food in the cabinets and cupboards. I find a packet of noodle soup, so I decide to make it. I get one of my water bottles and a pot from the cabinet. I cross my fingers and hope that the stove will work and I turn it on.

After a few seconds it turns on, and I jump for joy. I put the pot on the stove, pour the water in the pot and I race up the stairs. I knock on the door and I hear a faint 'come in.' I open the door and lean on the door frame.

"Did you girls want some chicken soup?" I ask. They both smile and nod their heads eagerly. I shake my head in amusement and turn around.

"Can we play outside?" Lizzie asks. I stop, turn around and think for a second.

"Okay, but both of you bring a knife and don't play with the walkers. Do you understand me?" I ask putting a serious face on.

"Yes we understand." Mika says.

"Good. Now pee off." I say. They nod and run past me. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. To see the water already boiling. I pour the soup packet into the pot, grab a wooden spoon from the drawer and begin to stir.

After about 10 minutes, I turn off the heat and move the pot off of the hotplate. I grab 3 bowls and pour the noodle soup evenly into the 3 bowls. I place them onto the table followed by a spoon and I look over time Judith to check on her. She isn't there. I look around and then hear a bloodcurdling scream coming from Mika, followed by the cries of Judith.

I grab my gun and run outside, to see Judith crying on a blanket, Lizzie holding a bloodied knife while standing over Mika and Mika is. Dead!? I stand there mortified until Lizzie turns around.

"Oh hi (Y/N)!" She says sweetly. I run over to Mika and see a stab wound in her chest. I gently place two fingers on her neck to check for a pulse. No pulse. I growl, stand up and turn to look at Lizzie.

"What the fuck Lizzie! Are you crazy!?" I yell.

"Ugh, calm down (Y/N), I didn't hurt the brain. She'll come back." She says, crossing her arms over her cheat and rolling her eyes. I point the gun to Mika's head, and pull the trigger. I whimper and wipe the tears away.

"What the hell (Y/N)!" She yells. Just as she says that, Tyreese and Carol come running around the corner.

"What happened!?" Carol yells.

"Lizzie killed Mika!" I sniffle, as Lizzie turns to Judith. I gasp and put the gun to her head. She turns to look at me and she rolls her eyes.

"You won't shoot me." She says. I grab her hair and pull her towards me, making her drop the knife. I tangle my hand in her hair and put her ear to my face.

"I've killed multiple people because of what they did to me. Just because you're a girl and you're a kid, doesn't mean I won't put a bullet in your brain or a knife in your skull." I growl. I untangle my hand and throw her to the ground. I look at Tyreese and he looks at me sympathetically. He opens his arms out and I walk over to him and hug him. I look back at Carol to see she's taking Lizzie somewhere. I don't see or hear anything until Carol speaks up.

"Just look at the flowers." I begin to walk over to Carol when I hear a gunshot. I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand. Carol comes back about 5 minutes later with a shovel and she drops it.

"I've dug two graves." She says. I nod, walk over to Mika's lifeless body and pick her up as Tyreese grabs Judith. I carry over to the grave and put her in a bag that Carol must've found.

We put her and Lizzie in their graves and refill the holes. I grab for planks of wood, a hammer and two nails. I put the wood planks into two cross signs and nail them to each other. I then carve 'Lizzie' on one cross and 'Mika' on the other with the back of the hammer.

I walk back over and hammer them into the ground. I walk over to the patch of flowers Carol shot Lizzie at and grab two flowers. I walk back and place them next to the crosses.

"Mika never had a mean bone in her body." I say as I drop my head. Tyreese pats my shoulder and Carol looks up at the sky.

"Its getting dark, we should head in." She suggests, to which Tyreese and I both nod. As we walk back inside, I remember the soup I made.

"I made some soup a while ago of you guys want some. It was for the girls and I." I say as I trail off. Carol looks at me and smiles, to which I just nod.

"We'll eat and then head to bed. Tyreese can get the other room upstairs, but we have to double check the doors and windows and try not to make too much noise." Carol instructs as we get inside.

We sit down and begin eating wile Tyreese takes the sleeping Judith upstairs to my room. He comes back a few minutes later, sits down and eats with us. We spoke most of the time while eating and spoke about how Carol will go back to find the group and see who is alive, who is dead and who is missing. We finish and put our bowls and spoons into the sink and begin to lock and secure all of the doors and windows.

Once we finish, I follow Tyreese upstairs and realise that Carol isn't following. I turn around and look at her.

"You coming up?" I ask, to which she smiles.

"I'm gonna stay down here to pack for my trip to find the group. I'll also keep watch down here for a while. I'll be up soon, promise." She replies, smiling. I nod and continue to walk upstairs and to my room.

I quietly open the door to see sleeping Judith on the bed, so I close the door and walk over to the bed. I take off my belt, my shoes and gun holster holding my gun and slowly lie down on the bed and start to think. I really hope that the group is okay. My eyelids begin to grow heavy so I go with it and fall asleep..

..With Carl as the last person on my mind..

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now