Twenty Nine

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I untangle my arms from dad as he speaks up.

"Did you find anything?" He asks, to which I nod in agreement. I take my bag off and empty the bag to see bottles of polluted and shitty ass water fall out.

"What the hell how are we supposed to drink that!?" He yells. I don't respond. All I do is rip a bit of my shirt off, walk over to the kitchen to try to find what I need. Rick walks over to me and taps my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"I'm busy Rick." I reply as I scavenge through the cabinets of the kitchen.

"Anything I can help with?" He asks.

"Yeah." I reply. I take a sieve, a large pot and a small pot out, and kick the cabinet door shut with my foot.

"Find some sticks or paper and a way of making a fire." I reply. He nods his head and I walk back over to dad and sit on the floor. I put the sift onto the small pot and put the bit of cloth I ripped from my skirt onto the sieve. I then put the small pot onto the large pot. Dad kneels down as I await the return of Rick.

"What are you doing?" He asks. Just then, Rick returns with a few sticks, dead leaves and some paper. I smile, take the sieve off and grab the large pot. I lift the large pot up to Rick and he put the stuff inside. Carol then walks up to me and stretches her arms out to see that she has a lighter in her hand. I smile and take the lighter off of her and begin to set the shit on fire.

"Now can you tell us what the hell you're doing?" Glenn asks

As the fire burns, I open a water bottle and pour it into the sieve. The water then goes through the sieve and into the small pot.

"She is filtering the water." Rick replies as I continue to pour the polluted water into the sieve. "How do you know it will work?" He asks.

"I've done this before. Even if the water doesn't taste good, it'll be filtered and boiled enough to get rid of any bacteria or shit that was inside the water." I explain as I pour the last of the water into the sieve.

"Smart." Abraham replies, to which I nod. I take the sieve off of the small pot and take the small pot off the flame.

"Where did you learn this again?" Carl asks. I sigh.

"Terminus taught me." I reply, as I begin to pour the filtered water into the empty water bottles. I move my eyes to look up to see Dad frowning. I roll my eyes and continue to pour the water in the bottles.

"Whats the big deal? It doesn't matter anymore. They're dead." I reply.I fill the last bottle and I put the lids on them all. "Done." I say as I smile. They smile in return and I give out the water bottles to people. I walk up to Rick and hand him a bottle of water and he smiles.

"Thank you." He says smiling. In return I smile and nod. I look outside and sigh.

"Do you think we should get going?" I ask.

"Why's that?" He replies as he takes a sip of the water.

"It won't be long until the walkers that were at the Hospital come this direction." I say as I walk back to my bag. "And I don't plan to stick around to find out when." I finish as I throw my bag over my shoulders. Rick nods in agreement and he turns to face the group.

"Alright guys, grab what you need and let's head out. Those walkers from the Hospital won't be far behind." He announces. As instructed, everyone begins to pack up their gear. I walk back over to Rick and stand next to him.

"You know, I guess I was wrong about you." I say, not making eye contact with him.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" He asks.

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