Twenty Six

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"How has it been in the mental institution?" Carl asks, chuckling slightly, to which I roll my eyes playfully.

"Horrifying. It's fucking terrifying there. Most of the guards are corrupt remember? They'll most likely fucking rape me." I reply

"Don't say that. I'll throw them into acid if they even touch what isn't theirs." He says, making my face go a light shade of red. I was nearing the hospital, so I decide to take being scared to Dawn and say that we were surrounded by raiders.

"Okay, I'm heading off now, I'll call you when I've taken care of Dawn, then that's when you guys come in and take care of the guys on the first floor." I say.

"Got it. Talk to ya soon." Carl replies. I turn off the walkie talkie and begin to run frantically and cry, just in time too, because Dawn was just about to send other cops on an errand to look for us. She gasps and runs towards me. I tried to make it convincing by hugging her while crying.

"What happened!? Are you okay!? Where are my officers!?" She asks worriedly.

"They're dead!" I reply sniffling.

"What!? They were my toughest officers, how could they have died!?" She replies.

"Raiders. They followed me but I don't know where they are anymore." I say, smirking evilly on her shoulder. She growls and signals her guards to head inside to barricade the building. Fuck, this isn't part of the plan!

"Um, maybe I should search the premises. They might be here." I suggest, to which she nods. I sigh and begin to walk around while they head inside. After around 10 minutes, the gang arrive and hide behind a storage container. I signal them to stay and I'll call them when Dawn is dead. They nod and Dawn yells.

"Oi kid!" She yells

"Yeah!?" I yell back. She signals to come back and I smile and run back over. I head inside and she looks at me scarily. She looks at me like she's ready to kill me.

"Go to my office will you?" She asks impatiently. Oh shit.. Did she see me?

"Of course."I reply. I walk past her and she follows me into her office. She closes the door and locks it. I'm just about to sit down when she grabs me by my hair.

"Ow! What the fuck Dawn!?" I yell. I try to kick her when she pulls out a gun out on me.

"Make one more move and I'll kill you." She growls. She bends over to see the walkie talkie on my belt.

"Let's see that walkie talkie of yours." Fuck..

Carl's P.O.V

We wait, loading our guns, until we hear the crackling of the walkie talkie.

"Guys, proceed with the plan." (Y/N) says blankly.

"Roger that." Dad replies. He puts the walkie talkie away and we get ready to kill the rest of the officers. Dad, Daryl, Abraham, Beth and me walk out of the van and behind the storage container.

"Everyone ready?" Dad asks, to which everyone nods. Dad replies with a nod and we charge into the hospital. Three of the officers spot us and we shoot, killing them instantly.

The last three officers attempted to ambush us, but end up getting a shot in the face by dad, Daryl and Abraham.. Dad signals us to split up, so I go with Dad, Daryl goes with Abraham and Beth goes alone, I don't even know why. Around 15 minutes later, we all group back, except for Beth, who wasn't around. All of a sudden, (Y/N) comes around the corner with Dawn, with a knife held up to her throat.

"(Y/N)!" Daryl growls.

He begins to walk when Dawn holds it to her throat closer.

"Move and she dies." She says, to which Daryl stops and closes his fist in anger.

"I knew your plan. To kill me. To overrun the hospital. And now, you're gonna have to watch someone die today."

"No!!" I scream. Just as she is about to slide the blade on her neck, Dawn stops. She looks at us with wide eyes and drops the blade and released the tight grip she had on (Y/N). (Y/N) runs over to us, with tears in her eyes, and engulfs Daryl in a hug. We look at Dawn and she falls forward, revealing Beth, with a pair of bloody scissors in her hand. Beth then proceeds to stab her in the head to prevent her from reanimating her.

"I've been waiting to do that for ages." She says, throwing the pair of scissors at Dawns lifeless corpse. I turn to (Y/N) and smile, to which she smiles back and walks over to me.

"I missed you." She says, making me smile more.

"I missed you too." I reply as I peck her lips. Dad then comes over to us and pats her back.

"Good to have you back." He says.

"It's good to be back." She replies. We walk outside and (Y/N) runs over to Maggie, who has began to run over to her. We get into the car, when Abraham and Daryl come out of the hospital with the guns.

"Hey, we said we aren't leaving without the guns." Abraham says, making us laugh. We help them get the guns and stuff in the van and we head off, back to Noah's house.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Around 20 minutes later, we arrive back at Noah's place, just as the sun has set and the sky covers us with sheer darkness. This is the only time where I feel like I am going to die. There is that feeling I get whenever I know I'm vulnerable, and that is what I feel every time it's dark. I feel like everything will go wrong as soon as I shut my eyes or attempt to drift off into sleep. And I know, that one slip up, and I could get torn apart by walkers while I sleep, or I could get ambushed by raiders. That's why I feel safe with this group. For once I can actually have a good night's rest without fearing for my life.

We all chip in to get the weapons out of the van and we put them inside. I hope out of the car and look around. Wooden spikes stick out of the ground around the entrance of the house and a line of pots and pans has been tied around the house to signal us if anything is attempting to barge in. I sigh and begin to walk inside with Beth.

"You shouldn't have done that for me." She says, to which I shrug in response.

"Family should protect each other. You shouldn't have killed Dawn to save me then." I reply, to which she shrugs in response as well.

"Like a good person said, family should protect each other." She repeats me, to which I smile at her. We walk inside the house and I look around. I sigh in relief to spot the windows barricaded up with wooden planks that have been nailed to the walls. I walk over to Carl's spot and I sit down in his 'bed'.

The reason why I know it's his is because he's the only one here that has a messy ass bed and that has stacks of comics lying around the place. He walks over to me and throws his hat to me, to which I attempt to catch it. I jump into the air and I fall back down onto the ground. I didn't catch it, it landed in front of me. Good job Carl!

"You are a horrible thrower." I say laughing. He gasps and puts his hand on his chest.

"I am offended!" He replies in a screechy voice, making me laugh even more. I smile as he sits down next to me and throws the thin sheet over his body. He turns to me and I smile, to which he smiles back. Rick then comes over to us and ruffles Carl's hair.

"G'nite kiddos." He says.

"Night." Both Carl and I reply in unison. Rick walks off into another part of the house and heads off to bed. I yawn and prop myself down onto the pillow and cover myself in the thin shit as well, as Carl does the same. We stare at each other for a bit until I begin to close my eyes. I didn't sleep while I was at the hospital so don't blame me. I close my eyes when a soft pair of lips touch my forehead.

"Good night (Y/N)." He says, as I smile in my sleep.

"Good night Carl." I reply, as I grasp his hand underneath the thin sheet. After that, I fall into a dreamless sleep, and finally getting some actual rest in about 2 days.

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now