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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Right now, I'm sitting with Carl in my room, reading comics. Hopefully Dad or Rick don't come in. Why you ask? Well.. We are in the most weirdest position, that's why. Carl is sitting up with his back against the wall, while I have my head in his lap and have my legs crossed out in front of me while reading a comic I found in a house on a raid.

We sit there occasionally chatting when we hear a certain male voice.

"Having fun?" He asks. We take our gaze off of the comic and see Rick at the door. I squeak and immediately jump up and stand in front of him.

"Oh. Hey Glenn." I say as I scratch the back of my neck.

"What were you doing laying on his lap?" He asks, snickering. I roll my eyes and a tick mark appears on my forehead.

"Its not like that dummy! I was reading a comic!" I say, clenching my fists as I slam my foot on the floor.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever you want to tell yourself flirty." He replies snickering. We then hear whispers and he walks out with an evil grin. I walk back to Carl and he looks at me worryingly.

"That smile didn't look good. Wonder what he's planning to do to embarrass us." Carl says.

"Let's just pretend we didn't see him." I reply, to which he nods eagerly. We sit back down and continue reading when something is thrown at me and lands in my lap. I look at it and my eyes widen.

"What. The hell.. IS THIS!?!?" I yell, making Carl jump. He looks at what's in my hand and his eyes widen too.

"ITS A CONDOM?" He yells back.

"What the fuck? GLENN!!!" I yell. 

Then out of nowhere, Glenn and Tyreese charge into MY bedroom and begin to throw unopened condom packets at us. I squeal and jump into my bed and hide under the covers, while Carl stands there, taking the hits of the packets until they run out, which they eventually do. I take my head out of the cover, attempting to hide my red tomato face and stare at them.

"Glenn! What the hell!?" Carl yells.

"Tyreese, you traitor!" I yell.

"Hey, I'm just getting you prepared." Glenn says.

"WE'RE ONLY LIKE 16!" Carl and I yell in unison.

"So? I lost mine when I was your age." Tyreese replies.

"Ew we don't need to hear about this!" Carl yells back.

The men laugh to which Carl and I huff. They look at me and notice that I'm not smiling.

"(Y/N)?" Glenn asks.

"Ha ha" I say sarcastically. "Go away. Y'all are children." I shake my head "I'm gonna hit the hay. Now get out. I don't want Maggie coming in to find her man in a child's room." I say, with an evil smirk plastered on my face. He gulps and they immediately go out. I then see Dad walk into my cell. He walks over and kisses the top of my head.

"Goodnight my girl." He says.

"Goodnight Dad" I reply. He smile and walks out and so does Carl, until I stop him.

"Hey Carl." I say. He turns around and smiles, making me blush. What the hell!? Stop it! You're being stupid. Stupid brain.. Liking a mere boy! Ugh, I hate feelings..

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Did you want to.. I don't know.. Have a sleepover?" I ask him. He smiles brightly and nods eagerly and he jumps onto.. MY BED!? Dangit..

"Night Carl." I say, yawning.

"Night (Y/N)." He replies. I roll to my side and feel a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I squeak and look over to him, to find him fast asleep. I feel my eyelids grow heavy, so I go with it and fall into a deep sleep.

Next Morning - Carl's P.O.V

I open my eyes groggily and they become blurry for a second. I blink a couple of times and I try to move my arms, when I can't. I look down to see that I have my arms wrapped around (Y/N)'s waist, and her face is right in front of mine, making me.. Blush? Why did that make me blush? 

I gaze at her peaceful, sleeping face and how perfect she is. The way her hair fell elegantly down her face was amazing. I snap out of my daydream and realise what I just did. Did I.. Check her out!? Oh god I'm so lucky she's asleep.. 

I carefully release my grip on her waist and get off the bed slowly. I brush my hair to flatten it out and put my dad's hat on my head. I grab my gun and strap the holster around my waist and head outside. Outside I see Glenn at the gate on patrol. He turns around and smiles at me, to which I return the gesture.

"Morning kiddo." He greets.

"Morning Glenn." I reply.

"How's the little lady?" He asks, wriggling his eyebrows, to which I roll my eyes playfully.

"She's fine." I answer, blushing slightly.

And of course being Glenn, he can see it like a needle in a haystack.

"You liiiiike her." He mocks.

"Shutup." I joke, making the blush on my face slightly redder.

"I want her to wake up soon." Glenn says. I turn to him and raise an eyebrow.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"So I can show her how red your face gets when I mention your name." He snickers.

"SHUTUP!" I yell back, to which he laughs.

Dream - (Y/N)'s P.O.V

Ugh.. Where am I? Its pitch black! I can't see a thing!

"(Y/N)" I hear a familiar, distant, echoed voice.

"Huh? Who's there!?" I shout rather loudly, which echo's through the darkness. Then, a light beams and a small human figure begins to walk towards me.

"Aw, don't remember me sis? I've only been gone for a few years." Those words echo through my head, when I realise who it is.. Debbie!

"Debbie?" I ask.

The white silhouette then changes the background to white and Debbie appears in front of me, but she's older and beautiful.. probably even older than me.. strange..

"There you go.. So smart (N/N)." She says, as she giggles. My eyes brim with tears and I look at her.

"Debbie!" I yell, as I run to her. I try to engulf her in a hug, when I go straight through her.

"Huh?" I say, as I lift myself up and look at her.

"I can't touch you.." She says.

"Why?" I ask, really concerned.

"If I do, I will go away, and all I will be is a forgotten memory. You don't want that.. I know." I try to argue but all I do is nod slowly.

"I miss you Deb." I say, lowering my head.

"I miss you too. But don't let bad memories stop you from surviving. I love your group already. They seem like good people." She says. I nod and she smiles brightly.. Not a smile tugged on my face.

"(Y/N). I need you do something for me." She says.

"Anything Deb." I respond eagerly.

"I need you to wake up.. I'll see you later my sister.. I love you." She says.

"Wha-." I instantly get cut off when everything goes black. Then another white silhouette appears and changes into Debbie's face, all cut up and has a bite mark on her neck with white and grey eyes.. No pupils.

"Bad things are coming." She says in a scary demonic way, to which I scream loudly.

Dream End

Daryl's Little Fighter (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now