Chapter 2

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I put on the gray sweater dress and black knee high suede boots and fixed my long brown hair. Then put on some make up. While thinking what would Ethan think at the same time.

I saw Brooklyn's car pull up (Mercedes G-wagon) I loved her car almost as much as I loved mine. I walked downstairs and saw my mom passed out on the couch and got in the car with Brooklyn. Then we looked at each other and realized we were wearing almost the same thing in different colors. We laughed and blasted music. Of course our fav My main by Mila J. We pulled up to McDonald's I looked at Brooklyn with my confused face.
"What I'm hungry?"
We laughed and enjoyed our delicious fries. These are times in high school I enjoy. Moments like these.

We walked into Ethan's house which was beautiful. I then was greeted by Grayson. He looked at Brooklyn and checked her out. She looked at him straight in the eye and said
"no you can't hook up with me. But if you get me a drink I will gladly dance with you" Grayson stuck out his hand and lead her to the bar. I looked around for Ethan but no sight of him. I walked out to the pool and saw him walk over to me with a drink in his hand. He went to give me hug and I just rejected him. "You want a drink?"
"I'll take yours" he handed me his drink
"Wanna go dance"
We went to the dance floor, I danced on him and he grabbed my hips. The dancing went going for a minute. Then he whispered "follow me" I'm happy he didn't take me to a bedroom cause that's how all of his idea of fun is. But we were walking on the road and he was holding my hand. "So Woods, why did you finally decide to come?"
"Because you cared if I did or didn't come."
" what do mean by that?"
"You actually wanted me to come"
"Ok, I can see that. Why did you bring Brooklyn?" He fixed his hair.
"She's my bestfriend and it wouldn't be fun for me to go without her!"
"Your a great friend. Do you th-" I cut him off
"Are play 21 questions with me without me knowing?"
"No, I wanna get to know you better including we haven't spoke much since freshman year" my feet were starting hurt is these boots.
"Ethan I miss our friendship a lot. But I don't think we could ever be like we used to be." Ethan stopped then grabbed my wrist and pulled me in close.
"I thought we could be closer then we were before" he pulled my waist into him. Then moving my hair out of the way to see my neck. I had to smile a little. Not that I had to but I wanted to. Then we began to make out and he left a hickey on my neck. I wasn't too happy. I laughed at the feeling it left. Then whispered in my ear, " you could have this anytime or all the time" I smiled. Put my arms out around his neck and got in my tip toes and whispered "your gonna have to fight for it"

Ethan Pos.
The words ran chills threw my body. She left go and looked up at the moon and stars. The way she smiled and the moonlight shining she looked hot. I thought she was gonna be easy but she is far from it.
"Hey Ethan, do you think you could give me a piggyback ride back? my feet are killing me." Squatted for her to jump up on my back and she ran and jumped on. She was light as a feather.  Her arms wrapped around me made me feel as if we were almost in bed. She kissed me on the cheek and left her mouth their and I could feel her smile.

Aria's Pos.
I got off about 2 minutes just before Ethan's house.
"Thanks for the ride. These shoes were killing me"
"Your welcome. Aria Although I think our ride in bed would be better."
"Haha fine. NOT!"
We laughed and walked in.
I saw Brooklyn making out with Cameron which surprised me she seemed into Grayson but I guess not. She was totally wasted and was gonna wake up with a bashing headache tomorrow. She saw me and hugged me and almost tripped when she let go.
"Hey guys!"
"Hey Brooklyn I think your a little drunk?"
"HAHA IM TOTALLY WASTED!" She put her hands up and yelled then passed out. I laughed along with Cameron and Ethan who weren't drunk because they had school or else they would've been. I grabbed Brooklyn's arm and tried to pull her up. But she didn't budge. Cameron picked her up and carried her to her car. Putting her in the back seat. I got in the car and drove to Brooklyn's house then to mine. So I could pick her up tomorrow. And Brooklyn already knew the drill. When I got home my mom must have been in her room because she wasn't on the couch. I went up stairs and changed into some sweats and a long sleeve shirt. I checked my phone and saw a message from Ethan. Well I guess we never changed our numbers so this was bound to eventually happen.
"Hey I had a lot of fun with you tonight ;) . Even the part of dragging Brooklyn to the car. I hope you go home safely."

"Thanks Ethan. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Night"

" Night"

Authors Note: Hey guys so I have decided to post the chapters by 3 and if I have time 4 i don't know what day but I will! And if my 3 at least 1 I'll try my hardest! Oh! They are gonna start being longer the deeper into the story we go!

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