Chapter 11

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3 weeks later...
It's almost Christmas and it's my favorite time of the year. Putting up a Christmas tree going shopping. Except this year I get to do it with my mom. The past 2 years I did all of that stuff with Brooklyns family. Her family is really fun and nice and everything. But I missed my own. Even better I get to spend it with Ethan.  Although I wish my dad was here so I could spend that time with him.

I got up this morning and went downstairs and my mom had tried to make Christmas tree pancakes. My dad was the cook in the family. My mom not so much.
"Hey! I may have half way not of known you for 2 years but i still know you love Christmas!"
"Your right!" Then I felt my dinner from come up from my stomach. I ran to the bathroom so quick.
"Are you okay?" My mom asked when I came back.
"Yeah!" Then I remembered. I'm late. Oh god.
"So I think I'll just start making some toaster stuff. And I'll take you out to dinner?" We laughed. I enjoyed these moments. Everything about it.

I pulled up to school and Ethan pulled up right next to me. He got out of the car the same time I did.
"Hey stranger" he turned and ran and gave me a hug.
"This is nice. I'm freezing right now." He laughed and let me go. I looked at the temperature 26 degrees. Unusual for New Jersey at this time of year. Ethan held my hand and we walked in together. When I walked in I saw Cameron and Brooklyn arguing. They've been doing that a lot lately.
"Hey!" She saw me and gave me a hug.
"A hug?" I saw you yesterday and the day before that?" She looked at me.
"We'll its cold out and I needed a warm hug" she smiled at me this time.
"I need to talk to you?" I told her and we walked to my locker. Ethan's face you could tell was very confused. I've never done that before.
"I'm late." She looked shocked.
"Really?" I shook my head. I tried not to cry because Ethan and Grayson were watching me.
"Meet me after school at my house?" I nodded again and Ethan walked over.
"Hey! You ready?" I smiled at him.
"Yeah! Of course!" We walked into my science class and of course some girls were staring at Ethan.  Ethan leaned over and whispered "don't worry yo-" I cut him off and kissed him.
"All yours? Yeah I know!"

The day was miserable. I almost cried about 2 different times. But I'm sure I'm not preggo. So I should be good. I'm sure. Me and Ethan talked for a second in his car then his mom asked him to come home. After I made my way to Brooklyn's house.

I pulled up to Brooklyn's and her car was their. Good. When I walked in it was just Brooklyn. She was on the couch with some pregnancy test. That gave me a weird feeling. When she saw me she gave me a hug.
"More hugs?" I was confused l
"Well you needed it. So i got 3 different test. Just in case"

This is it. This is the moment I find out. The moment If my life is gonna change. Forever.
"I can't look" I buried my head in my hands.
"Yes you can! 1 more minute!"
The timer went off. I felt my hands get sweaty as I paced around the bathroom.
" I'll look!"
Positive, positive, positive.
I felt my hole body fall to the floor in tears. I felt Brooklyn's arms wrap around me.

How could I be so stupid?

I cried for a good 45 minutes then conversation began again.
"How are you gonna tell Ethan? What about your mom?"
"I'll worry about that later"
My shirt had a small mascara stain. Damn I love this shirt too. At least it's gray so it won't show.

When I got home it was about 6:30pm. I walked in stunned still. My mom looked at me in confusion.
"Sweetheart? Is everything ok?" My eyes were red and I knew it.
"No" I started crying again. I couldn't help it.
"What's wrong? You know you can tell me anything?"
"I'm... I'm... pregnant" I choked on my own words.
"Sii positivo" *stay positive" I looked up and smiled.

After we went out to Red Robin. Food was good. I was really out of tune of everything. I could barely eat. It sucked. Just the thought. Of everything. I have a child growing in me. The hole idea and thought hurt my stomach in so many ways. Ethan called a couple of times I just told him I was busy.

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