Chapter 31

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I woke up to a phone call that wasn't supposed to come for a very very long time.
"Hello?" I sat up once I knew who it was.
"Hey you need to get to the hospital I'm in labor" it was the shaky voice of Brooklyn.
"Okay I'll be right there!" I looked at the clock. 6:30am. Why always on my breaks when I can get up at 9?
I waited for a second in my bed and called Ethan as I was getting ready.
"Hey is everything okay?" His voice was raspy just like it always is in the morning.
"Yeah Brooklyn's in labor I don't kno-"
"I'll be there at the hospital in 20 minutes!" Then he hung up. I hurried up and put clothes on. My mom wasn't there she was actually on a trip with Jared. I automatically just put on some clothes and headed out the door. Then hurried my way to the hospital.

I ran up to the desk and asked where she was and I went up. When I arrived on that floor I started walking towards her room. I entered and saw a unfamiliar couple. They looked up and smiled.
"Hi! I'm Aria Brooklyn's friend!" I introduced myself.
"This is Ed and Sidney Baker!" She smiled to.
"You must be so happy to see your friend give birth!" Sidney looked at me.
"Yeah! In a way!" I looked down at Brooklyn's stomach and it wasn't as big as normal people that were about to have a baby were. Then I felt a pair of arms slip around my waist.
"Good morning baby girl!" His voice was tired and cute.
"Good morning cutie." I turned around and hug him. Then turned towards Sidney and Ed.
"This is my boyfriend Ethan!" I smiled at him.
"And in his brother Grayson!" Came Grayson with a teddy bear and flowers.
"Oh this must be the baby's father?" Ed asked. Not knowing.
"No! This is just my close friend!" She smiled and gave him a hug. Then Cam walked in with flowers, and balloons.
"Hey stranger!" I hugged him.
"Hey Aria!" He hugged me back.
"Hey sweetheart! Sorry I toke so long I stopped and got you flowers and all that." He smiled at her.
"You must be the baby's father!" Cam smiled at them knowing exactly who they were.
"Ethan let's go sit in the waiting room and give Brooklyn some space!"

As hour and hours passed she slowly was about to give birth. It was about 2 and I had a therapist appointment. It was about a 15 minute session because how good life was going lately. But it's always nice to talk to someone.
"Hey Ethan I'm gonna be gone for like a hour tops. Do you wanna come with me?" He smiled and stood up.
"Alright I'll go. Where are we going!" He smiled at me.
"My therapist for a few minutes!" He smiled and we walked out the door.

"So just catch me up on life I haven't seen you in a couple weeks!" I smiled at Dr. Ashley.
"Well, Brooklyn's in labor right now. In my senior year I'm going on a trip to Italy with the sch-" she stopped me.
"Wait Brooklyn's in labor go! Now!" I got up and walked out as she yelled at me to go.

Ethan was in my drivers seat and in the moment I had something in me. I opened the door and it scared him. He was on his phone. I kissed him we began to make out. Then I straddled upon him. Then we headed to our backseat were the make out was continued. Then my top came off and I was on him as the hickeys and messy hair began to happen. Then I got a phone call and ignored it. Then it rang again.
"Hey Brooklyn's in labor you need to get here now!" I toke a breathe then put my shirt back on
"Alright I'm on my way!" I pulled my self to the front seat and so did Ethan. When he pulled away he put his hand on my thigh.
"Whatever just happened will be continued later." He gave me smirk and kissed my head.

When I walked into the room against there was a brand new baby sitting there and Brooklyn wasn't holding her. Sidney was. I knew at this moment Brooklyn was ready to live her life again. The way a teenager should.

When me and Ethan finally got back to my house I thought of the idea to have a get together with Brooklyn to make her finally feel like she is living again.

Authors note: something seem wrong about the baby's birth?

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