Chapter 32

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I woke up and it was rainy and cold out. Good April weather. Today was Ethan's get together for Brooklyn not being pregnant anymore. It starts around 4 and can leave at anytime. Ethan's parents weren't in town because it was a week day and we're on spring break. But I had promised Ethan to go over and help him seat up like the great girlfriend I am.

When I walked in a bunch of people were setting things up. Music, food, movies. Stuff like that. Then I heard my name called across the room.
"Aria!" It was Ethan.
"Hey babe!" I kissed him and I realized he had a drink in his hand.
"What is that?" I toke cup out of his hand.
"Just something to eas the stress away. I'm only had like half a cup no more!" I smiled and finished what little was left.
"God I missed that taste!" Then I kissed him leaving him surprised.
"So it's 3:30 what do we have set up?" I smiled at him.
"Well we have movies over there, food in the kitchen, the music over there, and the bedrooms upstairs" then I realized his last statement.
"Haha so funny" I responded sarcastically. Then thunder crashed and I screamed. Which I normally would never do.
"Don't worry baby girl I'll save you!"

At 4 everyone started to arrive and and at 4:15 everyone was there because as I said before we only wanted a small get together.
"Hey Brooklyn? Where's Cam?" Her smiled disappeared as she pushed me into the next room.
"I have to tell you something" she looked serious.
"Grayson's the dad!" Then we both started laughing.
"No, but me and Cam kinda broke up." She looked upset.
"Why what happened?" I hugged her.
"Well he still didn't agree with putting it up!" I made a Oo face.
"So have you toke your shots yet?" Her eyes lit up.
"Wait I have shot waiting for me?" She smiled and yelled a little.
"Well yes we will take you down there to see!" She laughed.

Then the 8 friends that were there surrounded and we all toke a shot together. Then we saw lightning go across the sky and the power went out.
"Shit" Ethan turned on his flashlight and so did everyone else.
"Guys I don't think anyone should try to head home it's dangerous out there!" Grayson was yelling from the window.
"Oh fun I get to be stuck at Ethan's house with his girlfriend and her super super cute friends!" Nathan put his arm around Jenn. One of my close friends.

For awhile we all sat and talked around a fire Ethan had made and then someone had the bright idea to get a bored game. I wouldn't mind it sounded like fun.
"Alright the bored games and in the basement and I'm gonna chose someone out of random to come with me. Mmmmm I pick Aria let's go!" I got up following him to the basement. He had one of the cute organized basements. That most people wouldn't have. Unless you have a finished basement.
"Here's the box!" Ethan put down the flashlight and toke a box down.
"Well there you go!" I smiled and he opened the box.
"So monopoly or twister?" We both laughed and he smiled.
"How about this they monopoly. And we play twister upstairs?" He kissed and smiled.
"I love you, you know that?" He was inspecting the games.
"What?" I stopped in my tracks.
"I love you" he held one of my hands and kissed me.
"I love you too Ethan" I kissed him again and smiled.

When we got upstairs and started playing monopoly and twister. Which each added up to having enough players for everyone. But I couldn't help but think about all the words I had hope to say all this time. How much I was just so in love with him. Ethan noticed and sat next to me.
"Aria Gabrielle Dolan, I like the sound of that"

When everyone was finally in sleeping bags sleeping together in the living room. Ethan and me were in his room talking. For hours and hours. By time I tired is was 4am. For a second we just layed there and he held my hand.
"I love you Ethan Grant Dolan"
"I love you too Aria Gabrielle Woods"

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