Chapter 17

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I couldn't help to reply the words my dad said to me over the phone. "Don't ever call this number again! I'll send you money whenever if that keeps you away!" My heart ached at the words. I hated it.

I woke to the most painful pain in my stomach. It felt like a knife was coming out from the inside of my stomach. I sat up and I screamed at the pain. My mom ran in and tried to soothe me. Then I stood up and I heard my mom have a small scream. Then I turned and my sheets were red of blood. My hands were red. Then before I knew it I was in a ambulance.

When I was finally in the hospital room they started doing test and everything. As hours passed nothing came up.
"Hey I'm gonna go get some food. Do you want anything?" My mom stood up.
"No I'm good" I twiddled my thumbs. I was thirsty but I was just nervous. When my mom came back she handed me the blue Gatorade in my favorite bottle. I smiled at her.
"I know your nervous but you have to drink something!" She smiled back.

After hours and hours of waiting no test came back yet. Then I saw Brooklyn frantically running in. She gave me a hug and sat next to my mom. They smiled at each other. Then the doctor finally walked in. He had a upset look on his face.
"Is the baby okay?" I automatically asked. He nodded and explained,
"Your child died, because of your hypothermia a few weeks ago, then you got the flu."
"Was it a girl?" He nodded a yes. I didn't know what to say. I was completely shocked. My heart ached. Everything hurt. Your child died. Those words hurt.

Brooklyn held my hand walking out of the hospital. I got into the backseat with Brooklyn. I didn't even want to talk. I looked out the window and that's about all I could do. Of course I couldn't help but look at videos of me and Ethan to make me smile. But this time I didn't smile. I found this picture I toke of him. He was smiling at me but not the phone. He didn't know I was taking a picture. That picture always made me smile and it did. But Ethan didn't even know. I felt Brooklyn put her hand on my shoulder and hug me. I felt a tear come out. But I didn't want to cry.

I walked into my bedroom and my sheets were already changed.I guess my mom had Brooklyn change them. I sat on my bed and cried. Just as I did a few days ago. I had my knees to my chest and set my head on my knees. Everything ached. Of pain? I have no clue. But it was bitter. And I hated it. My heart hurt. Brooklyn walked in and sat down next to me. I set my head on her shoulder.
"They we're gonna be best friends" I cried into her shoulder.
"You can't ever tell Ethan."
"I won't."
I made that decision on my own I was gonna pay for it later.

Ethan came over later and was as happy as could be. I had to fake just for him.
"You wanna go to a party? We haven't been to one in awhile!" Maybe cause I tried to avoid it.
"Yeah sure!" I smiled. I needed to get over this somehow. I was not gonna be upset.

I dressed up. Felt good. I noticed a small amount of baby weight. I just needed to work it off somehow. I held hands with Ethan walking out.
"Where are you young folks going?" My mom walked out of kitchen.
"Dinner!" I smiled at her and we left. I hadn't gotten a chance to ride in Ethan's Range Rover yet. Boy was it nice. But yet all I could think about was the baby.

Authors note: sorry for it being so short! But this is a very meaningful chapter! So please read all the way through! And double upload? Woah!!

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